I can't resist. Great Alford read

When he was asked about his role in defending an Iowa player from sexual assault charges and allegedly bullying the victim into not pursuing the case, he blamed school administrators for his behavior.

I hope Alford enjoys the big fat paychecks he is getting because I think he signed his last contract he will ever get as a Head Coach of a major college. He will be lucky to get a job at Indiana State after this.
Alf is off to a great start I see. I may have to move my over under bar for his firing from three seasons down to two.
Simers can be a dick, e.g., check out the press conference with Mora, the football coach at UCLA, but that is the difference between the press in IC and ALBQ and LA. It will be interesting to see how Alford handles the press out there, he can be prickly when someone questions him. I know I won't have to search for any negative Alford treatment in the press, it will be linked right here on HN.
That's a guy that gets it. Nice to see someone who can see through the facade and realize that the Emperor has no clothes.

"We did things at New Mexico that had never been done before," Alford said.
"Like lose to Harvard," I said, and welcome to L.A.

This is gonna be fun to watch. He's no longer big fish in a small pond. He's gonna get called on his B.S.
Will be interesting, too, to see how well Steve-O functions with out his bag man, Neal. My guess is not well...
Simers can be a dick, e.g., check out the press conference with Mora, the football coach at UCLA, but that is the difference between the press in IC and ALBQ and LA. It will be interesting to see how Alford handles the press out there, he can be prickly when someone questions him. I know I won't have to search for any negative Alford treatment in the press, it will be linked right here on HN.

Press conferences will be interesting.
The butthurt Hawk fans show over Steve Alford is historic.

I have more hate for Lickliter than Alford.

Indiana Boy was the spoiled cream that soured Iowa fans on enjoying their Hawkeye hoops cookies and milk on cold winter nights. Lickliter turned what Alf left into the globby crap at the bottom of the bottle that just doesn't budge and is hard to get out and you just finally have to toss out.
Look, I have no love for Alford. But, the bigger A-Hole in this presentation is another media "...I am omnipotent" jerk. Time to eliminate about 2/3 of the sports media and improve the gene pool.
I hope Alford enjoys the big fat paychecks he is getting because I think he signed his last contract he will ever get as a Head Coach of a major college. He will be lucky to get a job at Indiana State after this.

I believe he will be 55 when this contract ends. If the money is guaranteed he doesn't have to make it 2 years and he gets paid and should be at a point where he can retire. Of course this would run counter to his ego so...