I don't understand the hatred towards Tim Tebow in the NFL

First off, Tebow has had an unbelievable amount of hype around him since his days at Florida. He is unique in the way he displays his faith, and many people strongly dislike having all of that shoved in their face. It seems like their is some Tebow story on ESPN daily, and people are sick of him. You can't have that much hype without backlash.
Second, he is not a good QB. You can say he wins games, but during that stretch in Denver, the defense played out of its mind, and the kicker was unbelievable. The Patriots laid out the model to beat TT, and it's pretty simple, make him throw. It's almost a joke watching his long throwing motion and inaccurate arm.
Tebow is an athlete and I think there is a place for him in the game, but not at QB.

In that he displays it publicly?
In that he displays it publicly?

I think DJL summed it up perfectly when he added that "people strongly dislike havingall of that shoved in their face". He's right, people are sick of it, but I think more so because of the propaganda behind it. I know it honestly wouldn't bother me as much if he were a good quarterback. IMO, it's the same thing I thought about Lebron, the difference was even though he acted like a child and went about things the wrong way,he was still one of the best players in the game. People want to see "superstar athletes" first and personalities second. If he was a great player that came with the hype people would accept it, but the fact is that he's not a great player (or even a good one in my opinion) and we simply don't care because the only thing that matters is what he does to make the game better. If people looked to professional sports for role models and how to live their lives, then I'd understand the hype, but most people don't care about anything other than what he does on the field.
Tebow has even been benched at Dick's Sporting Goods

I think DJL summed it up perfectly when he added that "people strongly dislike havingall of that shoved in their face". He's right, people are sick of it, but I think more so because of the propaganda behind it. I know it honestly wouldn't bother me as much if he were a good quarterback. IMO, it's the same thing I thought about Lebron, the difference was even though he acted like a child and went about things the wrong way,he was still one of the best players in the game. People want to see "superstar athletes" first and personalities second. If he was a great player that came with the hype people would accept it, but the fact is that he's not a great player (or even a good one in my opinion) and we simply don't care because the only thing that matters is what he does to make the game better. If people looked to professional sports for role models and how to live their lives, then I'd understand the hype, but most people don't care about anything other than what he does on the field.

Well, I guess I'd disagree with that. Tebow doesn't shove his faith in anyone's face any more or less than Chris Kluwe throws his leftist-leanings in anyone's face. The one thing both of them have in common is that their profession affords them a platform where their particular worldviews are more visible. Kluwe doesn't get the same kind of attention because he's a punter, but the principle (and him talking about a lightning rod of an issue) is the same.
I just wanted to take the time to say hello to scorp/vint since he does carry a ruffling opinion on the subject, and may find his way to lurk this thread.

I would like to see tebow get a chance to yet play qb on a team that is willing to change their offense to accommodate him. He had the help of the D in Denver, but he got that team to all believe that they could win. He may suck in practice, but hes shown he's a game day player if given a chance.

Media, shemedia...
Well, I guess I'd disagree with that. Tebow doesn't shove his faith in anyone's face any more or less than Chris Kluwe throws his leftist-leanings in anyone's face. The one thing both of them have in common is that their profession affords them a platform where their particular worldviews are more visible. Kluwe doesn't get the same kind of attention because he's a punter, but the principle (and him talking about a lightning rod of an issue) is the same.

I should retract my statement a bit and try to rephrase it. While he definitely doesn't do anything to hide his faith or who he is, it sounds as though he has toned it down a notch in the locker room and among his peers. I feel that the media, does more than their fair share to "overplay" the faith card on his behalf and it rubs alot of people the wrong way. As I stated earlier he may be a great person, but that doesn't make him a great football player and while that is what I take issue with. He's a mediocre QB at best at this point in his career, but the media will continue to sensationalize him because of who he is as a person rather than what he can do as a football player. Most people watch football for the purpose of watching the best players in the world battle it out daily, not to see someone who's not such person shoved down our throats because they're decent human beings.

That said after watching the Vikings game last night and watching Webb's performance I think Tebow found his match in terms of passing ability. Webb might be a great guy to and amazing story why don't we get him shoved down our throats.
I just wanted to take the time to say hello to scorp/vint since he does carry a ruffling opinion on the subject, and may find his way to lurk this thread.

I would like to see tebow get a chance to yet play qb on a team that is willing to change their offense to accommodate him. He had the help of the D in Denver, but he got that team to all believe that they could win. He may suck in practice, but hes shown he's a game day player if given a chance.

Media, shemedia...

You mean the guy that lost the last 3 weeks of the regular season, snuck into the playoffs at 8-8, won a home game and then got beat by 40? That guy?
You mean the guy that lost the last 3 weeks of the regular season, snuck into the playoffs at 8-8, won a home game and then got beat by 40? That guy?

Yep, that guy, cause fellow colo friend, you know as well as I, that last years product was much better than the previous several years. Was orton better? Really? Even cutler? Maybe they could throw, but they sure couldn't get their teammates to believe in themselves or much less win, especially when it matteted...I have no problem with a changeout at qb (ala Manning, luck, or whomever else we would have acquired), but a) at least we got a chance to see what we had on bench; and 2) we were more exciting to watch and made playoffs for first time in quite a few years, oh and won a playoff game to boot...
...yeah, that QB.
Yep, that guy, cause fellow colo friend, you know as well as I, that last years product was much better than the previous several years. Was orton better? Really? Even cutler? Maybe they could throw, but they sure couldn't get their teammates to believe in themselves or much less win, especially when it matteted...I have no problem with a changeout at qb (ala Manning, luck, or whomever else we would have acquired), but a) at least we got a chance to see what we had on bench; and 2) we were more exciting to watch and made playoffs for first time in quite a few years, oh and won a playoff game to boot...
...yeah, that QB.

2010 - McDaniels & Orton. 4-12. Awful. Look at the points that defense was giving up. It was staggering. That was the year McFadden ran all over them.

2009 - Again, McDaniels & Orton. 8-8. That's the exact same record Tebow put up. They were bad, too.

Fact of the matter was, McDaniels was an awful HC. Those 2 years were bad and he is a big part of that.

Orton wasn't better, but I don't think he was any worse. But he lead the team to the same record as Tebow with not as good of team. Hell, the Broncos had a 9-7 and two 8-8's since 2005 and didn't make the playoffs. Just because the division is so gawd awful doesn't mean Tebow was any good.

And yes, Cutler is better. Cutler isn't great, but Tebow makes a team so one-dimensional that you saw where that was going. Once the NFL caught up to it, he was done. He got beat by 18, 26, 4 (to the Chiefs...at home) and 35 in the last 4 out of 5 weeks he started. I am not going to fake being impressed by winning a playoff game at home when you backed your *** in - when it mattered (see bolded portion :D)
2010 - McDaniels & Orton. 4-12. Awful. Look at the points that defense was giving up. It was staggering. That was the year McFadden ran all over them.

2009 - Again, McDaniels & Orton. 8-8. That's the exact same record Tebow put up. They were bad, too.

Fact of the matter was, McDaniels was an awful HC. Those 2 years were bad and he is a big part of that.

Orton wasn't better, but I don't think he was any worse. But he lead the team to the same record as Tebow with not as good of team. Hell, the Broncos had a 9-7 and two 8-8's since 2005 and didn't make the playoffs. Just because the division is so gawd awful doesn't mean Tebow was any good.

And yes, Cutler is better. Cutler isn't great, but Tebow makes a team so one-dimensional that you saw where that was going. Once the NFL caught up to it, he was done. He got beat by 18, 26, 4 (to the Chiefs...at home) and 35 in the last 4 out of 5 weeks he started. I am not going to fake being impressed by winning a playoff game at home when you backed your *** in - when it mattered (see bolded portion :D)

I think he was handed the reins at 0-4 in 2011. I'd say wins matter and Tebow was 9-5 in games he started.

BTW get them into the SB so we can go broke getting to game in NO.
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I should retract my statement a bit and try to rephrase it. While he definitely doesn't do anything to hide his faith or who he is, it sounds as though he has toned it down a notch in the locker room and among his peers. I feel that the media, does more than their fair share to "overplay" the faith card on his behalf and it rubs alot of people the wrong way. As I stated earlier he may be a great person, but that doesn't make him a great football player and while that is what I take issue with. He's a mediocre QB at best at this point in his career, but the media will continue to sensationalize him because of who he is as a person rather than what he can do as a football player. Most people watch football for the purpose of watching the best players in the world battle it out daily, not to see someone who's not such person shoved down our throats because they're decent human beings.

That said after watching the Vikings game last night and watching Webb's performance I think Tebow found his match in terms of passing ability. Webb might be a great guy to and amazing story why don't we get him shoved down our throats.

Fair enough, and Tebow is (or was) overexposed in the media. That said, you can always do what I do, and choose not to watch ESPN for anything other than live sports.

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