If you thought Ferentz was testy, Check out Hayden Fry presser

Coaches or people like that only come along every so often. Absolutely a legend. Gave me goosbumps watching him.
Love watching that.

Does he not look like KF there plus 10 years and 25 lbs?
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Hilarious. Here is another from the 80s where he is threatening to start only giving interviews to the people he likes:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p62DeBSN1jE&feature=related]Hayden Fry - YouTube[/ame]
Do they have the Fry presser after Marc Hansen wrote the "Hayden Fry is Incredible" hack job?
After watching the 1st clip, I wonder how Hayden would have answered the DJK question(s) this week.
I'd say KF was equally testy. Hayden was more outspoken, so therefore he deserves a more outspoken "outburst"/"testiness".
I totally agree with this..its awesome watching him.

He was just what Iowa needed back then. I remember him getting a lot more fiesty than that too! His mannerisms or something have always reminded me of my dad and watching him on that video was like listening to him now.