I have been pretty quiet lately...time to speak out on Lil Debbie

From what you saw??? Did you even watch the game? Iowa has a better defense and that isn't even questionable. Nebraska might have a better offense, but the real blackshirts are in Iowa City.

Yep, I was there. Iowa's D played well in the first half, when we regularly had the ball inside our own 10. In the second half, it seemed like there were yards to be had. Ameer ran the ball better better, and if I recall correctly, NU had more total yards than Iowa.

I was impressed that our D held up as well as they did, considering how many turnovers and punt return screwups we had. Iowa could have put more on us, but our D made a couple of big stops with their backs against the wall.
Yep, I was there. Iowa's D played well in the first half, when we regularly had the ball inside our own 10. In the second half, it seemed like there were yards to be had. Ameer ran the ball better better, and if I recall correctly, NU had more total yards than Iowa.

I was impressed that our D held up as well as they did, considering how many turnovers and punt return screwups we had. Iowa could have put more on us, but our D made a couple of big stops with their backs against the wall.

NU had more total yards because Iowa was starting every drive at the 50 or on the NU side. Also the 3 turnovers Iowa got all came on the NU side of the 50 along with getting the ball back at the 24 after the fake punt therefore creating less opportunity for Iowa to get a lot of yards. So the total yards stat is misleading.

And what does the punt return screw ups have to do with your D? Plus there was only 2, yeah the were huge plays but it isn't like NU screwed up punt returns all day.

Just going by the conference only stats and Nebraska had an easier Big Ten schedule then Iowa as both played Purdue, but NU played PSU and Illinois while Iowa got Wisconsin and Ohio St, so keep that in mind as well.

Scoring D: Iowa 3rd, NU 6th
Total D: Iowa 3rd, NU 4th
Rushing D: Iowa 4th, NU 5th
Passing D: Iowa 2nd, NU 1st (which shocked me Iowa is 2nd)

At any rate the numbers point to Iowa having a better defense against a tougher schedule. But if you want to believe NU is better go ahead, I'm just putting facts out that show they aren't.
And what does the punt return screw ups have to do with your D? Plus there was only 2, yeah the were huge plays but it isn't like NU screwed up punt returns all day.

Those 2 screwups led to at least 1 Iowa touchdown, possibly 2. If it was only 1, then the other still flipped the field to Iowa's favor and put them on a short field. I'm just saying that with all the short fields Iowa had, our D did a decent job, IMO.

At any rate the numbers point to Iowa having a better defense against a tougher schedule. But if you want to believe NU is better go ahead, I'm just putting facts out that show they aren't.

You may be right. Our defense was brutal up until the NW game, but they've played better the last 5 games or so. My only contention is that Iowa's defense is without a doubt better. They could be, but I wouldn't call them head and shoulders better.

Impossible, according to a lot of regular posters who for some reason havent been posting quite so regularly lately.

I know. Kirk is a damn good coach, IMO. Over paid? Maybe, but I think the guy has done a good/great job for you guys. You can't always look a gift horse in the mouth.
Those 2 screwups led to at least 1 Iowa touchdown, possibly 2. If it was only 1, then the other still flipped the field to Iowa's favor and put them on a short field. I'm just saying that with all the short fields Iowa had, our D did a decent job, IMO.

You may be right. Our defense was brutal up until the NW game, but they've played better the last 5 games or so. My only contention is that Iowa's defense is without a doubt better. They could be, but I wouldn't call them head and shoulders better.

I know. Kirk is a damn good coach, IMO. Over paid? Maybe, but I think the guy has done a good/great job for you guys. You can't always look a gift horse in the mouth.

You lost most credibility when you said Nebraska was the better team. They didn't outplay Iowa in one single phase of the game on Saturday (offense, defense, or special teams). You only got more yards, because you ran more plays, as we were on the short field all day (dominated field positions as well)

Yards per attempt passing: 7.4 Iowa, 5.4 Nebraska
Yards per carry: 3.5 Iowa, 2.4 Nebraska
3rd down conversion: 6-15 Iowa, 3-14 Nebraska
Turnovers: Iowa-0, Nebraska-3
Plays of 20+ yards: Iowa-4, Nebraska-1

You seem like a good poster, and I'm not trying to rub it in, but the fact is, Iowa controlled this game from start to finish, and Nebraska is lucky they didn't get beat by 24 or more.
"Dude, I'm here, not shy about it. The players did circle the wagons, too bad that they can't hold onto the football or figure out punt returns.

Those that hate Bo are going to point to that little tirade in the second (if I remember correctly) quarter. Quite frankly, those outbursts have been few and far between the past couple of years. I have no problem with what he did or said. That was a horrible call, the refs have been pretty terrible all year, and that was no exception. They deserved the butt chewing and the call out in the presser, but making contact with the ref was over the line. I just find if funny that Bo gets all this coverage for his act, but Saban, Urb, Muschamp, Kelly, etc. don't get any heat for their respective acts.

Is he a great coach? Not now. I think he really has to look deep into the program and change some things, strength and conditioning, practice habits, and recruiting just to name a few. From what I saw, Nebraska was the better football team, Iowa was the betterCOACHED team Friday."

Are you serious...Bo throws tantrums on the sideline constantly. All the attention Bo gets is self-inflicted. Don't compare every other coach...and your coach should not compare himself to Ferentz in any way shape or form. Funny you mention strength and conditioning your head guy is an Iowa Doyle guy...can't do any better there, recruiting???? Are you serious you have athletes. Nebraska was the better team....dude 21 point win and a team that handed your arse to you in LINCOLN. You people amaze me...also blaming the refs typical Nebraska talk...
^^^^ That.
Your dumbarse coach went for it, thinking you had a chance and kf beat you down. Had you punted, we could have gotten some more second string play.
You lost most credibility when you said Nebraska was the better team. They didn't outplay Iowa in one single phase of the game on Saturday (offense, defense, or special teams). You only got more yards, because you ran more plays, as we were on the short field all day (dominated field positions as well)

Yards per attempt passing: 7.4 Iowa, 5.4 Nebraska
Yards per carry: 3.5 Iowa, 2.4 Nebraska
3rd down conversion: 6-15 Iowa, 3-14 Nebraska
Turnovers: Iowa-0, Nebraska-3
Plays of 20+ yards: Iowa-4, Nebraska-1

You seem like a good poster, and I'm not trying to rub it in, but the fact is, Iowa controlled this game from start to finish, and Nebraska is lucky they didn't get beat by 24 or more.

I guess we'll agree to disagree. I can't refute any of the stats you brought up, I'm just using the eyeball test. Iowa had the short field numerous times, due mostly to special teams brainfarts and turnovers. All of Iowa's TD drives started in Nebraska territory. Yet, with about 10 minutes to go in the game, we were down 7 and driving when Ameer fumbled and all but iced the game.

I'll agree with you, if Iowa was the superior team, they should have beat us by more than 24.
^^^^ That.
Your dumbarse coach went for it, thinking you had a chance and kf beat you down. Had you punted, we could have gotten some more second string play.

I agree. Never said I didn't.

Are you serious...Bo throws tantrums on the sideline constantly.

Then, obviously you don't pay any attention, Bo has been on much better behavior since the chancellor publicly admonished him after the aTm debacle. All of your opinions are ill-informed and tainted by your hatred/jealousy of everything Nebraska.

All the attention Bo gets is self-inflicted.

Agreed. Never said it wasn't.

Don't compare every other coach...and your coach should not compare himself to Ferentz in any way shape or form.

All of the other coaches I mentioned have similar sideline demeanor, so the comparision is valid. And Kirk lost his mind and had to be restrained by his sideline staff Friday. That is a fact.

Funny you mention strength and conditioning your head guy is an Iowa Doyle guy...can't do any better there,

Actually, you can. Boyd Epply, but I digress. I watched our team, the guys that have been there for any time are fat and not particularly strong. The best looking athletes (physique) that we had on the team this year just arrived on campus this summer, in Gerry and Gregory. We had a 300+ OL only do something like 14 bench reps at the NFL combine a couple of years back. If you pay attention, Ameer is good for about 3-4 runs then taps out. So does Kenny Bell. And don't even get me started on the injuries.

recruiting???? Are you serious you have athletes

Dead serious. We have athletes to compete in the B1G, but we don't have the athletes to make up for terrible coaching or to compete on the national level.

Edit: Also, look how few players we've had drafted in the NFL the past few years. The talent level the last few years has been as low as I can ever remember us having. I think we have some young talent that will be good if it can be developed, but who knows if it will.

Nebraska was the better team....dude 21 point win and a team that handed your arse to you in LINCOLN.

See my response to Deanvogs.

You people amaze me...also blaming the refs typical Nebraska talk...

Please show me where I have blamed a ref for any loss this year. I'll clue you, unlike some Hawk fans, I don't do that. 3 of the 4 games we lost this year were due to the same things: turnovers, stupid penalties, unbelievably inept special teams, and some very bizarre coaching decisions. The other game, for whatever reason, we just collapsed after being up by 18.

I simply brought up the fact that that one call was terrible. Even the TV announcers said that it was uncatchable. But, it is par for the course with B1G officials. They have been making horrible calls all year, and seem to pick and choose when they thow their flags and when the hold on to them. No consistency, no accountability.
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Ok 74, lets just cut to the point. Please answer honesty.
#1 are you and nebraska fans pleased with bo's sideline demeanor?
#2 are you pleased with bo's explanation that "turf toe" is season ending?
#3 are you pleased with bo's "off camera" comments?
#4 if the answers to the above were no, what makes you think you would be pleased with on field issues?
Being a coach is much more than w/l record and that is what debbie fans fail to realize. The things your program is finding acceptable are the same things that will lead to the embarrassment of being a considered a joke or dirty, or both.
I know this will fall on deaf ears, but i speak the truth.
Great questions, I can only speak for myself, but here it goes:

Ok 74, lets just cut to the point. Please answer honesty.
#1 are you and nebraska fans pleased with bo's sideline demeanor?

I personally don't care. Football used to be a tough, passionate sport played by the toughest of men. Some of the weak kneed NU fans don't like it, but they were the same people who whined that Tom Osborne and Frank Solich didn't show enough emotion. It's pretty split.

#2 are you pleased with bo's explanation that "turf toe" is season ending?

Again, don't care. Just tell us he's not playing, I don't need specifics.

#3 are you pleased with bo's "off camera" comments?

If you are referring to the leaked audio tape, I don't care. I was more put off by his "apology" afterwards. Many NU fans were upset by that, however.

Edit: I don't like his "Us vs. the World, our fans are our enemies" mentality that he fosters, however.

#4 if the answers to the above were no, what makes you think you would be pleased with on field issues?

I don't have to like one to like the other. I realize that there are problems within the program and with Pelini's "process." I'm hoping that he will be able figure out how to fix them.

Being a coach is much more than w/l record and that is what debbie fans fail to realize.

Umm, no. That is where you are wrong and you are painting all Nebraska fans with the wrong colored brush. Actually, if you don't take W/L record into consideration, it makes more of a PRO-Bo argument.

The things your program is finding acceptable are the same things that will lead to the embarrassment of being a considered a joke or dirty, or both. I know this will fall on deaf ears, but i speak the truth.

Bo yelling at a ref or being boorish in a press conference pale in comparison to Team Jack, Zack Darlington, or the "Harlem Shake" or "Cell Phone" videos. Talk to recruits and their parents about how they see Bo as an honest guy, straight shooter with great character. The players love the guy and know that he has their back. On top of that, he is known as a good Catholic family man.

As far as being "dirty" or embarassing, that is pretty rich coming from an Iowa fan. Under Bo, we have had way fewer off the field issues (player arrests, rhabdo, etc.) than Iowa has under Ferentz. Kids that get in trouble either get straight or get the boot. Graduation rates and GPAs are near or are at all time highs. As far as we know, Bo runs a clean program. The minor NCAA infraction was levied against the entire athletic department and not the football program specifically (for getting free non-mandatory school books, of all things). Nothing dirty about that.

I appreciate the conversation, but the only truth you speak is that the haters will find a reason to hate. I can see how some fans/outsiders would consider his act to be embarassing, but in this PC world, I kind of find him to be refreshing.
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The "eyeball test" really made you think Nebraska was the better team?

Yeah.. you're exactly what I think of when I think of Nebraska fans.
The "eyeball test" really made you think Nebraska was the better team?

Yeah.. you're exactly what I think of when I think of Nebraska fans.

If you mean people that watch football, then I thank you.

As I said, we will have to agree to disagree.
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Nebraska is in that 2nd tier with Wisconsin, MSU, Iowa and arguably maybe even Northwestern.......Unless they find their Nick Saban.... 9-3/8-4 is their best case scenario.
Maybe just maybe the lack of caring for such issues is the problem.
I am just saying dont marry a girl who cant cook, if you like to eat. Dont marry a slu* if you want fidelity.
Character flaws show up in the most unusual places and times.
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Nebraska is in that 2nd tier with Wisconsin, MSU, Iowa and arguably maybe even Northwestern.......


Unless they find their Nick Saban....

I wish.

9-3/8-4 is their best case scenario.

I am hoping that this is incorrect, but his record is proving otherwise.

Maybe just maybe the lack of caring for such issues is the problem.
I am just saying dont marry a girl who cant cook, if you like to eat. Dont marry a slu* if you want fidelity.

You may be right, but I don't think that it's as cut and dry as that. Either way, he's (probably) going to be here for at least another year.
If you mean people that watch football, then I thank you.

As I said, we will have to agree to disagree.

Your time is past. The sooner you realize it's not ever gonna be how it was, the sooner people will take you seriously. You can watch all the football you want and claim superiority.. but when you make assertions like you are making, everyone else in the room knows you're just a dolt.
Your time is past. The sooner you realize it's not ever gonna be how it was, the sooner people will take you seriously. You can watch all the football you want and claim superiority.. but when you make assertions like you are making, everyone else in the room knows you're just a dolt.

Cool, but one of your own said this:

Are you serious you have athletes

I agree. Which is why I said that Iowa was the better coached (better prepared, better fundamental) team.
Not to pile on the big win in Lincoln but I have never seen a team physically abuse another team like I did on Friday. Nebraska was walking or carrying a guy off the field on every other play. I'm tired of hearing about how injured Nebraska was and were missing key players- come on- every team has injuries this time of year, hell Iowa's starting a brand new QB this year that had zero meaningful snaps prior to this year and was dinged up himself. With the way Iowa's defense played Friday Martinez would have been one of those carted off the field anyway. To correct a previous post- Iowa was BOTH the better football team and better coached team Friday. Nebraska needs to realize that it is no longer the 80s or 90s- it's time to embrace the horror.
To correct a previous post- Iowa was BOTH the better football team and better coached team Friday. Nebraska needs to realize that it is no longer the 80s or 90s- it's time to embrace the horror.[/QUOTE]


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