If you were the OC, what's the gameplan for Saturday?

I'm sorry to be a ******, but this will not work. We would need to be stronger and faster for this to work. KF needs to wire 1 million dollars to Hayden for some new exotics specifically taylored for this game.

Running MW on the edge won't work, and they're going to blitz from the edges like they did against Nebraska. I don't think that Iowa is ever going to get stronger than having two, possibly three NFL Draft picks starting on the Oline with Donnel, Blythe, and Scherff. If you don't have the speed or vision to hit the cutback lanes, and still want to take advantage of your tackles, run off guard and double team with your center and guard to seal inside. Let MW lower his shoulder and get that 3.4 ypc, grind it out.

When they blitz, screen till they stop. You don't need 50 ypp. Just enough to move the chains and grind clock to keep MG off of the field. Every once in a while, pop play action to the receivers who get isolated during the run blitz. You know, KOK ball.

Horizontal offense throwing it 50 times is going to get you killed, and if we don't have the speed to execute dives with this oline the jet sweep and reverse sure as hell ain't gonna work.

Not to be an asshat, but I think that's better than the Annexation of Puerto Rico.
As was said assignment football. Make them earn every dam yard, make them be flawless play after play. Allow NO big plays.

SPECIAL TEAMS!!!!!! Be nice to see some good returns, some good punting, WIN THE FIELD POSITION BATTLE!! That would really help out the O.

Reconize the blitz, and make them pay with dump offs on a mis match. NO SACKS!! If we can burn them on the blitz, they will back off a bit and when they do, it's hammer time. MW does great after he gets a little bit of momentum. Put MW and JC both in at rb and let them guess whats coming. KEEP THEM GUESSING and off guard.
You are going to need to play Powell much more to keep the bubble screen and quick "Go Route" in the back of Wisky's minds. I think this is a 3 WR 1 RB formation for a lot of the early downs and then 2 or 3 TE w/ Weisman on downs that are 2 yards or less. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Wisky has not seen a WR with the speed that Powell has, and that includes their game vs LSU.
If Iowa wins the toss, DEFER! Don't take the ball. Better to get the ball to start the second half.

I can foresee a nightmare scenario where Wisconsin scores to end the half, gets the ball to start the second half, and turns a close game into a lead Iowa is not able to come back from.
I felt pwned and then you said "we can stick with Rudock", which translates to "we can win with Rudock". Nope, we can't. Between interceptions/sacks they will snap him in 2 like its Barney Fife vs Chuck Norris.

KF is gonna have to get waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy outside his comfort zone on this one.

This is just flat out wrong. The Hawks CAN win the game with Rudock at the helm, but they're not going to be able to do it in a traditional fashion. They'll have to use the pass to set up the run. Kirk can't be conservative and stubborn or they'll find themselves down double digits and it will be too hard to come back from. Rudock is accurate and he's a capable game manager. He threw some deep passes that were flat out on the money last week but were dropped. That deep pass to KMM was right in the bread basket. If the receivers can find a way to execute on plays like that this week it will help tremendously.

It all comes down to play calling and execution. It isn't a matter of winning with CJ or losing with Rudock. I think both QBs could lead Iowa to win in this game as long as the play calling breaks tendencies.
To win, it will be on the defense to limit their points. With the weather forecast, I think field position, punching in a couple touchdowns and making a couple fieldgoals is the formula.

Hell, I don't know. Can't get down early though, I do know that.
As I said in the other thread, you have to burn their LB's early and often. You also, as was said, need your fastest recievers (I dont give a crap about hands, just need speed and some decent route running and the ability to fight for a ball, should it be poorly thrown) on the outside to keep their DB's from playing run support. Do those and you'll be surprised at how the run game opens up.
Lots of TE crossing routes (and I know we have some decent sized TE's that can run a bit), that should tie up some LB's.
Going to need the TE's to catch well, block well and have one heck of a game. If they do, the whole team will.
1. Kick ***
2. Take names

Agree with Rosebowler; This is a game where Scherff, Donnal, Blythe,
Duzey, Ray, Plewa, Weisman, Bullock need to just Nasty these girls.

Another tip for the Offense.......score Heavily and get in the
Endzone....very few field goals needed.

I hope it is Cold and LOUDER than he** in Kinnick on Saturday. Time to Shonn Greene the cheezers.

Go Hawks

end of transmission.
If I'm the OC I play our best QB, which is CJ, and let him throw the ball all over the field, I actually play a rb at the rb position instead of a slow fullback. Then again, we should have been doing this all year long, not talking about doing it for this game.
On defense I would have a spy on MG3. Stack the box and roll the dice with our backfield. Make them pass the ball.

On offense, dink and dunk will kill us. Willies would be nice for this game, but since we don't have him we need lots of Smith; Duzey; Canzeri; Powell; Wadley. I would put Weisman in the backfield with our speed backs and do lots of misdirection. SPEED SPEED SPEED. Oh, and CJ would start and play the whole game. Vandy and McCarron would be honorary water-boys for the rest of the season.

How do you spy on Gordon? Literally all 11 defensive guys will know where he is every snap. The issue is stopping him.

I've seen lots of suggestions to "stack the box" and crowd the LOS. Iowa will certainly do some of that, but if Iowa is going to win they are going to have to win the battle with the front 7 and with Lowdermilk and Lomax being precise when they attack the line of scrimmage. One miss and Gordon is gone. Nebraska tried crowding the LOS and just got obliterated. If you creep everyone up within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage, if Gordon make a guy miss in the hole he's by everyone and out the door.

King and Mabin will have to be a force as edge defenders. I see no choice but Iowa playing a lot of zone on early downs so that King and Mabin can be looking in the backfield. Will be interesting to see what Parker comes up with.
If the boys are up to the challenge of putting on the big boys pants, here is an idea.
Right up the gut. None of this juking, just lower the shoulder and hit those middle lbs HARD. Soften up the d's qb's a little. Maybe put them on the bench for a little bit and test their second string lb's\qb's of the d. Something tells me the weakness of the 3\4 is the middle. Part the red sea boys and hit them hard.
Why? Because all during their practices they chase Gordan side to side, so they have some speed back there, but how durable are they??
Plus we saw how well a faster slippery rb did last week against the cheese heads.

BTW, tell our boys on D to watch Gordans stiff arm!!!!
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If the boys are up to the challenge of putting on the big boys pants, here is an idea.
Right up the gut. None of this juking, just lower the shoulder and hit those middle lbs HARD. Soften up the d's qb's a little. Maybe put them on the bench for a little bit and test their second string lb's\qb's of the d. Something tells me the weakness of the 3\4 is the middle. Part the red sea boys and hit them hard.
Why? Because all during their practices they chase Gordan side to side, so they have some speed back there, but how durable are they??
Plus we saw how well a faster slippery rb did last week against the cheese heads.

BTW, tell our boys on D to watch Gordans stiff arm!!!!

Run Weisman up the middle? There is no way your last name isn't Ferentz.
Iowa needs to be what they have the ability to be, but haven't shown since the PU game...an attacking offense. We need to spread them with 3 wides. WUs plays a 3-4, so make their lb'ers cover a receiver. then, run off that with Wadley, Canzeri and Parker. CJ plays the entire game, or the ability to be an attack offense doesn't materialize.

Defensively, load the box. Use the nickel with Gair and run blitz on every damn play, if necessary. As crazy as it sounds, Gordon will get 150+ and probably 2 or 3 td's. If we can hold him (and Clements) to no more than 250 yards and 4 scores, that'd be a successful day.

We must plan on scoring in the 40's and giving up in the 40's. We need to win a shootout.

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