I hate this new site!!


I am tired of my computer locking up every time I try to read anything. It takes an extremely long time to load on both of my computers at home and my work computer. Then if I try to post it will just totally lock my computer up. This is the only website that locks my computer up so don't blame it on my crappy system. Jon Im sorry I don't have the money or resources to have super fast internet so everything will load faster. I know you said that you will not change it so I guess that means you will be losing this hawkeye fan who is not good enough for your new site. I guess I will just have to stick to hawkeyereport. Peace out!!
I am tired of my computer locking up every time I try to read anything. It takes an extremely long time to load on both of my computers at home and my work computer. Then if I try to post it will just totally lock my computer up. This is the only website that locks my computer up so don't blame it on my crappy system. Jon Im sorry I don't have the money or resources to have super fast internet so everything will load faster. I know you said that you will not change it so I guess that means you will be losing this hawkeye fan who is not good enough for your new site. I guess I will just have to stick to hawkeyereport. Peace out!!

Haha...nice rant. Using dial-up or what?
LOL nice post. Do you actually expect him to make massive changes in the site so the one guy left in the state with dial up can view the site better?

Have you written youtube to complain about thier content not loading properly via your dial-up as well?

I'll let you in a little secret. Porn loads much faster on a high speed connection.
I am tired of my computer locking up every time I try to read anything. It takes an extremely long time to load on both of my computers at home and my work computer. Then if I try to post it will just totally lock my computer up. This is the only website that locks my computer up so don't blame it on my crappy system. Jon Im sorry I don't have the money or resources to have super fast internet so everything will load faster. I know you said that you will not change it so I guess that means you will be losing this hawkeye fan who is not good enough for your new site. I guess I will just have to stick to hawkeyereport. Peace out!!

I am sorry that this is happening to you, and I certainly haven't built anything to intentionally leave anyone out.

We are always looking at fine tuning things, and are doing that even as I type this. I am also looking into some other options that will give users the choice of viewing the forums with ads at no cost, or pay a small annual fee to use a version of the forums where the ads will not be present. I dont know if this will be possible, but I am spending man hours and real $$ looking for solutions.

I feel I am doing as much as I can to try and please as many people as possible.

Yet, that still cannot account for the less than 2% of users that are on dial up speed, or the 4% of users that use IE 6 or older browsers, etc. I cannot control that piece of the puzzle.
I am sorry that this is happening to you, and I certainly haven't built anything to intentionally leave anyone out.

We are always looking at fine tuning things, and are doing that even as I type this. I am also looking into some other options that will give users the choice of viewing the forums with ads at no cost, or pay a small annual fee to use a version of the forums where the ads will not be present. I dont know if this will be possible, but I am spending man hours and real $$ looking for solutions.

I feel I am doing as much as I can to try and please as many people as possible.

Yet, that still cannot account for the less than 2% of users that are on dial up speed, or the 4% of users that use IE 6 or older browsers, etc. I cannot control that piece of the puzzle.

Man, if you could find the right price (and obviously make it work website-wise) that would be awesome.
The only thing I dislike about the site is the Digital Sports Ventures Ad but Jon has to pay the bills. I understand completely. Love the site.
If you're on dial-up, you can't expect much more than what you're getting. I had IE7, and it stopped responding upwards of 15 times a day on here. Switched to Google Chrome, haven't had a single problem since.
I don't have dial up. In fact, I have a high speed connection at work and at home. My computer never freezes up when viewing this site (or any other for that matter).

I have noticed, however, a significant slow down when navigating to the forums ever since the digital sports ventures video was added to the site. Every time I navigate to a forum, it's an extra 2-5 seconds for the page to load. Same thing when I exit a thread to go back to a forum.

Basically, it feels like I have dial-up due, I believe, to that video box. Is there any way to turn off the video to speed things up?

I know a couple seconds doesn't seem like a big deal but it does get annoying.
I'd be all about a ad free version. Cap it at no more than $5 a month and I'll do that. Of course, I would hope that we'd then have a "premium" forum for those of us with $5 of disposable income per month to gloat about our non-proleness.

There are other sites that I gladly pay a small fee to avoid those ads and will support. :)
Patience is a virtue.

Sometimes I like to pull up the site, then run over to target and get my shopping done, go wash the car, fill up, grab a bite to eat, and then when I get back we are almost ready to go. :)
In Soviet Russia, new site hate you.

Thanks. :D

All of you must have terrible internet providers. I have no issue with this site loading, in fact it loads just as fast as any other site I visit, be it at work or at home. You have to download Chrome or Firefox and use those as your browser's.
The site has no issues with google Chrome. I have mediacom internet at home and of course a lightening fast internet at the office and neither have any issues. Fast fast fast.
Jon, I'm just weighing in to let you know the site is working fine for me on all my computers, and can't wait for the Droid App, also.

Whenever I get a bit frustrated with the speed of my computer on some sites, I remember what it was like back when we just got started with computers. I know, I sound like an old Fart ... and maybe I am ... afterall, who here remembers a man by the name of George Miller?

George was a great guy who corralled a number of us (about a dozen) off of rec/sport/bb to form a group called "Herkey"... and yes, George heard about the misspelling. It was a great group of people who shared a love for their Iowa Hawkeyes. The big talk back then was Tom Davis being forced out and who the next coach would be ... or about Shaq Fu ... a mythical 7' HS player out of Alaska who Alford had an inside scoop on ...

It quickly grew from that original dozen, but we had our mainstays ... Doc, Kakert ... I seem to even remember some "youngun" from KC named Miller who became quite the contributor as well ... : )

Not sure what ever happened to George ... something about a family health issue ... but where ever he is, I hope he is able to enjoy some of the fruits of his labor.
It hurts when I pee and I blame Jon Miller and his confounded web site.

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