I don't understand the hatred towards Tim Tebow in the NFL


Well-Known Member
It seems that all the NFL "experts" think he can't make it in the NFL at QB. But has he really been giving the chance compared to theirs? I mean look at how many times Matt Leinart started and isn't that great, good or even OK. He was a heisman winner just like Tim and he was a huge bust in the NFL.

All this talk about Tebow's mechanics but John Elway only gave him a shot because he was under contract and they didn't have anyone better. John Elway is running off QB's left and right out there in Denver. As soon as Peyton was even remotely in the picture Tebow was done in Denver.

Mark "Dirty" Sanchez hasn't done anything special in New York. And now when the Jets make a QB change Tebow gets passed up for Greg McElroy who won't even start now because he might be concussed according to ESPN this morning.

I heard on 1460 KXNO last night on Petros and Money that Tebow will be in Jacksonville next year and he might have some success with having MJD in the back field.

I don't know but it seems that the NFL guys don't want him to succeed and maybe they are right he will probably not succeed if he does but he needs to play and start to really find out. Who knows if he actually gets real shot and fails horribly he might be open to a position change. He has the size of a safety and has the speed and strength if he was given a season or two learn the position and train for it.
quick answer = he is slower than Russell, Luck, and Griffen, is less accurate than each, and brings a headache to the locker room via the press. he could be a decent role player, but if i were a GM he wouldn't be worth the headache for what little he brings to the table.

true, it seems some people (or even most) go out of their way to criticize him, and that's too bad. but, like Sanchez, he's just too limited as a QB to be a long term solution.
First off, Tebow has had an unbelievable amount of hype around him since his days at Florida. He is unique in the way he displays his faith, and many people strongly dislike having all of that shoved in their face. It seems like their is some Tebow story on ESPN daily, and people are sick of him. You can't have that much hype without backlash.
Second, he is not a good QB. You can say he wins games, but during that stretch in Denver, the defense played out of its mind, and the kicker was unbelievable. The Patriots laid out the model to beat TT, and it's pretty simple, make him throw. It's almost a joke watching his long throwing motion and inaccurate arm.
Tebow is an athlete and I think there is a place for him in the game, but not at QB.
I really think a majority of people hate the coverage Tebow gets, but still blame him for it. It's not his fault ESPN is trying to cram this down viewers throat. I don't think he's a great NFL qb, but I don't hate him. I feel bad for him for the people that do hate him, it's not his choice really to have this ridiculous amount of coverage on him since his Florida days.
Scorp/Vintage alt coming in 3, 2, 1....

I am not very perceptive on message boards I guess, but I haven't noticed a Scorp/Vintage alt around here lately. Could he be done for real? Will he be reinstated to HN? Or am I just totally clueless and he has an alt running around here?
I am not very perceptive on message boards I guess, but I haven't noticed a Scorp/Vintage alt around here lately. Could he be done for real? Will he be reinstated to HN? Or am I just totally clueless and he has an alt running around here?

I'm not sure either... but if anything would draw him back.... I'm guessing it'd be a Tebow thread.
I don't understand the personal hatred for Tebow.

As for football, he deserves the hatred because he is terrible.
quick answer = he is slower than Russell, Luck, and Griffen, is less accurate than each, and brings a headache to the locker room via the press. he could be a decent role player, but if i were a GM he wouldn't be worth the headache for what little he brings to the table.

true, it seems some people (or even most) go out of their way to criticize him, and that's too bad. but, like Sanchez, he's just too limited as a QB to be a long term solution.

This is my point, Mark Sanchez is horrible but yet he has been a multi-year starter. Career wise it is Mark has played in 61 and I am guessing most of them are starts. Tim as "played in" 34 games, and what half may have been actual starts, if not 1/3 of them.

Tim Tebow Stats - New York Jets - ESPN

Mark Sanchez Stats - New York Jets - ESPN
Is there an alt you guys think is Scorp/Vintage or just assuming one will show up?

You have been posting at a Scorp/Vintage rate lately, but you don't write anything like him, so no, I don't think there is one out their. But I've been known to be wrong about this kind of thing.
You have been posting at a Scorp/Vintage rate lately, but you don't write anything like him, so no, I don't think there is one out their. But I've been known to be wrong about this kind of thing.

Maybe dave2912 is Verbal Kint to Scorps' Kaiser Soze?
Also, if Dave was Vint/Scorp, he would get credit for a Tebow troll......I just can't imagine Scorp ever even pretending to like Tebow.
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Also, if Dave was Vint/Scorp, he would get credit for a Tebow troll......I just can't imagine Scorp every even pretending to like Tebow.

I am not Scorp but I think you guys misunderstood my OP.

I don't LIKE Tim Tebow but I want him to get his full shot as a starting QB and either succeed (which we all agree is not likely) or crash and burn bad enough that he goes away forever. Ok maybe not forever but at least to one of those 300 religious channels I get with my DirecTV that merely is a waste of space on my TV guide.

Until then the NFL "experts" need to get off their hatred horse and let the guy play, bad mechanics and all.

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