I hate the huskers!!!

I have friends of other teams. But with the huskers it's way worse! I remeber when all you would was how inferior the conference was to the little12 then they cried about the big 10 being mean to them with the schedule?!? I saw so many shirts with 2011 big 10 champs on them. I can give more examples if you want. Any argument with a husker fan somehow gets turned into well we have this many championships or look at how many academic aa's we have... It just gets old!
Why are you so out of touch with your surroundings? Are you an idiot?

I don't talk sports with people in real life because discussing sports makes people retarded. Same goes with politics and religion. That's what the internet is for. The only thing that makes you tolerable to me, Vin, is the fact I can push a red X to make you go away.

Also, I can talk **** without getting my *** kicked.
I don't talk sports with people in real life because discussing sports makes people retarded. Same goes with politics and religion. That's what the internet is for. The only thing that makes you tolerable to me, Vin, is the fact I can push a red X to make you go away.

Also, I can talk **** without getting my *** kicked.

hahaha I think you love the interwebz more than I do
How's iowa farm girl doing? you still in touch with that little ho?
I get annoyed by the Huskers - like when we lose to Wisc, NW and Me-chicken

you'll find that the northwestern loss will really eat at you
there is no earthly reason why a Nebraska or an Iowa should ever lose to those little twerps and their a-hole rah rah coach, yet it happens somehow
seriously, it will haunt you throughout the offseason
Lived there for 18 years. Most disrectful fanbase ever. No one else has any players of value and everyone else cheats. Last team in the world I would cheer for. Can't stand their fans or coach. And no they do not know other teams exist at unl. They do believe they should be automatically given a pass to national title game every year. The still b**** about calls that happen 20+ years ago. I Hate the cornholes right with you..
Simple hate doesn't come to mind... LOATHE does.

Actually I don't really have any problem with UNL fans. But, I do enjoy anything (like their NU loss, Michigan etc.) that gives them self doubt. :)

They were so confident that they were going to roll through the B1G their first season... guess not! Losing to Iowa and having them finish 4-4 in the conference would neuter them for years to come.
Simple hate doesn't come to mind... LOATHE does.

Actually I don't really have any problem with UNL fans. But, I do enjoy anything (like their NU loss, Michigan etc.) that gives them self doubt. :)

They were so confident that they were going to roll through the B1G their first season... guess not! Losing to Iowa and having them finish 4-4 in the conference would neuter them for years to come.

The sad thing is. It won't shut them up! If we win this game it will be some other reason they lost. Like the refs screwed them or the big 10 president put a hex on them. Like yesterday, apparently it was the refs that put up all those points and that's why they lost. Not the fact that this year you havent been able to stop any running qb! Any of you out there that doubt this, try living here for 1 week and you would understand. I remember last year when they rolled through their non conference games. 2 things coming out of the mouths of the husker faithful was national championship oh and the first ever freshman to win the heisman. Husker fan has a warped since of reality
i also live in SW iowa and work in omaha. i have discovered this year that my hatred for the huskers rivals my love for the hawkeyes. husker fans are a disgrace to college sports. fairweather fans, force fed media, coverage of husker football workouts in the offeseason, coverage of what the band has planned for road games, etc its disgraceful. i went to a college world series game a few years back when the huskers made it the first time, there was an actual conversation - i swear this is not made up - but an actual conversation of whether or not eric crouch was the starting pitcher that day. i say fairweather fans bc, well ive seen it in action. i went to a husker game (lost a bet, my cousin is a huskirt fan and hes been to several iowa games with me so i owed him at least one) and the gameday atmoshphere is boring and fake, no tailgating to speak of (yet they pride themselves on it) and the stadium cleared at the end of the 3rd qrtr and neb was only losing by 17 pts. ive been to some rather large blow outs in iowa city and have never left a game early and have never witnessed a mass exodus like that in lincoln. btw - the consecutive sellout crowd lincoln has, its bc of the 90 yr old season ticket holders that may or may not actually go to the game. and bc theyre 90 they make people sit to watch a game who does that?

when omaha had the ufl team nighthawks, it was rather pleasing to hear husker fans chanting "go hawks"
Ok HAWK fans, was wondering if there are others out there that hate the huskers as much as I do. Example....I was rooting for the Russian bear in the Sydney games against Gardner cause he was at Nebraska for a year. I grew up in southwest Iowa and listened to the husker drivel as a kid. Moved to Iowa city for a couple of years, met some great friends and remember watching the championship game they played in against Miami (which they had no business being in) all my friends were rooting for Nebraska cause they are from the Midwest?!? Now I currently live in Omaha and I think my hatred towards Mark's team (Bo's real name) has grown!! If it isn't the local rag or the local news channel filling us with "is it safe to wear your corn head to happy valley" then it's how did the 3rd string line-man do on his intro level English exam! Please HAWK fans tell me at least one of you has this hatred in you??

You did what???........
Do svidaniya, brah.
I had to work arounf their fans for years and to be honest I have never met a more arrogant fan base in my life. I have friends fom nebbyland but when the subject turns to FB it gets sickening very quickly.
You did what???........
Do svidaniya, brah.

I will say I proudly was rooting against Gardner! And I wasn't the only one watching that match cheering on the bear! HAWK fans this week tune into 1620 am in the afternoon and maybe you will comprehend the hatred.
I live in Omaha and Nebraska fans are some of the dumbest people. It is never there fault that the lose. It always the refs. I can't wait to hear about the beating they took on Saturday.
I live in Omaha and can tell u that it is a lot different over here than u think. I have seen the worst the Fuskers have to show and its not even close. I just hope we pull out a win so us Hawk fans on this side of the river don't take on anymore crap than we have to. GO HAWKS!

Here is what I have noticed about Nebraska fans. The ones that are actually from Nebraska are really nice and respectful fans, but the ones from Iowa are the obnoxious ********.I dislike the Huskers very much, but that's probably because I've dealt with more of the obnoxious ones
I will say I proudly was rooting against Gardner! And I wasn't the only one watching that match cheering on the bear! HAWK fans this week tune into 1620 am in the afternoon and maybe you will comprehend the hatred.

You don't like it you can giiiiit out!

I hate the Huskers too. :D

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