If we beat nebraska


Well-Known Member
If we beat NEB are we going to act the same way that minn, nd isu acts when they beat us. In other words does NEB view us the same way we view isu nd minn? Expecting to win at ease nd not worrying bout us.im afraid its going to be like that.
But hey if thats the case, itll be a rivalry game that iowa finally wakes up for and plays hard no matter the record.
Right now its a unemotional, paper rivalry. But beating a ranked team on the road would be a major accomplishment for the hawkeyes right now.
I think it would be more like when we lose to jNW. They're a respectable team, but shouldn't be on our level.

Losing to this year's Minnesota would be like if Nebraska lost to Indiana or something. Basically should never happen.
Moot point Nebraska will roll us! Their defense is coming on and they are mobile at every skill spot on offense. Special teams are very good...and they will have a huge hard on for us! It will get ugly quickly, and I have tickets too!
My concern is that if the way things look with personnel this year and next, that the league will find a way to move Iowa out of that Friday after T'giving spot against Nebby. That is a showcase game, it has to be compelling and competitive.
They havent meet on the feild in 10 years. We are told that this is a rivaly, We want it to be a rivalry but until you play, it is not a rivalry. Until then it is paper.
If we beat NEB are we going to act the same way that minn, nd isu acts when they beat us. In other words does NEB view us the same way we view isu nd minn? Expecting to win at ease nd not worrying bout us.im afraid its going to be like that.
But hey if thats the case, itll be a rivalry game that iowa finally wakes up for and plays hard no matter the record.

That was really hard to read...
If we beat NEB are we going to act the same way that minn, nd isu acts when they beat us. In other words does NEB view us the same way we view isu nd minn? Expecting to win at ease nd not worrying bout us.im afraid its going to be like that.But hey if thats the case, itll be a rivalry game that iowa finally wakes up for and plays hard no matter the record.
That was really hard to read...

Its called reading, left to right, top to bottom. You put words together as a sentence. Figure it out, not that hard

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