If UNI were in Big Ten this yr they would have...


Where do you think they would have finished?

IMO Ohio State, Michigan State, Purdue and Wisconsi would have finished ahead of UNI. So we are down to fifth.

The weekly grind of the Big Ten is just that, a grind. I think Minnesota would split with them, NW probly too. Michigan as well. UNI plays in maybe one arena in that league that compares to what u see nine times a year on the road in the Big Ten.

I think no better than fifth, probly 6 or 7
7th at best IMO. The played in a very weak conf. this season, one of the worst major conferences in the country. They would get destroyed playing game after game against the likes of MSU and OSU.
I'd say 7th or 8th. They definitely have the players to compete with just about anybody this year, but I don't know if they could do it game in and game out in the Big 10.
Is there a point behind this thread or is this just another lame way of saying you do not want Ben Jacobson as coach? To try and say UNI is the 7th or 8th best team in the Big 10 after they just upset Kansas to reach the sweet 16 blows my mind. They beat the #1 team in the nation with a crowd that favored Kansas. Did anyone just witness how bad Wisconsin looked against Cornell? But Cornell would finish 7th or 8th in the B10 right?
some ppl that follow me on Twitter are asking because I said on Friday that I felt they would be 6 or 7 in Big Ten and ppl asking me now if I have changed my mind. I have not. And am curious to see if I am just a locust eater or if others feel this way.

The Big Ten race isn't decided in a one off setting. So by your thinking UNI would have won the Big 12 bcz they beat KU?
No, I never suggested that UNI would win the B12 just because they beat Kansas. But I do find it unusual you bring up a negative topic about UNI when it is obvious you do not want Ben Jacobson here as coach.
I agree with Jon and I don't want Ben Jacobsen for a coach...he's not what we need right now. We need a George Raveling type of recruiter that can coach.
No, I never suggested that UNI would win the B12 just because they beat Kansas. But I do find it unusual you bring up a negative topic about UNI when it is obvious you do not want Ben Jacobson here as coach.

Sorry I am not validating your feelings on this ;)

There are quite a few UNI alums on here. UNI is the Switzerland of Iowa. And we were all proud last night.

Enough people have DM'd me about it on Twitter that I found it to be an interesting discussion topic. If I am wrong this thread will Peter out. Nothing more nothing less. I have nothing against Coach Jacobson. They are the story of the tournament and that is awesome. You are looking for motives that so not exist.
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I think UNI would be right around 5 and would have been an at large bid to the NCAA. They would have a chance to split with most of the top teams but Jacobson is not on par as a coach with the likes of Izzo, Ryan, Matta so they would all be able to make adjustments a second time around or year after year of playing Jac teams. They will do very well in the one and done environment like the tourney.
some ppl that follow me on Twitter are asking because I said on Friday that I felt they would be 6 or 7 in Big Ten and ppl asking me now if I have changed my mind. I have not. And am curious to see if I am just a locust eater or if others feel this way.

The Big Ten race isn't decided in a one off setting. So by your thinking UNI would have won the Big 12 bcz they beat KU?

Sorry, Jon, this strikes some of us as just another snarky post from you about why Jacobson should not be considered. (Hey, folks, can we all correctly spell his name -- son, not -sen).

BTW your premise is false. You assume UNI plays in the B10 with the same players it currently has. I don't think the same players who are attracted to UNI are going to be attracted to Iowa, or the other way around. It is only conjecture to speculate what a Jacobsen/Big 10-recruited team would do in the Big 10. He has never recruited the Big10, only the MVC.

He might well have a different game plan and a different approach with Big 10-caliber players.

Jacobson appears to be a very good coach. I think he has some advantages over your current favorite, Steve Forbes, in that he has run his own program for the past four years.

I think he deserves to be treated as a serious candidate for the Iowa position, just as I do several other names that have been mentioned.
Is there a point behind this thread or is this just another lame way of saying you do not want Ben Jacobson as coach? To try and say UNI is the 7th or 8th best team in the Big 10 after they just upset Kansas to reach the sweet 16 blows my mind. They beat the #1 team in the nation with a crowd that favored Kansas. Did anyone just witness how bad Wisconsin looked against Cornell? But Cornell would finish 7th or 8th in the B10 right?

It is a valid question and I suspect you over reacted based on knowing UNI would get eaten alive in the Big 10 over the course of the season. Cornell would as well, it is one thing to play well over the weekend...it is another playing 18 conf. games against the likes of MSU, OSU, Purdue, Illinois, WI, etc. UNI played in a conf. that got exactly ONE team in the tourney, that is how bad the MVC is.
I think UNI would have finished no worse than 4th. They have all the ingredients, good guards, a big man, good size at the forward positions, depth, they play good defense, they are good shooters and they have excellent coaching. They are a very well rounded team, no matter the conference discussed.
I think UNI would have finished no worse than 4th. They have all the ingredients, good guards, a big man, good size at the forward positions, depth, they play good defense, they are good shooters and they have excellent coaching. They are a very well rounded team, no matter the conference discussed.

Sorry, Jon, this strikes some of us as just another snarky post from you about why Jacobson should not be considered. (Hey, folks, can we all correctly spell his name -- son, not -sen).

BTW your premise is false. You assume UNI plays in the B10 with the same players it currently has. I don't think the same players who are attracted to UNI are going to be attracted to Iowa, or the other way around. It is only conjecture to speculate what a Jacobsen/Big 10-recruited team would do in the Big 10. He has never recruited the Big10, only the MVC.

He might well have a different game plan and a different approach with Big 10-caliber players.

Jacobson appears to be a very good coach. I think he has some advantages over your current favorite, Steve Forbes, in that he has run his own program for the past four years.

I think he deserves to be treated as a serious candidate for the Iowa position, just as I do several other names that have been mentioned.

MY premise is false, yet you are going to evaluate Ben/UNI in the Big Ten this year on fictional players that he might or might not be able to get? whew

As for your interpreting that it's snarky, I have told you that was not the intent. Not much more I can do there.

Also, Forbes is not my current favorite. Pearl still is :)
MY premise is false, yet you are going to evaluate Ben/UNI in the Big Ten this year on fictional players that he might or might not be able to get? whew

As for your interpreting that it's snarky, I have told you that was not the intent. Not much more I can do there.

Also, Forbes is not my current favorite. Pearl still is :)

I make NO projection of how UNI would fare in the Big 10; my point is that you are making an apples to oranges comparison, and it doesn't work.

Jacobson's record so far suggests he is a very solid coach who is perhaps ready to take the next step. Barta would need to decide whether he could grow into the Iowa MBB position. I'm not sure he's my favorite yet, but he does seem to have the chops to get it done.
I have said as much numerous times; Jacobson is a fine coach and I think he will have an opportunity to parlay this into a once in a lifetime payday.

Personally, I'd rather that be somewhere other than Iowa

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