1. I have said repeatedly I was and am fine with the things I was critical about. If i could have a do over, I would have been less petulant with some of the things I said and did...like not tweeting
something like this, and not playing The Doors 'The End' song as an intro and outro bed on my post-Nebraska podcast, and not calling Kirk 'gutless' for not having CJB and Rudock speak after the Tax Slayer Bowls. Unprofessional things of that nature. That is what I have tried to explain...not that I would change the core critiques, just the presentation could have been more respectful and professional.
2. I am of the opinion it is hard to win at Iowa. I am of the opinion that Kirk is worth what he earns. I am of the opinion that adding additional buyout language to the extension wasn't the best thing to do, but it is what it is, and nothing can change it, and I am not going to whine and moan about it the next 10 years. I'd like to see Iowa get to the point where it can sustain higher levels of success for longer periods of time, three years out of five...any more than is unrealistic in my opinion. I think folks tend to think that Iowa should be immune or above such lulls...which I reject, as Michigan, Tennessee, Florida, UCLA, Penn State, etc, ie traditional blue blood powers, have not been beyond such lulls the past decade.
5-3 is a disappointing mark at this point in time for this season, no doubt. But the whole what Kirk earns stuff is just a tiring topic to me. As is how quickly people forget they just experienced a 12-0 regular season and Iowa's first trip to Pasadena in 25 years. I guess I'm not wired like that camp...doesn't make me better or worse, we just see things differently...and I don't feel moved to grab the pitchfork and torches.