Well-Known Member
The program is starting to deflect which is the first sign that they have no idea to fix what is wrong and need someone to blame. The first salvo was the tweet from Brian about the stadium experience. They are trying to blame Iowa's terrible play at home on the sound system and score boards? Are you kidding me?
iowa didn't need a kick *** sound system or scoreboard from 2002 to 2004 or 2009. It appears the staff has decided that they are running out of excuses so let's blame in on tech stuff. You only need this crap if you have to make an artificial experience because the product on the field sucks.
(Sorry to the defense that you get lumped into the word program when the offense has been the problem 11 out of 14 years.)
Brian wasn't making excuses. He was going on record of saying the environment is old and stale which it is. I'm sure you were pumping up the burrito and putting smiles on your face cheering the black truck to win.
Also, the sound system does suck. The song going into the fourth quarter sounded god awful and kept fading in and out and was eventually drowned out by the fans cheering lets go hawks. The music selection is boring
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