I am sick to death of listening to these one and done players and their parents

What I love is to hear Coach K and Coach Cal talking about how difficult it is for them to have to consistently deal with new players and it impacts the continuity with their teams. "Why, is it then difficult for you to put one of the other 4 or 5 star players on the bench into the game?" There should be a rule that you can only have a certain number of highly rated players on a team. Let those guys coach with a similar level of talent...they would still win, but I don't think we would be talking legend every time they have their mugs on TV.
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blame the NCAA for their kids having to play 1 year of college before they go to the NBA!
NEWS FLASH: You don't have to! You can play professionally over seas. You can go directly to the G-League for 1 season and then try and go to the NBA.
Just stop your freaking whining about the NCAA. There are a lot of things wrong with the NCAA but the NBA rules aren't one of them. Man up and make big boy decisions. Life isn't always fair. Having to wait 12 months for your multi million dollar pay day really sucks, I know. The rest of us couldn't care less about your drama.
End of rant.
Somebody made you listen to them?
blame the NCAA for their kids having to play 1 year of college before they go to the NBA!
NEWS FLASH: You don't have to! You can play professionally over seas. You can go directly to the G-League for 1 season and then try and go to the NBA.
Just stop your freaking whining about the NCAA. There are a lot of things wrong with the NCAA but the NBA rules aren't one of them. Man up and make big boy decisions. Life isn't always fair. Having to wait 12 months for your multi million dollar pay day really sucks, I know. The rest of us couldn't care less about your drama.
End of rant.
Agree. There are problems with the NCAA. This isn’t one of them.

This is the NBA.
I'd love to see the NBA adopt what MLB has. Get the "farm system" going. Then one can choose whether to take that college scholarship or go straight into "Class A" ball. Let the kid and his family make the choice.
They’re trying to with the G-league.

The NBA needs to dish out more money for G-league pay like MLB does and have one G-league team for each NBA team.
Totally agree. I am also tired of people claiming that we need to pay these kids tons of money to play college ball. The fact is maybe about 1% of college scholarship athletes are really missing out on significant sums of money. You have to remember that college football and a little bit of basketball basically funds about 4000 student athletes overall. That is helping a crap ton of kids from socio economic situation that would never be able to go to school otherwise. The benefits for the nearly 4000 totally outweigh the money the very very few have to wait on until they become professionals.

I used to feel this way, but the kind of money schools, the NCAA, networks (like the BTN) are making on the backs of these guys is ridiculous, and has changed my point of view. The money has changed so much over the years, the hypocrisy is dripping now. The coaches, administrators, executives in these organizations are making multiple 7 figure salaries - good for them, I don't hold that against them, but when they begin to espouse the virtues of amateurism, I roll my eyes.

Not sure exactly what form it should take, e.g., let a star athlete get some money for the use of his image versus blanket stipends to every athlete seems the most reasonable thing. That's the way it works in the professional ranks, the stars get the most money. The journeyman gets a paycheck, similar to a student getting a very valuable scholarship (which has real, not just intrinsic, value).
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I used to feel this way, but the kind of money schools, the NCAA, networks (like the BTN) are making on the backs of these guys is ridiculous, and has changed my point of view. The money has changed so much over the years, the hypocrisy is dripping now. The coaches, administrators, executives in these organizations are making multiple 7 figure salaries - good for them, I don't hold that against them, but when they begin to espouse the virtues of amateurism, I roll my eyes.

Not sure exactly what form it should take, e.g., let a star athlete get some money for the use of his image versus blanket stipends to every athlete seems the most reasonable thing. That's the way it works in the professional ranks, the stars get the most money. The journeyman gets a paycheck, similar to a student getting a very valuable scholarship (which has real, not just intrinsic, value).

The one thing I absolutely think should happen is the players should be able to make money off their individual "brand". When a school is making money by selling a players jersey, etc., now that is bullshit. I would be all for forcing the schools to pay a player for using their likeness to market the school, or sell a product.

To me that is very different than paying them more of a stipend, etc. Plus that would drive at least some additional monies to the player instead of paying coaches 5 million a year and 10 million just to fire them. That coaching money should absolutely be going more to the players.
I used to feel this way, but the kind of money schools, the NCAA, networks (like the BTN) are making on the backs of these guys is ridiculous, and has changed my point of view. The money has changed so much over the years, the hypocrisy is dripping now. The coaches, administrators, executives in these organizations are making multiple 7 figure salaries - good for them, I don't hold that against them, but when they begin to espouse the virtues of amateurism, I roll my eyes.

Not sure exactly what form it should take, e.g., let a star athlete get some money for the use of his image versus blanket stipends to every athlete seems the most reasonable thing. That's the way it works in the professional ranks, the stars get the most money. The journeyman gets a paycheck, similar to a student getting a very valuable scholarship (which has real, not just intrinsic, value).

Couldn’t agree more. I feel/felt the same way you do. Power 5 schools paid 60 million dollars(it may be up 70+ million) in buyout money to head football coaches. With the vast majority of them sitting on their asses not doing anything right now. There is no counter argument for that.

My only concern now is that tv money that bubble is about to burst. When that happens where do we go from there? Once we open Pandora’s box there’s no going back.
This has been a non issue as far as the NCAA is concerned dating back to over 7 years ago when the NCAA ruled Cam Newton eligible. According to the NCAA, since the investigation couldn't find proof that Cam had knowledge of the transaction or that Cam received any of the $180k paid to his dad, they found no violation. #PlausibleDeniability
blame the NCAA for their kids having to play 1 year of college before they go to the NBA!
NEWS FLASH: You don't have to! You can play professionally over seas. You can go directly to the G-League for 1 season and then try and go to the NBA.
Just stop your freaking whining about the NCAA. There are a lot of things wrong with the NCAA but the NBA rules aren't one of them. Man up and make big boy decisions. Life isn't always fair. Having to wait 12 months for your multi million dollar pay day really sucks, I know. The rest of us couldn't care less about your drama.
End of rant.
Here is the thing, a large percentage of Divsion I male athletes really have no business in college. I say let them go play for what ever they can get, let them flame out early and get on with their lives. The world needs ditch diggers too. Let's be done with the farce of the student athlete.
It's a splintered world anymore. Kids in college, in development leagues, overseas and the NBA. In some perverse way, Iowa not having a bunch of 1-2 years guys allows us to get to cheer for players on the team, not just the uniform. On occasion, with the right mix, you might get a nice run in the tournament, like what Loyola has put together this year. We haven't had that for many, many years, but we live to think it might. In the same perverse way, those teams become more memorable to their fans than a series of one and done teams like Kentucky or Duke or (fill in the blank).

I know that some (most?) would take not knowing the players well in exchange for repeated deep runs in the NCAA, I can't blame anyone for feeling that way. Maybe I've come to know that will never be Iowa, so I instead pine for the Loyola-type season. For that, I'm glad Loyola made it, as it gives me hope that it can happen at Iowa, too.
Yeah, something like when Adrian Peterson said something about NFL owners treating players like slaves. I don't remember reading about slaves making millions of $ in 1860 but whatever works for these athletes.

The modern day athlete is not even close to being in a slavery position since Curt Flood took baseball to court. Before Flood baseball contracts if you want to call them that were all one sided with little negotiating power for the vast majority of athletes. There was no free agency nor way of a player getting out of a contract and they were basically "owned' by the team. Flood lost out on some playing time in the prime of his career.

The NCAA being called slave owners is pretty out there incorrect. There are a lot of rules that to try to make the playing "field" fair in all sports. And even a baseball player or wrestler getting a half or quarter schollie is pretty good. And you arent owned by the NCAA or the school if you want to sit out and transfer.

I wouldnt even mind seeing the transfer rule change so that a player going into his last year of eligibility can transfer without sitting out at all. Of course with no tampering by other coaches.
A bunch of mostly white execs make a lot of money off the work of a bunch of mostly young black athletes. It's not racism but it's still a bad look.

Maybe that's why there are so many more black basketball players. I thought it was because they are more athletic. But I guess it's because they are the ones who allow themselves to be taken advantage of by white guys. Who knew?
Maybe that's why there are so many more black basketball players. I thought it was because they are more athletic. But I guess it's because they are the ones who allow themselves to be taken advantage of by white guys. Who knew?

And when they try to fight back and “get theirs” you can’t really blame them, can you?
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Yes, I have college investments set up for my boys. Don't some of these people have college funds set up? I'm sick of people not taking responsibility and setting up accounts, only to hope somebody else will pay for their college. I have accounts set up, and if we are lucky enough that either or both of them get some kind of athletic or any other scholarship, well, then that will be a bonus.
Not everyone has that kind of $ to pull off.... Especially for kids plural as you say. Sure there are the Johnny Manzels and Josh Rosens of the world who's families are already wealthy. But LeBron James was far from it. He and a lot of those minority kids come from single parent households hanging on by government assistance... Granted there's a lot of middle ground between those two types of scenerios and a lot of kids fall in between. But college is just a boat load of $ almost no matter where you go. It's tough for middle class families to have a roof over their heads, two vehicles, taxes paid up, food on the table and insurance on it all and then save for any reason on top of that.