This can be debated, and my claim is that is not an "inferiority complex" per se, but more an entitlement complex on the other end. That said, Hawkeye fans (there should be many of you, as it is your board), you have at least one more fan than you would have expected the weekends you play NU from now on. As a matter of fact, the original Big 10, with the addition of Penn State, has one more fan every week of the college football season.
NU...I hope you realize what you're getting yourselves into. I'm not saying the Big 10 is "better" than the Big 12, but I am saying it is a completely different type of football. They play how you USED to play...hard, smash mouth football. In the last 10 years, even if you lost big to OU or UT (and that happened A LOT more than it didn't) for example, your boys weren't as physically pummelled as they will be in the Big 10.
I really can't wait to see how many of your players are REALLY aching after a game against Michigan State, as an example, and see how they recover to play Ohio State the next weekend. MSU isn't very good, but they will hit you and hit you hard. You will then follow that up with another team that will hit you coming off the bus. 15 years mesaclone points out...when you were dominate, I think NU would have done fine in the Big 10. Now, you're a bunch of *******, and it's going to hurt in more ways than one.
I know I'm wasting my breath, because of the delusions of your fanbase, but face are not the Nebraska you grew up with, and will never be again. I see a lot of snot bubbles in your future, and you being relegated to the bottom of the Big 10, unless the game plan makes a serious 180.