if the rumor is true about Coordinators

Frankly I would be surprised at Stoops at Iowa. Are we willing to pay $750k+ for a coordinator? I know we could, but would we?

I would not be surprised to see promotion within on the defensive side of the ball. Parker or Wilson, or make the Co-coordinators.

On the offensive side of the ball they would have to go outside. There is nobody currently on the offensive side of the ball who is anything but a position coach.
who is kurt?

No one has mentioned the most obvious way that KOK could end up at PSU.

oroko - Ferentz already addressed the PSU rumors. He came out and said he'll be at Iowa as long as Iowa will have him. He isn't going anywhere.
what do you expect KF to say, getting ready for OU
the team does need distractions
any changes in the Coaching Staff will be done after the Bowl
when the public will get the official word
the kids probably know about Norm retiring and will use it as a incentive
Soup might be a assistant OC, it has been rumored he is not interested in the OC position
my only question is "IF" KOK gets a HC position and leaves
who would Iowa get as the QB's coach and OC,
as that is what people clamor for to get a QB coach
as for Phil Parker getting the DC job I am not sure he is a good choice after him being the DC in place of Norm while he was in the hospital
and that didn't turn out the best
Also, in every single game that Iowa has ever won under the current staff, KOK's offense had to put more points on the board than Norm's D allowed.

See how that works?

You're an idiot.

Um, you do realize that it's far easier for your offense to score more points than your defense allows if you have a great defense, right?
oroko - Ferentz already addressed the PSU rumors. He came out and said he'll be at Iowa as long as Iowa will have him. He isn't going anywhere.

Because no coach has ever come out and said they aren't going anywhere, and then turn around and take another job? Coaches ALWAYS say stuff like that. That means squat if a better opportunity comes along. What do you expect a coach to say? "Yeah, I'd consider another opportunity if it came along?" Doesn't happen. What do you think would happen if a coach DID say something like that?
Um, you do realize that it's far easier for your offense to score more points than your defense allows if you have a great defense, right?

Don't feed the tool..I mean troll. That 6-4 win in Happy Valley was obviously because of our Big12-esque high powered offense. :rolleyes:
He came out and said he'll be at Iowa as long as Iowa will have him. That's not a typical response from a coach who would entertain other offers. If he was considering anything else he would be less direct about it. He'd say something like "All I know is right now I'm focused on our bowl game against OU and I've always been happy in Iowa". That is less direct but it leaves his options open. Ferentz isn't going anywhere... If he was it would be to the NFL not to PSU.
The Big Ten Network guys were talking about the asst coaching salaries. They seemed to think Mattison would be the first million dollar guy and that all of the other schools would follow suit.

I'd love to see Soup at OC if KOK is really going elsewhere (for the record, I don't think KOK is the problem). Someone upthread said he doesn't want to be an OC. I've heard from a few well connected sources he wants to move up the coaching chain. Take it for what its worth.

I really didn't like MS at Arizona but I'd take him if it meant infusing some energy into this team and shaking things up.
Because no coach has ever come out and said they aren't going anywhere, and then turn around and take another job? Coaches ALWAYS say stuff like that. That means squat if a better opportunity comes along. What do you expect a coach to say? "Yeah, I'd consider another opportunity if it came along?" Doesn't happen. What do you think would happen if a coach DID say something like that?

KF isn't Nick Saban.
You guys realize if KOK is to be replaced, Ferentz will have to want to replace him.

Or Ferentz will have to be replaced....
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The Big Ten Network guys were talking about the asst coaching salaries. They seemed to think Mattison would be the first million dollar guy and that all of the other schools would follow suit.

I'd love to see Soup at OC if KOK is really going elsewhere (for the record, I don't think KOK is the problem). Someone upthread said he doesn't want to be an OC. I've heard from a few well connected sources he wants to move up the coaching chain. Take it for what its worth.

I really didn't like MS at Arizona but I'd take him if it meant infusing some energy into this team and shaking things up.

Too late. Clemson going to pay their OC $1.3 million to keep him.

I thought Malzahn was around that figure too, too lazy to look it up.

Why is there such a desire to hire Campbell as OC?

Everything I hear inside is that he isn't coordinator material. I am just curious what others are basing their opinion on as for him being a competent OC.

EDIT: Malzahn is at 1.3 as well. Clemson OC is 1.3 per for SIX YEARS! Wow.
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Yeah, except for, you know, KIRK FERENTZ'S BEST EVER TEAM in 2002 that was propelled by a magnificent offense and medicore (overall) defense.

Also, in every single game that Iowa has ever won under the current staff, KOK's offense had to put more points on the board than Norm's D allowed.

See how that works?

You're an idiot.

Yeah the defense never scored any points...A big stop or int on the opponents side of the field that leads to a FG can also be considered points for the D.
Yeah the defense never scored any points...A big stop or int on the opponents side of the field that leads to a FG can also be considered points for the D.

Who gets the credit for pinning the other team deep inside thier own 20, you would have to agree that it increases the odds for the events quoted above to take place? So, does the credit for the opponents drive that stalls partially go the Offense for advancing the ball to mid-field which results in horrible field position for the opponent after the punt?

I only took the other side of the arguement to point out that you are in a 50/50 prop here. You could argue yourself into a circle.

I think what you both want is more accountability.

Someone to impose or at least rekindle the fire in the Coaching staff's collective bellies. You put Stoops in there and every coach under Ferentz hopefully goes through a thorough self-check or some sort of personal assessment.

Example: Have you ever welcomed a new peer to your management team (or similarly had to welcome a coworker on a same level as you?).

With almost an uncanny certainty you (and your other peers/co-workers) will act more professionally and be more "on top" of your typical duties in an effort to not be shown up by the new guy/gal. This happens for a while then complacency sets back in, but you may have added something to your repertoire. Bottom Line, casual (or even drastic) changes are needed to keep people eager/hungry/professional/<insert adjective>

This does not come from being jealous or envious, not even out of resentment for the new hire, but from the old saying "we are what we repeatedly do."

That quote in it's entirety is actually:

"We are what we repeatedly do. EXCELLENCE, then, it is not an act, but a Habit." -Aristotle

That quote sums up what this Staff has strived/is striving for. Substitute Execution for Excellence. I remember my coach always saying the phrase "Paralysis by Analysis." And Iowa Players and coaches are usually at their best when they just act, not analyze the situationals to death. Or even more simply put, "fly under the radar."

When we are in big games, or are underdogs, we just go out and try to impose our will (by playing the "Iowa" way) on the other teams. When we seem to have the edge, or are favored- we tend to be caught on our heels trying to be safe/practical.

Any historian, millitary mind, politician will tell you that nothing good comes to those who wait, or who are passive/non-confrontational. The cunning aggressor is usually the victor.

Iowa Possesses no cunning or aggression at the current moment. Stoops carries both of those genes. It is a phone call that needs to be made, regardless of what Norm plans to do (and that is meant with no disrespect towards Norm.) Something could be made from loyalty, but the best leader is feared/restented, not loved/cherished- the Machiavellian way.
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ROFLMAO every argument/talk about football is a big circle, yet its the only major ball game not to to use a round ball.....

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