I live in Omaha, future in laws are Husker fans..

"That's not arrogance..."
And that's where your "Husker-ness" kicks in. It IS arrogance.

"Yes, according to the scoreboard, you won."
Does anything else matter? I mean, I could go on about how we were missing our QB...and our 1000+ yard star running back...and how half the team had a serious case of the flu...but none of that matters. We simply won the game...in YOUR HOUSE.

And as for your attacks on ISU...have at it. They are irrelevant, but if that's all you got, go for it. I'm fairly sure I haven't been making any arguments for the stellar shape of ISU football on this thread...so when you make an argument to counter that, its simply erecting a straw man. The topic is NU football and how it stands in relation to the members of its new conference. Putting you at a level comparable to Michigan State and Wisconsin is quite reasonable...and far from an insult. I place you there, not as an ISU fan, but as an avid fan of NCAA football in general.

And let me give you another hint. We're going to kick your butt out of Ames with your tail shoved firmly between your legs. Call it a parting gift as you head for your new conference...it will go nicely with the 20 million bucks you're also losing to the conference. =)

And finally, you can't seriously think your program is at a comparable level with Penn State and Ohio State, do you? That would be frighteningly delusional, if so.
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mesaclone, eisthemenace, did you actually WATCH the game last year? Just about each turnover I saw was more unbelievably lucky than the last. Yes, according to the scoreboard, you won. But take ONE of those turnovers back, and we win that game. Fact is sure, we didn't. But think about how incredibly close you were to being +7 on turnovers and still losing a game. That's Iowa State football in a nutshell right there.

It's also pretty lame and a flat out falsehood for a Big 12 cellar dweller to get up on Nebraska, saying they'll be a middle-of-the-road team in the Big 10. Even if we were going to be a middle-of-the-road team in the Big 10, that would be worlds better than where ISU will always be. But we, like Iowa, will be contending for championships. You, ISU, have never even won the Big 12 North through one of the weakest points of its existence. You've been part of that weakness.

That's not arrogance, it's a fact. Get ready to be manhandled in Ames. It's not even going to be close.

Honest question-- do you feel that Nebraska flat out beat Oklahoma last year? Or was there a little luck in play.... here's the stat line:

Total Plays 57 87

NU +4 in turnovers

I'm sure you were more than happy to take that win. Why? you won on the scoreboard. That's all that matters.
Honest question-- do you feel that Nebraska flat out beat Oklahoma last year? Or was there a little luck in play.... here's the stat line:

Total Plays 57 87

NU +4 in turnovers

I'm sure you were more than happy to take that win. Why? you won on the scoreboard. That's all that matters.

You do have a point there, I will say that.

However, those turnovers (5 interceptions, total) were legit and forced by our D. They weren't blind, dumb luck like at least 5 of the ones against ISU were. Our O certainly didn't win that game, our D did. And we finished the year #1 in the NCAA in scoring D, the most important stat IMHO. Where did ISU's D finish? In any category? Where did their O finish?

mesaclone, you are delusional. Paul Rhodes will be great for Iowa State, and I wish the clones success in the future... especially against Texas if that day were to ever come where Texas could shoot themselves in the foot 8 or more times. Fact is, though, that is what it will take for ISU to ever get a good, quality win against a team like that. Nebraska almost beat them in 60 minutes of football with the same putrid offense that coughed it up 8 times.

Say what you will about next year, about where we will stand in the Big 10... those are two things I cannot WAIT to settle on the field. Just don't go around thinking you're going to get any more than 6 wins next year. And rest assured, one of them will certainly NOT be against the Huskers. Bet on it.
Ive said it before and I say it again.......Husker Fan.............is like Raider fan just less make up.... just substitute 1976 for 1994; 1980 for 1995, and 1980 for 1997. Jason Campbell is the new Jim Plunkett kind of like Cody Green is the new Tommie Frazier. I have never seen fans who are so quick to defend their honor by reaching into the past. And I know the Raiders fans because I happen to be one. Nebraska fans are the king of the hypothetical titles. Yeah I get tired of Iowa fans comparing them to Iowa when it never really matters until 2011 at least. All I can say is this, I hope Hawk fans quit worrying and get used to the self importance and self lovefest of the Big Red because its coming, there is nothing sweeter than to see Iowa go into Lincoln, litter the sea of red with Black and Gold and watch a competent, as in not what you saw in 99 or 00, Iowa team take on the Huskers as equals.
My brothers gf and Husker alum "Iowa didn't win 3 titles in the 90's"
Me an Iowa alum "Iowa didn't lose to Iowa State in 2009"
The point is... Nobody cares about what you did in a conference in that isnt around anymore. This isn't to say Nebraska will be bad, I just think Nebraska is going to have to get used to the fact that 8 and 4 or 9 and 3 isnt that bad of a year.
I have an excellent comparison for the Huskers....Nebraska gets to become......

The new Arkansas........ Arkansas was a power in the SWC from 76 to 91 who played in every BCS game but the Rose, a couple of Cotton bowls and was one of 3 schools in the SWC to go the entire 80s without being put on probation. They go to the SEC and what have they done since, a few good but not great years w ith 3 division titles in 19 years yet have never come close in those games to the BCS. Do I think Nebraska can go to the BCS in the Big 10? yes
Do I think Nebraska is going to have the type of years Ohio St has has the last 7 years, nope.
Ive said it before and I say it again.......Husker Fan.............is like Raider fan just less make up.... just substitute 1976 for 1994; 1980 for 1995, and 1980 for 1997. Jason Campbell is the new Jim Plunkett kind of like Cody Green is the new Tommie Frazier. I have never seen fans who are so quick to defend their honor by reaching into the past. And I know the Raiders fans because I happen to be one. Nebraska fans are the king of the hypothetical titles. Yeah I get tired of Iowa fans comparing them to Iowa when it never really matters until 2011 at least. All I can say is this, I hope Hawk fans quit worrying and get used to the self importance and self lovefest of the Big Red because its coming, there is nothing sweeter than to see Iowa go into Lincoln, litter the sea of red with Black and Gold and watch a competent, as in not what you saw in 99 or 00, Iowa team take on the Huskers as equals.
My brothers gf and Husker alum "Iowa didn't win 3 titles in the 90's"
Me an Iowa alum "Iowa didn't lose to Iowa State in 2009"
The point is... Nobody cares about what you did in a conference in that isnt around anymore. This isn't to say Nebraska will be bad, I just think Nebraska is going to have to get used to the fact that 8 and 4 or 9 and 3 isnt that bad of a year.
I have an excellent comparison for the Huskers....Nebraska gets to become......

The new Arkansas........ Arkansas was a power in the SWC from 76 to 91 who played in every BCS game but the Rose, a couple of Cotton bowls and was one of 3 schools in the SWC to go the entire 80s without being put on probation. They go to the SEC and what have they done since, a few good but not great years w ith 3 division titles in 19 years yet have never come close in those games to the BCS. Do I think Nebraska can go to the BCS in the Big 10? yes
Do I think Nebraska is going to have the type of years Ohio St has has the last 7 years, nope.

Honestly dude you better stick with just gold because we wear black there also:D. Just sayin.

And i love this quote im saveing it as well.
And let me give you another hint. We're going to kick your butt out of Ames with your tail shoved firmly between your legs. Call it a parting gift as you head for your new conference...it will go nicely with the 20 million bucks you're also losing to the conference. =)
Honestly guys, what difference does it make. We lost to the clones last year. Why they make a huge deal about it i dont know but there right we lost. No matter how stupid our team played or how good there team played, whats done is done.
BRPW: This is why I am so radically envenious of all you Nebby fans. After this year you will be able to rid yourselves of this annoying pest and their fans. They are like the snotty-nosed little brother of your friend that you are forced to let play ball with the big kids occassionally. You would be Okay with this if the little punk wouldn't freaking talk trash, particularly when the sun shined on his little dog *** occassionally. God forbid you are feeling sick or nursing an injury over a little stretch, you will never get him to shut up no matter how many times you beat him soundly over the long haul.

If your friend's mother (er, Iowa legislature) didn't force you to let him play you would tell him to kiss off until he gets a better attitude.
Except, CAARHAWK, in this case...the snotty little brother has a 7-5 record against your current coach. Think about that....a 7-5 record against Kirk Ferentz. So its kinda like you were forced to let the snotty little brother play with you...only to find out he whipped your butt. Yikes!
Honestly dude you better stick with just gold because we wear black there also:D. Just sayin.

And i love this quote im saveing it as well.
And let me give you another hint. We're going to kick your butt out of Ames with your tail shoved firmly between your legs. Call it a parting gift as you head for your new conference...it will go nicely with the 20 million bucks you're also losing to the conference. =)

Thats nice there you are planning to go to Ames and wipe the floor with the Clones, but I am not an Iowa St fan. I am an Iowa alum and fan.
Except, CAARHAWK, in this case...the snotty little brother has a 7-5 record against your current coach. Think about that....a 7-5 record against Kirk Ferentz. So its kinda like you were forced to let the snotty little brother play with you...only to find out he whipped your butt. Yikes!

LOL. The Iowa-Iowa State game is Iowa State's super bowl. Having been an Iowa fan my whole life, the times when Iowa should've won but didn't were painful... because what do you do with that win? You **** it away in a meaningless season.

Iowa State especially does not understand the Huskers' reaching into the past mainly because they have no past whatsoever. So yeah. Man I am glad about not having to deal with ISfrigginU. One miracle game where they barely squeak by up 2 when the other team coughed the ball up 8 times. Lame. Lame lame lame.
LOL. The Iowa-Iowa State game is Iowa State's super bowl. Having been an Iowa fan my whole life, the times when Iowa should've won but didn't were painful... because what do you do with that win? You **** it away in a meaningless season.

Iowa State especially does not understand the Huskers' reaching into the past mainly because they have no past whatsoever. So yeah. Man I am glad about not having to deal with ISfrigginU. One miracle game where they barely squeak by up 2 when the other team coughed the ball up 8 times. Lame. Lame lame lame.

I'd like the record to show I have not brought up any Iowa State/NU or Iowa State/Iowa football game in any of my posts in this thread. My posts have stayed pretty much on topic, which is that of the NU fans.

It is you who brought Iowa State into this conversation.
Except, CAARHAWK, in this case...the snotty little brother has a 7-5 record against your current coach. Think about that....a 7-5 record against Kirk Ferentz. So its kinda like you were forced to let the snotty little brother play with you...only to find out he whipped your butt. Yikes!

Thank you so much for making my point. First, KF just finished his 11th season as Iowa's head coach. So 7-5 is not a possible record. Second Iowa has won 5 of the last 7 games. You had a nice 5 game run associated on each side of Fry's retirement and won't shut up about it even though Iowa has owned you in recent history. KF is now at 5-6 against you. He will soon be 6-6 winning 6 of the last 8 and you wil still adjust your dates to talk you punk *** trash while everyone else laughs in your face!
"You would be Okay with this if the little punk wouldn't freaking talk trash, particularly when the sun shined on his little dog *** occassionally."

Did YOU actually accuse someone else of talking trash after having said THAT?
But you are right that KF is 5-6 against ISU...and even if he goes to 6-6, that's hardly dominance. Rather, that would be the definition of parity.
"You would be Okay with this if the little punk wouldn't freaking talk trash, particularly when the sun shined on his little dog *** occassionally."

Did YOU actually accuse someone else of talking trash after having said THAT?
But you are right that KF is 5-6 against ISU...and even if he goes to 6-6, that's hardly dominance. Rather, that would be the definition of parity.

He will have won 6 of the last 8 games. That is 75%. You all love to talk about a lucky little window you had almost a decade ago. Since then you have been sufficiently dominated. I can't wait until you can no longer reach back to try to make an argument for parity. It really is a joke.
"It really is a joke."
What's a joke, is your reasoning. KF's record against ISU is his record. Selecting snippets from it doesn't change what it is in its entirety. As he is the current coach, looking at his personal success in this series is the rational approach. Predictions of what will happen this year are meaningless...unless your name is Jesus you don't know what the future holds.
Well let's not talk about the future. Let's just talk about 5 of the last 7 games. Still dominance. You like to talk about all the games like they have been split. They haven't. The trend has moved away from any form of parity. I just think it is funny how all of you find this little window to talk about when the overall historic record and the last seven years do not support your argument.

Must totally suck being you and having to scrounge like that for any form of self-esteem.
I didn't find a little window. I looked at Iowa's current coach and his tenure. You, on the other hand, randomly chose a little 7 game window with rational for it other than you think it puts your team in a better light. It sucks that you have to do that...just to maintain a little self esteem. Otherwise you could just approach things logically and look at how KF has done...but instead your forced to pick a 7 game block with no reasoning whatsoever. Bummer for you, dude.
Let me help you understand my reasoning. Iowa leads the overall series 38-18. That is about 63%. This number is affected by a few spots of statistical anomaly. The first few years and the 5 year span associated with the end of the Fry era alone count for almost half of ISU's total. Other than that, it is an ISU victory sprinkled in here or there.

But ISU fans love to hold on to the statistical anomalies because those are the only moments where they can argue for any respect. However, rational minds can look at the numbers and see such distorted data. When we do, we compare other measurements to determine which figures are reresentative of the true picture.

In this case the five year anomaly associated with the end of Fry's career was a really fortunate period for ISU fans and the program. But, that time is long gone. Since that anomaly, KF has established the routine dominance of the Hawkeyes over the Cyclones.

This is exactly what I meant by the little brother talking trash after he took advantage of a week when you are sick or injured. While everyone else knows that week is not an accurate measurement, he will hold on to it and talk trash about it even while you routinely kick his butt after your recovery.

BTW: Sorry Husker for hijacking the thread. I'm out.
Not even a good attempt, Caar.

I'm not looking at an anomaly, or an arbitrary span of time. Nor is an all time record relevant to the current state of the series under the current coaching regime at Iowa. I'm looking at the Kirk Ferentz era...plain and simple.