If you were the OC, what's the gameplan for Saturday?

How do you spy on Gordon? Literally all 11 defensive guys will know where he is every snap. The issue is stopping him.

I've seen lots of suggestions to "stack the box" and crowd the LOS. Iowa will certainly do some of that, but if Iowa is going to win they are going to have to win the battle with the front 7 and with Lowdermilk and Lomax being precise when they attack the line of scrimmage. One miss and Gordon is gone. Nebraska tried crowding the LOS and just got obliterated. If you creep everyone up within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage, if Gordon make a guy miss in the hole he's by everyone and out the door.

King and Mabin will have to be a force as edge defenders. I see no choice but Iowa playing a lot of zone on early downs so that King and Mabin can be looking in the backfield. Will be interesting to see what Parker comes up with.

You assign one linebacker to Gordon when he's in the game. The other 10 play assignment football. The object is to hit Gordon (blocking) every play in an attempt to soften him up and keep him under 150 yds rushing.
Come on, we all know how it is going to go: jake will feel pressure right away and start peeing his pants(quick check downs), the LB's will spend the day taking the wrong angles(if they can shed the
blocks) and Melvin will run free.
win or lose, just show me some offense ! Like Morehouse said (or was it Docherman) when Iowa's O isn't on track its like watching someone getting pinned for 3 hours.
I hate to say it. But you guys who kept suggesting we could grind out a win were wrong. I said we would have to abandon our tendencies and come up with an almost totally new game plan. Read triple option or lots of other looks just as foreign. Truth be told, that approach with CJ as the starter and game-breakers like Willie/Powell was our only hope.
Run Weisman up the middle? There is no way your last name isn't Ferentz.

First play up the gut for five or so, second play up the gut for five or so (then a fumble).

Biggest problem I see with this team and someone correct me if I am wrong, or feel free to ask Chuck Long or a qb coach is the qb position (not saying Jake). When it was a designed run for Jake up the gut he did well, when he threw to the play designed person, again, he did well. There were so so many plays that had he decided to run or throw just a bit sooner, those chains would have moved easier. Did the qb competition make these kids to afraid to make a wrong decision???
He had a 7 yard window on that one throw (I know, it was right in front of me) but by the time he decided the db had read him and closed in and knocked it down. On some of his runs, had he decided a little earlier they would have gone for a few more yards, if not more .

Edit: this is about the O. On D we have simply let to many 3rd and long slip away the entire year. That stat has to be one of the worst in the big.
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