I think we need to temper expectations

The Hawks are averaging over 90 points per game and you are complaining about the "iso-style" offense?

The Hawks had over 50 points at half and their leading scorer on the year only had 4 at that point. The team had 5 guys in double figures last night.

You are just looking for something to complain about.

I've honestly never seen this practice elevated to such an art form. I mean, people have bitched about every little thing regarding football in the last couple years, but at least a lot of that criticism was warranted. This is just getting ridiculous. I'm getting to the point where, if it would shut up all these morons who think Gesell getting an ingrown toenail might cost us 3 points and therefore it's a critical injury, I'd be okay with the team losing a few games.

That wouldn't work, but I'm just about willing to try anything at this point. It's insufferable, and it's all over this forum now.
Alright. Maybe i am missing it.
Marble came to Iowa as a skinny 17 yr old and Gabe was new to the game. Every player on the teamshould improve each year they play based on the natural process of maturity and repetition. Maybe its on the players and not the coaches but I am seeing less "team" basketball and more iso-style of offense. Isnt that part of player development? These guys played better team basketball last year.
I'm not trolling you guys. Its honest concern for what I am watching right now. Maybe I didnt look at it from the right direction. After having read the responses, it's not the development of the players that's lacking. It's the lack of development of the "team" game.

Assuming you're not trolling and you either just don't pay much attention or just aren't that bright; Iowa is 6th in the country in assists per game and number 3 in total assists. If you don't know what assists are (I'm leaving anything open as a possibility at this point) it's when you PASS the ball to a guy who scores. So, I think our issue with the "team" game is fine.

Just watch us face a zone. We destroy it with team play and passing.
I have 900 more posts than you and I joined in 2010. So, I'd say you are the troll or at the very least, some high school kid that just discovered the internet. Congrats on being a Hawkeye fan for a whopping 13 months! I've probably been to Iowa Bowl games before you were born.

Ok, this explains a lot. So you're just old as balls and extremely senile, kind of like the ol' Hurbster. And I like how you pulled out the post count. Sweet, brah. Btw, I've got sooo many more posts than you.

You guys wanna match bona fides Hawk fan to Hawk fan, lets do it. I'm not the most rabid but my resume won't be matched by a lot of posters in this thread. That much I can say with certainty.

What the hell does this even mean? Lol. Are you picking a fight over the internet? And your resume? PLEASE post it. I'm intrigued.
After reading this post and the HN message board as of late let me help answer your concerns.

Fran has developed these young men into basketball studs it's just that to date we have had horrible officiating in the games so they have not been able to show their true awesomeness!

We as a fan base do have high expectations. We need not tamper it, because once we get some half way decent officials to ref our games then we will DESTROY OTHER TEAMS!

In all seriousness i am more concerned with the fact that Fran forgot to put Gabe back in the game. He had a great first half it’s just too bad. You will never know but i don’t think that game gets that close if Gabe is in. I thought he was playing better post D then Adam on Tuesday.
I can see why people laugh at this OP, but I think he makes some good points. I actually think that there has been good player development, outside of Woodbury. Marble, McCabe, and Olaseni are examples of guys that have come a long way. They are now legit contributors (Marble is more than a contributor) for a competitive team. Woodbury is the lone example of a guy that hasn't developed yet. I can't stand watching him play most of the time. But in all fairness, he does a number of things pretty well. He is a good passer in many situations (when he can get and catch the ball) and he does a solid job of keeping the ball high around the rim. Maybe others will disagree with that, but I've been pleasantly surprised with his skill of keeping the ball at or above his head, a skill that so many big men don't have.

However, his lack of athletic ability is a serious problem that he has yet to overcome. He can't jump, move around laterally with any sort of quickness, or finish around the basket. The result is inconsistent play on offense. And I think he's getting shafted by the refs on defense quite a bit; it's as if the refs know he's slow, so they just call fouls that they think he's committing, his lack of quickness hurts him in this way and he's getting in foul trouble so early and often that he gets taken out of the game and he doesn't get very many minutes. If he could improve his movement and defense, and maybe not get BS fouls called on him, he would play more minutes and get more time to practice and display his game and offensive skills.

But because he's a somewhat unathletic big man, he'll take a ton of time to develop and it's an ongoing (slow) process. To get over-frustrated is unfair to him and I think he's improving in ways that we can't always see. By his senior year, I truly think he will be a really good college player, but it may take that long to get there.

So as to lack of player development, I pretty much disagree. But through their first couple games I will say this: I seriously question Fran's ability to be an in-game coach and I've thought that for the past couple seasons.

I think he in fact is a good player developer, he is a solid recruiter, and he seems to be a great motivator of his players. But there are times when I am frustrated watching them struggle (offensively, defensively, both) and I wish he would do what great coaches do, and step in. In these first few games against Nova and ND, I think he's taking an early season approach of letting his players play through their own struggles and rough patches. So maybe that explains why he is sort of a hands off coach, and if that's the reason then I have no problem with it. But I have been frustrated with his tactics on both ends of the floor.

My two main criticisms are: If they have so many bodies and such a deep bench... why are they playing terrible zone defense? And when they are struggling on offense (to score and get good shots) how about he calls a play once in a while and try to set something up?
And when they are struggling on offense (to score and get good shots) how about he calls a play once in a while and try to set something up?

I disagree with various portions of your post. This is the line I can't ignore. Iowa routinely comes out of a timeout and runs a set play for an easy basket (dunk) or wide open shot.

Also, I am constantly commenting within each game on how good our out of bounds plays are. Tom Davis ran some good out of bounds plays but Fran has so many and the defense never knows what we're going to do. It's one of his greatest strengths IMO.
I fail to see how a team shoots over 50% against a good, well coached team, without running some plays and running them successfully. Especially when we score a lot of points off of multiple passes. Just because we score quickly doesn't mean we're not running a set play.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

A lesson that would be well learned by the OP.
I think this thread deserves to be revisited. I should have trusted What my eyes were telling me in the OOC season. but I started drinking the Kool aid like everyone else. So what's the answer? Is it development, in game coaching or solely on the players?
I think this thread deserves to be revisited. I should have trusted What my eyes were telling me in the OOC season. but I started drinking the Kool aid like everyone else. So what's the answer? Is it development, in game coaching or solely on the players?

I think there are plenty of threads addressing this very issue. Tooting your own horn over a thread you started in EARLY December saying to temper expectations is stupid. At that point no one thought Iowa would be ranked in the top 10 and would be in contention for the B1G title.

So how many more of you negative nancies are going to bump old threads and chest up to us at how you were soooo great in telling us how we were going to suck this season? Damn, you must be some proud Hawkeye fans! Are you all the same jerks that made some of us feel like crap after the football team beat Northwestern?
I already admitted that i fell into line like everyone else. Im as embarrassed as anyone. I didnt start this thread to be a negative nancie, although i was certainly treated accordingly. This thread is a good reminder for some people, myself included.
I think it is as simple as this team just doesn't know how to finish games. It was the problem all year, and Fran eluded to it a couple times. He said the team "lacks toughness", and is "mentally fragile".

I think some of it comes down to the other team, and the perceived softness of Iowa. It is like other teams know that if they are tight with Iowa, they feel confident they will win, and they hit the shots. Confidence begets better play a lot of the time, and Iowa just doesn't have that in the last 3 min of a game.
I think there are plenty of threads addressing this very issue. Tooting your own horn over a thread you started in EARLY December saying to temper expectations is stupid. At that point no one thought Iowa would be ranked in the top 10 and would be in contention for the B1G title.

So how many more of you negative nancies are going to bump old threads and chest up to us at how you were soooo great in telling us how we were going to suck this season? Damn, you must be some proud Hawkeye fans! Are you all the same jerks that made some of us feel like crap after the football team beat Northwestern?

Agreed. Nobody likes an "I told you so" when you already have open wounds. That is just pouring in salt.

I am sick of being told to temper my expectations and just expect less. This Iowa team was ranked 10th in the country in January, and completely fell apart down the stretch. But yeah, I guess that's "on me" for expecting more than we got. Hmmm. Or, maybe the team just underachieved these past couple weeks? Possible?
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I dont know if we under performed. How many All BIG players do you think we have? Marble. Gesell might get 3rd team or honorable mention. Thats all i see. Nobody else is close.
Agreed. Nobody likes an "I told you so" when you already have open wounds. That is just pouring in salt.

I am sick of being told to temper my expectations and just expect less. This Iowa team was ranked 10th in the country in January, and completely fell apart down the stretch. But yeah, I guess that's "on me" for expectation more than we got. Hmmm. Or, maybe the team just underachieved these past couple weeks? Possible?

To be fair though....this Iowa team never should have been ranked in the top 10...they were over hyped from the start.
To be fair though....this Iowa team never should have been ranked in the top 10...they were over hyped from the start.

I'm not sure. Maybe 10 was a bit high, and I always felt the "Final Four" hype was overblown, but this still looked like a Top 15-20 team to me.

A lot of that hype came from the way the team played for the better part of this season, not so much pre-season hype. There's a big difference between mid-season hype and pre-season hype if you ask me.
Wow. Read through this entire thread. Some "real men of genius" in here. I wont call you out by name. Everyone can see who you are.
This team played good defense earlier in the year.

The main weakness to me is not a great shooting team.

Can you imagine this team hitting 50% or so from 3 pt range and its jumpers, drawing out the other team , and then slicing and dicing them with White and Basabe cutting to the hoop

They arent a big threat from the arc so teams clog up the lane.

We need better and very consistent shooters.
IMO, Fran's system expects the player to be athletic. I think that's good. IMO, Fran will get a lot of good recruits with that system. Unfortunately, Iowa doesn't have a lot of athletic players.

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