I hate this new site!!

I can't complain. Jon keeps the site free for is and I visit almost every day. As for the OP, not sure what he is expecting by using a dial-up connection. Makes you wonder if he has heard of cell phones and this new technology they created where you can warm your food up in a small box in about two minutes.
I am sorry that this is happening to you, and I certainly haven't built anything to intentionally leave anyone out.

We are always looking at fine tuning things, and are doing that even as I type this. I am also looking into some other options that will give users the choice of viewing the forums with ads at no cost, or pay a small annual fee to use a version of the forums where the ads will not be present. I dont know if this will be possible, but I am spending man hours and real $$ looking for solutions.

I feel I am doing as much as I can to try and please as many people as possible.

Yet, that still cannot account for the less than 2% of users that are on dial up speed, or the 4% of users that use IE 6 or older browsers, etc. I cannot control that piece of the puzzle.

You're not going to please everybody. If you institute a pay-for-no-ads plan, I'm sure you'll face anger from that. Personally, while I don't like the ads, I do understand it's necessary to keep a free site running.
You're not going to please everybody. If you institute a pay-for-no-ads plan, I'm sure you'll face anger from that. Personally, while I don't like the ads, I do understand it's necessary to keep a free site running.

As long as there is the option out there, it would be received better by myself and several others who are annoyed by the ads, especially the one that loads a video and audio everytime that I go to it. That's why I never go to ESPN while at work any longer. I got sick of their video player blaring while at my desk whenever I would go to look at it.

If someone doesn't have to pay, cool, they still wouldn't have to, but would have to deal with the ads. If someone is willing to pony up a few bucks a month to not have to have those ads, the option would be there.

I know, some that will be angry will be that way because they want no ads and for it to be free, but it's unsustainable to run a site that way.
As long as there is the option out there, it would be received better by myself and several others who are annoyed by the ads, especially the one that loads a video and audio everytime that I go to it. That's why I never go to ESPN while at work any longer. I got sick of their video player blaring while at my desk whenever I would go to look at it.

If someone doesn't have to pay, cool, they still wouldn't have to, but would have to deal with the ads. If someone is willing to pony up a few bucks a month to not have to have those ads, the option would be there.

I know, some that will be angry will be that way because they want no ads and for it to be free, but it's unsustainable to run a site that way.

Love the new sig, R2! :D

It could be your system as much as anything. Make sure your browser is up to date and you have the tools to keep your system clean, no viruses. I also keep my C drive for programs only and try to keep capacity to under 50% usage. Try to store everything on my 2TB D Drive. When the C drive starts to get a little full, it seems to get bogged down.
Dial-up!! Oh, how I miss watching that bar inch across the screen.

You still can. You just need to download much bigger files now. I was actually thinking of this a couple days ago. I bought a new external HD, and I had a progress bar on my screen for around 4 hours while the data was being copied. It brought back some not so fond memories.

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