I have spoken to several former Iowa Football players today

Sounds like there are alot of women on this board. Lots of over-reacting before really knowing whats going on. We have no idea how serious the conditions are or how many were actually affect compared to how many were just showing symptoms. Some of you are acting like paranoid parents that need to quit worrying about any and everything that can happen to someone. Look crap happens, lets let the University handle it as they see fit. There really is nothing to see.
LOL. Yeah, I saw a LOT of 'critical thinking' pan out in December.

That's another fancy term for 'I disagree with you, my viewpoint is the right viewpoint, I am objective, you are a homer, you are not objective, and you are wrong'

Because I am not saying there is NOTHING to see here..the number of players sticks out, which means there needs to be more answers. But in LIEU of anything concrete, some are flipping out, running off with theories and things like that, most of which will likely prove to be inaccurate and somewhat damaging That's the stuff I don't care for.

Like it or not Jon, the university of Iowa has had way too many press releases or press conferences dealing with issues outside how a QB performed on Saturday over the past 2-3 years.

Give the frequency, it is fair for people to be skeptical, and yes even making pre-judgments about things.

Barta is becoming one of the most recognized faces in the state of Iowa, for all the wrong reasons.
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If this was one isolated incident, it wouldn't cause such a stir. However, when you are a month outside of a press conference where you basically admit that your drug testing doesn't work, and have 2 key players arrested for drug charges, perhaps there will be a notion to suspect the worst.

You can't consistently have issue after issue come up and not expect people to be cynical. Especially the national media. This is just another question mark that is being thrown up, and I for one would like to quit seeing things that are not related to gamedays being such a big part of the program. This is likely a situation where it was just a strenuous workout coupled with tainted legal supplements, etc, but from a certain standpoint, the perception of the program becomes the reality in some people's minds.

Got a mouse in your pocket?
Sorry Jon...I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to listen to the presser.

You do know that it is a presser and anyone with good hearing can listen to it via radio. Heck, I can even log on and watch it on my computer. Since I am part of the general public, and I am referring to what myself and others will be told by the U of I.... "we" would be the proper term. It isn't that hard.

I know you think this is no big deal and take the "nothing to see hear" approach but this is a national story and people other than hawk fans are interested in what is going on. The shear number of athletes makes this more than "nothing to see here."
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I have personally experienced rhabdomylosis due to overexertion and barely avoided kidney failure. I will spare you some of the other effects of the condition beyond brown/red urine mentioned in some of the press releases. Suffice it to say, those effects are very alarming, the condition is serious and it should not occur to athletes who are training under supervision of professional strength and conditioning personnel. Jon, I don't care what a batch of former Hawkeyes say about their own experiences. It is also irrelevant that some of the Hawkeyes may have been "gassed" at the end of games last year, and that some members of the team have been involved with drugs. It is inexcusable for 12 players to all be affected by this very serious condition. And before you all pile on about me being some mamby pamby wuss, know that I've spent more than my fair share of time in competitive sports and weight rooms, I'm an Iowa alum and I am as big a Hawkeye fan as there is. But right is right and wrong is wrong, and it is wrong for 12 players to all be afflicted with this condition at the same time.
Taz, you're such a DB, you sit over on CF ripping everything Iowa and KF out of jealousy all day long. I never thought I'd see the day a Cyclone would be so worried about our football players. I can't remember, were you over here with your concern about DJK's drug abuse, and calling for him to go to rehab out of your concern for our football players, or were you busy ripping everything KF on CF. Sorry John, this guy is a DB on both boards.

Got a mouse in your pocket?

Jon, it sounds like you are having a very bad day. This kind of sarcasm is (fortunately) not your norm. Stop and take a few breaths and read ALL the comments. There is more concern than criticism. I hope you are not upset that many of us are concerned and hope that we can prevent 12 hospitalizations at a time in the future.
Not quite sure that's accurate.

Rhabdomyolysis can lead to kidney failure, and kidney failure can lead to death. It is a potentially life threatening condition. Not an "OMG YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AT ANYTIME!" but not as harmless as a bit of soreness. Aside from kidney failure, you can also have issues regarding damage to blood vessels or nerves due to inflammation of the muscles, which can lead to surgery (though, if that would occur in the case of strenuous exercise, or if it would require a lot of continual damage, I'm not entirely sure).

You also have to consider electrolyte imbalance due to muscle necrosis and dehydration, along with the effects of dehydration itself.
Taz, you're such a DB, you sit over on CF ripping everything Iowa and KF out of jealousy all day long. I never thought I'd see the day a Cyclone would be so worried about our football players. I can't remember, were you over here with your concern about DJK's drug abuse, and calling for him to go to rehab out of your concern for our football players, or were you busy ripping everything KF on CF. Sorry John, this guy is a DB on both boards.

No doubt I don't like iowa. Not out of jealousy. As a matter of fact I was a hok fan for 20+ years growing up. Had a couple good friends play for them and have the son of a good friend on the team right now. Actually cheered for them when I lived away from iowa. I pay attention because my friend's son is on the team. I pay attention because I have kids getting ready to go to college and I am interested in the atmosphere they are considering stepping into. Can't stand them now that I live back here mostly due to obnoxious hok fans that feel the need to remind me how I suck because I am a Clone fan.

Jon's "we" response is a perfect example. I am not allowed to listen to a presser? Are hawk fans the only ones that should listen or care about what is going on? I guess my interest in a good friend's son isn't a good reason.

Doesn't change the fact that it is wrong that 13 players are hospitalized. I actually agree with Jon that people need to wait until things get sorted out. Haven't made any allegations otherwise. Personally, I think it was the workout but Doyle's silence and the presser seem fishy. Either way, it is wrong that 13 kids are in the hospital.

As fas as DJK goes, I stated nothing would com of it. I said the charges would be reduced and the guy will be playing in the NFL. Also stated that drug abuse is dangerous and that it is a shame that someone so talented may be willing to **** a good career away due to drugs.
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No doubt I don't like iowa. Not out of jealousy. As a matter of fact I was a hok fan for 20+ years growing up. Had a couple good friends play for them and have the son of a good friend on the team right now. Actually cheered for them when I lived away from iowa. I pay attention because my friend's son is on the team. I pay attention because I have kids getting ready to go to college and I am interested in the atmosphere they are considering stepping into. Can't stand them now that I live back here mostly due to obnoxious hok fans that feel the need to remind me how I suck because I am a Clone fan.

Doesn't change the fact that it is wrong that 13 players are hospitalized. I actually agree with Jon that people need to wait until things get sorted out. Haven't made any allegations otherwise. Personally, I think it was the workout but Doyle's silence and the presser seem fishy. Either way, it is wrong that 13 kids are in the hospital.

It is laughable that anyone says they were a fan of a team for 20 years and has since changed allegiances. Not really a true fan, go ahead and root for the cyclones for 20+ years and then move on to UNI or Drake then. What kind of fan is that.
It is laughable that anyone says they were a fan of a team for 20 years and has since changed allegiances. Not really a true fan, go ahead and root for the cyclones for 20+ years and then move on to UNI or Drake then. What kind of fan is that.

he wasn't a hok fan growing up. seriously. who would say they were a hok, and then become a clown?

probably a tavernclown.
No doubt I don't like iowa. Not out of jealousy. As a matter of fact I was a hok fan for 20+ years growing up. Had a couple good friends play for them and have the son of a good friend on the team right now. Actually cheered for them when I lived away from iowa. I pay attention because my friend's son is on the team. I pay attention because I have kids getting ready to go to college and I am interested in the atmosphere they are considering stepping into. Can't stand them now that I live back here mostly due to obnoxious hok fans that feel the need to remind me how I suck because I am a Clone fan.

Doesn't change the fact that it is wrong that 13 players are hospitalized. I actually agree with Jon that people need to wait until things get sorted out. Haven't made any allegations otherwise. Personally, I think it was the workout but Doyle's silence and the presser seem fishy. Either way, it is wrong that 13 kids are in the hospital.

All this crap about the reason I hate Iowa is because of the fans stuff is getting real old. There are bad fans at all schools, and you coming over here stirring stuff up, doesn't make you a good fan. It makes you a obnoxious clone.
It is laughable that anyone says they were a fan of a team for 20 years and has since changed allegiances. Not really a true fan, go ahead and root for the cyclones for 20+ years and then move on to UNI or Drake then. What kind of fan is that.
Grew up in Eastern iowa and my whole family are hok fans as was I. Parents still have bowl parites every year. Had siblings that attended iowa. Then I went to ISU and after a couple of years became a Clone fan. Cheered for both teams during college except when they played. Lived in Wisc, IL and Colorado and cheered for both teams except when they played. Moved back here and in the last 3 years have taken so much crap that I really don't like iowa. Have respect for what KF has done but really can't get myself to cheer for them. You guys can say it isn't true but those are the facts.
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All this crap about the reason I hate Iowa is because of the fans stuff is getting real old. There are bad fans at all schools, and you coming over here stirring stuff up, doesn't make you a good fan. It makes you a obnoxious clone.
What am I stirring up? I came on yesterday to see what was going on as my friend has a son on the team and I couldn't get a hold of him. I agree with Jon that people should wait and count me in the group that thinks it was do to the workout or a supplement the kids probably took on their own. I have said as much on both boards. I also know the public (I guess I can't say "we") won't get much info. u of i will give as little info as possible due to HIPPAA. It is the law.

I disagree with hawkeyemike23 that it is okay to put 13 kids in the hospital if it means that iowa will be better. That is ridiculous. I also disagree that this isn't that big of a deal. I would say the same if it was ISU. Again, I don't seee where I have stirred up crap

I also disagree that the PR team at iowa has bobbled this. They have taken the attention away from the issue and now have it focused on them. Take Jon's article as a prime example. That is good PR.
All this crap about the reason I hate Iowa is because of the fans stuff is getting real old. There are bad fans at all schools, and you coming over here stirring stuff up, doesn't make you a good fan. It makes you a obnoxious clone.
Like I said, I lived in Wisconsin and their fans were more than gracious and not condescending. Lived in Illinois and can say the same. Lived in Colorado and their fans rank right up there with iowa fans. Funny thing is there were more Nebby fans than CU fans. Unlike a lot of Clone fans here in Western Iowa, I have no issue with Nebby fans. Actually find them to be some of the best fans. Maybe it is the fact that I now live back in state and get more crap because I am around hawk fans daily and I generally have some Clone stuff on. But there is no doubt that of all the places I have lived, I have never been given as much crap for just wearing my team's colors.

Again, I have not stirred crap up in this thread or on the topic.
Taz, FYI this is a message board primarily of the people you despise. Hawk Fans.
Yes, and it is also a good place to get some information on the current situation. Besides, I don't despise all hoks. Most of my best friends are hoks. And really this thread was a good discussion until Jon had the sarcastic "we" respsonse and jozzer called me a DB because I don't like iowa and say as much on CF.
Yes, and it is also a good place to get some information on the current situation. Besides, I don't despise all hoks. Most of my best friends are hoks. And really this thread was a good discussion until Jon had the sarcastic "we" respsonse and jozzer called me a DB because I don't like iowa and say as much on CF.

So read what you want and then get the he!! out. Why do you feel a need to post your venom? Other than to try to stir things up.

This should be your last post on HN. You don't belong here.
I grew up a Hawk fan. In fact, I was devastated when Iowa lost to UNLV my freshman year at ISU. Trust me, nobody mistakes me for an Iowa fan anymore.

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