I live in Omaha, future in laws are Husker fans..

In a lot of ways, they will view Iowa much as Iowa fans have viewed Iowa State in the past. They will see a game with much to lose and little to gain. They SHOULD win, so if they lose it hurts their program. As they see it. Mostly they won't verbalize quite so plainly, but visit their boards and on this topic you will quickly see that perspective.

You are crazed. Comparing what ISU is to Iowa and what Iowa will be to Nebby is two different things. Nebraksa will be playing a team with multiple BCS apperences and conference titles THIS decade. ISU is nothing in the scheme of things. Sure, they rise up and play well against Iowa sometimes. Sometimes even beating them, but lets not confuse what we are talking about here
Regardless of what Nebraska did in the 60s, 90s, or 00s, they have one of the more arrogant and obnoxious fan bases. The Hawkeye-Cornhusker rivalry will be a heated one for years to come.
I truly see Nebby as being similar to PSU....an excellent, hard-nosed, tradition-laden program adding value to the Big-10.

With that said, Nebby will also learn what PSU has...it won't win every game like they're used to in the very soft Big-XII North because the overall strength of the Big-10 is very good....much better than what the rest of the nation inaccurately believes. A down week and you lose.

Home field advantage for Nebby won't be intimidating to the Iowa's of the world...not after playing at PSU, Wisky, tOSU and scUM. No way.

Bottom line-->it's a great addition for both parties...Big-10 gets a great program....Nebby gets smash-mouth week in and week out.

I can't wait.
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I will give props to Neb for their storied past and I believe they are improving under Bo Panini. I also believe that they have been playing in a very week big 12 North division and have a rude awakening lurking in 2011. With this being said the big 10 could not have added a more past driven fan base outside the domers. They seem to live in a dream world where every thing can be cured by Mr. Davis and truth can be distorted by the glory days. Neb fans have no real concept or knowledge as to what it means to have to fight week in and week out. I cannot wait untill 2011 when Neb gets a taste of the best conference in America.
What have you done for me lately? Honestly, I respect Nebraska. Just don't try to come onto our message boards and disrespect us when you had to leave your conference because the South schools made you guys feel irrelevant this past decade.

Respect goes both ways bra. You are more then welcome to go to HuskerBoard, or HuskerNation and talk Iowa Football with them. Most of the Husker guys on here haven't talked any smack.

Besides, i wouldnt call Iowa our Iowa State game. I would probally say Illinoise is our Iowa State game.

I would say Iowa is our Missouri game of recent years. Alot of hard nosed football in recent years with those guys.

And again as far as the Big 10 goes. Well just see how things pan out.
Several friends and co workers of mine are die hard Husker fans and very respectfull of iowa and the B10. They are also very realistic about the level of the two programs right now and like me see them on pretty eqaul footing for the forseeable future.

I know there are a lot of unrealistic Neb Fans, a lot of success will do that. Heck there are pie in the sky Iowa fans as well with much less success. Count me as one of them from time to time.
Several friends and co workers of mine are die hard Husker fans and very respectfull of iowa and the B10. They are also very realistic about the level of the two programs right now and like me see them on pretty eqaul footing for the forseeable future.

I know there are a lot of unrealistic Neb Fans, a lot of success will do that. Heck there are pie in the sky Iowa fans as well with much less success. Count me as one of them from time to time.

Very true. I would imagine from an outside perspective, our fan bases are very similar. We may not live in the past like some Nebraska fans do, but we have our own crazies who believe we are moments away from being one of the Top 5 teams in the nation year in and year out.

Every fan base is nuts if you judge them off their most passionate segment.
What have you done for me lately? Honestly, I respect Nebraska. Just don't try to come onto our message boards and disrespect us when you had to leave your conference because the South schools made you guys feel irrelevant this past decade.

You won't respect them in 5 years, and it will probably take much less time than that. They are the most outlandish fanbase in the world, and I say this with confidence as an Iowa State fan who roots heavily against the Hawks. I might catch some **** over on CF for saying this, but I would root for the Hawkeyes any day of the week over those a**clowns.

Trust me when I tell you, the Hawk fan base is going to dispise NU. At least if they beat you in football, you have your basketball team to fall back on...wait, what? (just some good natured ribbing...don't take that last bit too seriously)
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You won't respect them in 5 years, and it will probably take much less time than that. They are the most outlandish fanbase in the world, and I say this with confidence as an Iowa State fan who roots heavily against the Hawks. I might catch some **** over on CF for saying this, but I would root for the Hawkeyes any day of the week over those a**clowns.

Trust me when I tell you, the Hawk fan base is going to dispise NU. At least if they beat you in football, you have your basketball team to fall back on...wait, what? (just some good natured ribbing...don't take that last bit too seriously)

I can find this very easily to be a heated rivalry. You might not of had the past history of nebraska but you sure bring alot of grit to the table. I think true nebraska fans can see that. One thing i have learned growing up in this state is the hawks are it. I cant even begin to comment on your guys wrestling program. Bottom line is that i think its gonna be a slugfest in the Big 10. Smashmouth football is what Nebraska was famous for back in the day and i would love to see us need to head even more in that direction.
You won't respect them in 5 years, and it will probably take much less time than that. They are the most outlandish fanbase in the world, and I say this with confidence as an Iowa State fan who roots heavily against the Hawks. I might catch some **** over on CF for saying this, but I would root for the Hawkeyes any day of the week over those a**clowns.

Trust me when I tell you, the Hawk fan base is going to dispise NU. At least if they beat you in football, you have your basketball team to fall back on...wait, what? (just some good natured ribbing...don't take that last bit too seriously)

It's easy for a fan of a program with whom we have an overall record of 85-17-2 to feel such as you do. I think NU fans are among the best in the nation, but it's hard to feel chummy chummy with a fanbase whose team so thoroughly owns yours. I feel like every time I've been to Ames, there have been great fans and crappy fans. To the great ones, I say "good game, looks like ISU is on the up-and-up." I say the same to the crappy ones, and they shoot back swear words etc. I mean, what are we supposed to say?
It's easy for a fan of a program with whom we have an overall record of 85-17-2 to feel such as you do. I think NU fans are among the best in the nation, but it's hard to feel chummy chummy with a fanbase whose team so thoroughly owns yours. I feel like every time I've been to Ames, there have been great fans and crappy fans. To the great ones, I say "good game, looks like ISU is on the up-and-up." I say the same to the crappy ones, and they shoot back swear words etc. I mean, what are we supposed to say?

You think it can be bad in Ames? Wait until you try that ******** in Iowa City. You might not make it out alive.

This is what I mean though. Both fanbases are oblivious, but NU's have their heads so much further up their ***** than Iowa fans do.
You think it can be bad in Ames? Wait until you try that ******** in Iowa City. You might not make it out alive.

This is what I mean though. Both fanbases are oblivious, but NU's have their heads so much further up their ***** than Iowa fans do.

Lol. Like I said, 85-17-2. Iowa State is and always has been a MAC-level team that has been fortunate enough to play in the Big 8/12/12-2.

NU's fanbase does not have its collective head anywhere but planted firmly on its shoulders. We wouldn't "try that *&$% in Iowa City" because Iowa is a team that is on the same level as we are. Iowa State? Please. We couldn't say anything to an Iowa State fan with such an inferiority complex as yours and hope to be viewed in a positive light.

Lighten up, man.
Fascinating that a MAC team can roll into Lincoln, without its starting QB and RB, and beat you guys on your own field. Quite fascinating indeed. Says a lot about where your program is today...as opposed to where it WAS when you posted most of that 85-17-2 record. NU's fanbase has always had its head firmly planted...just not on its shoulders.
Lol. Like I said, 85-17-2. Iowa State is and always has been a MAC-level team that has been fortunate enough to play in the Big 8/12/12-2.

NU's fanbase does not have its collective head anywhere but planted firmly on its shoulders. We wouldn't "try that *&$% in Iowa City" because Iowa is a team that is on the same level as we are. Iowa State? Please. We couldn't say anything to an Iowa State fan with such an inferiority complex as yours and hope to be viewed in a positive light.

Lighten up, man.

This can be debated, and my claim is that is not an "inferiority complex" per se, but more an entitlement complex on the other end. That said, Hawkeye fans (there should be many of you, as it is your board), you have at least one more fan than you would have expected the weekends you play NU from now on. As a matter of fact, the original Big 10, with the addition of Penn State, has one more fan every week of the college football season.

NU...I hope you realize what you're getting yourselves into. I'm not saying the Big 10 is "better" than the Big 12, but I am saying it is a completely different type of football. They play how you USED to play...hard, smash mouth football. In the last 10 years, even if you lost big to OU or UT (and that happened A LOT more than it didn't) for example, your boys weren't as physically pummelled as they will be in the Big 10.

I really can't wait to see how many of your players are REALLY aching after a game against Michigan State, as an example, and see how they recover to play Ohio State the next weekend. MSU isn't very good, but they will hit you and hit you hard. You will then follow that up with another team that will hit you coming off the bus. 15 years ago...as mesaclone points out...when you were dominate, I think NU would have done fine in the Big 10. Now, you're a bunch of *******, and it's going to hurt in more ways than one.

I know I'm wasting my breath, because of the delusions of your fanbase, but face it...you are not the Nebraska you grew up with, and will never be again. I see a lot of snot bubbles in your future, and you being relegated to the bottom of the Big 10, unless the game plan makes a serious 180.
Lol. Like I said, 85-17-2. Iowa State is and always has been a MAC-level team that has been fortunate enough to play in the Big 8/12/12-2.

This is exactly the arrogance that other fan bases are talking about when discussing the Huskers.
You freaking lost to them last year....with an injured RB and a back-up freshman QB starting for ISU. I'd knock of the smack with them until you play them again.... and win. Or... you can pull out stats that go back to the 80's as we'd all expect anyways.
This can be debated, and my claim is that is not an "inferiority complex" per se, but more an entitlement complex on the other end. That said, Hawkeye fans (there should be many of you, as it is your board), you have at least one more fan than you would have expected the weekends you play NU from now on. As a matter of fact, the original Big 10, with the addition of Penn State, has one more fan every week of the college football season.

NU...I hope you realize what you're getting yourselves into. I'm not saying the Big 10 is "better" than the Big 12, but I am saying it is a completely different type of football. They play how you USED to play...hard, smash mouth football. In the last 10 years, even if you lost big to OU or UT (and that happened A LOT more than it didn't) for example, your boys weren't as physically pummelled as they will be in the Big 10.

I really can't wait to see how many of your players are REALLY aching after a game against Michigan State, as an example, and see how they recover to play Ohio State the next weekend. MSU isn't very good, but they will hit you and hit you hard. You will then follow that up with another team that will hit you coming off the bus. 15 years ago...as mesaclone points out...when you were dominate, I think NU would have done fine in the Big 10. Now, you're a bunch of *******, and it's going to hurt in more ways than one.

I know I'm wasting my breath, because of the delusions of your fanbase, but face it...you are not the Nebraska you grew up with, and will never be again. I see a lot of snot bubbles in your future, and you being relegated to the bottom of the Big 10, unless the game plan makes a serious 180.

You're right we arent the NU I grew up with and that type of domination will likely never be replicated agian by anybody, as long as the scholarship limits are where they are. But for you to think the top team in the North with facilities far superior than most programs in the nation will be relegated to the bottom of the Big10 with the likes of NW, Indiana, Minn is delusional.

I love how the husker haters out there seem to think that we will refuse to adjust to a new environment. You honestly think we arent going to adjust our defense and offense to succeed in a new conference?

I guess I have just come to expect delusional thoughts out of you cyclowns. That reminds me is Phillip Fulmer still interested in coaching at ISU?....Oh, wait you turned him down in favor of CPR. LOL, run along Ronald.
Lol. Like I said, 85-17-2. Iowa State is and always has been a MAC-level team that has been fortunate enough to play in the Big 8/12/12-2.

This is exactly the arrogance that other fan bases are talking about when discussing the Huskers.
You freaking lost to them last year....with an injured RB and a back-up freshman QB starting for ISU. I'd knock of the smack with them until you play them again.... and win. Or... you can pull out stats that go back to the 80's as we'd all expect anyways.

And what does Iowa fan do when ISU gets over on you? You go back to the 15 in a row or the all time record. Dont act like you dont, because i know you do. I have seen it.

I am man enough to admit scoreboard and always will, but when you hear some of the delusional stuff come out of their mouth its hard to ignore. Trust me there will be an epic beat down in Ames this year and i dont plan on being on the lossing end of it.
And what does Iowa fan do when ISU gets over on you? You go back to the 15 in a row or the all time record. Dont act like you dont, because i know you do. I have seen it.

I am man enough to admit scoreboard and always will, but when you hear some of the delusional stuff come out of their mouth its hard to ignore. Trust me there will be an epic beat down in Ames this year and i dont plan on being on the lossing end of it.

Why would they get on us? We beat them 35-3 last year.
Feel free to find one thread where I am pointing out the 15 game winning streak.... you'll be searching for a while. In my book, anything that happened over 10 yrs ago is for the history books. Things have changed since then.
I'm sure you thought last year was going to be an "epic beatdown" as well.
"...relegated to the bottom of the Big10 with the likes of NW, Indiana, Minn is delusional."

I haven't read anyone saying that...so I'd say you're being a bit of a drama queen about this.

However, NU will likely be relegated to the middle tier of teams in the Big 10. Putting them on a rough par with Michigan State, Purdue, Illinois and Wisconsin. That's nothing to be ashamed of...so you'll learn to live with it. NU is a solid program, as are the others in that mid-tier of conference teams. Sometimes one of those schools can rise up win the conference, knocking off the big boys.

As an outsider, regarding Iowa, I'd put them in a kind of unique slot somewhere just above those mid-tier teams...yet not quite solidily amongst the elite yet...though they are moving that way incrementally.
mesaclone, eisthemenace, did you actually WATCH the game last year? Just about each turnover I saw was more unbelievably lucky than the last. Yes, according to the scoreboard, you won. But take ONE of those turnovers back, and we win that game. Fact is sure, we didn't. But think about how incredibly close you were to being +7 on turnovers and still losing a game. That's Iowa State football in a nutshell right there.

It's also pretty lame and a flat out falsehood for a Big 12 cellar dweller to get up on Nebraska, saying they'll be a middle-of-the-road team in the Big 10. Even if we were going to be a middle-of-the-road team in the Big 10, that would be worlds better than where ISU will always be. But we, like Iowa, will be contending for championships. You, ISU, have never even won the Big 12 North through one of the weakest points of its existence. You've been part of that weakness.

That's not arrogance, it's a fact. Get ready to be manhandled in Ames. It's not even going to be close.
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