
Please post any glitches or errors that you may be seeing so that we can address them as the next few days go along..thank you for your help!
I could see the "new look" when I first came to the site this morning (on tablet and on laptop), but when I logged in, the old look was back. NBD, but wanted to let you know.

Also, still no like button. ;)
Just curious, is there a "new posts" button like before? So I don't have to go to the individual forums to see the threads.
Just curious, is there a "new posts" button like before? So I don't have to go to the individual forums to see the threads.

That will be reinstalled today, as will the 'What's New' button which pulls in the most recent 100 or so posts from all forums.
Don't you see the "what's new" at the top? Maybe it's because I had that bookmarked but it doesn't look any different and I've been using it right along this morning.
All lowercase c's are showing up as o's in thread titles.


Put this in your man oave
Don't you see the "what's new" at the top? Maybe it's because I had that bookmarked but it doesn't look any different and I've been using it right along this morning.

Hmm..no I dont..can you post link?? RIght mouse click on 'What's New' and paste it please. Thank you
I didn't see this thread before I posted this elsewhere.

Jon, I've noticed three issues so far. See attached pictures. I've seen each of these problems on both Opera and Google Chrome (with a cleared cache) on Windows 8.1.

1. The font that is being used makes the lower-case "c" look like an "o" sometimes.


2. For threads with multiple pages, the page numbers are displayed in gold on a grey background, which makes them difficult to read.


3. Embedded tweets don't seem to be displaying correctly.

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Just a little nit to pick, but while you are cleaning things up.....The gray lettering on the names in a dark colored box is very hard to see. If you look above at Jumpers post, you can barely read who posted the comment, as it is dark lettering on a dark background.
Ditto on the lettering for screen names. Mine is showing up black on an "almost black" background.

MNHawkeyeFreak - Have you changed anything in your general settings under your profile? I noticed that if you change to the "Hawk" skin, the site looks exactly like it did before, including the "What's New" button. The new look is the "New HN" skin.
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The new site is not working well on Android devices. The main forum navigation page is hard to read. The page makes it difficult to see what I'm typing. If you have an Android device check it out.
When viewing threads in a forum.... The Avatar next to the person who last posted in a thread is the OP's avataor, not the person who last replied.
Ditto on the lettering for screen names. Mine is showing up black on an "almost black" background.

MNHawkeyeFreak - Have you changed anything in your general settings under your profile? I noticed that if you change to the "Hawk" skin, the site looks exactly like it did before, including the "What's New" button. The new look is the "New HN" skin.
I have changed nothing in my settings so for the most part, everything looks as before.