I am sick to death of listening to these one and done players and their parents

Not everyone has that kind of $ to pull off.... Especially for kids plural as you say. Sure there are the Johnny Manzels and Josh Rosens of the world who's families are already wealthy. But LeBron James was far from it. He and a lot of those minority kids come from single parent households hanging on by government assistance... Granted there's a lot of middle ground between those two types of scenerios and a lot of kids fall in between. But college is just a boat load of $ almost no matter where you go. It's tough for middle class families to have a roof over their heads, two vehicles, taxes paid up, food on the table and insurance on it all and then save for any reason on top of that.

LOL of course it is hard. It is even harder for the middle class and poor families that don't have million dollar athletes for kids. Boohoo to all those poor families that made poor life choices and have little work ethic that hit the lottery by exploiting their underage children.
I don't care if they have a college fund, don't have a college fund, can't afford a college fund, never wanted to go to college. Whatever. Don't blame the NCAA for any of it. Blame the person/people responsible for whatever your problems are. In this case, it's the NBA owners.
I don't care if they have a college fund, don't have a college fund, can't afford a college fund, never wanted to go to college. Whatever. Don't blame the NCAA for any of it. Blame the person/people responsible for whatever your problems are. In this case, it's the NBA owners.

I'm not convinced that NBA owners are responsible for the droves of poor people. If people are so poor that they can't "afford" to play the year of college and qualify for the NBA, well isn't that the fault of the individual? The NBA is a private institution and therefore by law allowed to make whatever eligibility they want. If they don't want kids 18 an under to be in the league that is their prerogative. It is not their responsibility or fault that people's personal lives may not benefit from the rule.

To me this is just more of the instant gratification pandemic. No one wants to pay their dues. It's all right now! "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die."
I'm not convinced that NBA owners are responsible for the droves of poor people. If people are so poor that they can't "afford" to play the year of college and qualify for the NBA, well isn't that the fault of the individual? The NBA is a private institution and therefore by law allowed to make whatever eligibility they want. If they don't want kids 18 an under to be in the league that is their prerogative. It is not their responsibility or fault that people's personal lives may not benefit from the rule.

To me this is just more of the instant gratification pandemic. No one wants to pay their dues. It's all right now! "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die."

Everyone wants to blame the poor for being poor.
I'm not convinced that NBA owners are responsible for the droves of poor people. If people are so poor that they can't "afford" to play the year of college and qualify for the NBA, well isn't that the fault of the individual? The NBA is a private institution and therefore by law allowed to make whatever eligibility they want. If they don't want kids 18 an under to be in the league that is their prerogative. It is not their responsibility or fault that people's personal lives may not benefit from the rule.

To me this is just more of the instant gratification pandemic. No one wants to pay their dues. It's all right now! "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die."

You fo realize that the bottom 90 percent share of wealth drooped from 28 percent to 22 percent since the financial crisis. Do you realize the percent share of mid 40s to 60 year olds in the work place has plummeted do to not able to get jobs?

35 and under workers have really struggled for affordable wages?
I'm not convinced that NBA owners are responsible for the droves of poor people. If people are so poor that they can't "afford" to play the year of college and qualify for the NBA, well isn't that the fault of the individual? The NBA is a private institution and therefore by law allowed to make whatever eligibility they want. If they don't want kids 18 an under to be in the league that is their prerogative. It is not their responsibility or fault that people's personal lives may not benefit from the rule.

To me this is just more of the instant gratification pandemic. No one wants to pay their dues. It's all right now! "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die."
Yes. It is the fault of the individual. I said "blame the person responsible for the problem, in this case, the NBA owners". The NBA owners won't allow players to enter the NBA draft straight out of high school. Not the NCAA. If your kid doesn't have a college fund, blame yourself. Etc, etc.
You fo realize that the bottom 90 percent share of wealth drooped from 28 percent to 22 percent since the financial crisis. Do you realize the percent share of mid 40s to 60 year olds in the work place has plummeted do to not able to get jobs?

35 and under workers have really struggled for affordable wages?

Hogwash. That is what the media wants people to believe. It's wall street's fault that people are poor. It has nothing to do with their reluctance for personal sacrifice and certainly has nothing to do with their piss poor money management.
Hogwash. That is what the media wants people to believe. It's wall street's fault that people are poor. It has nothing to do with their reluctance for personal sacrifice and certainly has nothing to do with their piss poor money management.

What's hogwash? The stats?
LOL of course it is hard. It is even harder for the middle class and poor families that don't have million dollar athletes for kids. Boohoo to all those poor families that made poor life choices and have little work ethic that hit the lottery by exploiting their underage children.
You say that as though you wouldn't if you were in their shoes.... It's really easy to judge. A lot tougher to walk their path.

Their happens to be something worth more than $. That's time. We don't know how much of it we have period let alone how much of it one will have being healthy. And regardless of how much it has there's a limit to it. So if a kid that's not a great student and doesn't feel going to college for a year is something he'd get much out of is worth it to him decides to go play in the G league or over seas or whatever else. To that I say more power to them. I feel the NBA only made that one and done rule to protect themselves from themselves. Because teams can't help themselves from drafting those kids and they were getting tired of occasionally getting burned from it. Well to me that's not the kids fault as much as their own. Nobody is forcing teams to draft kids that aren't ready anymore then the kid themselves making themselves eligible to be. If your overdrafting any player and mess it up that's just the way the ball bounces regardless of it's a kid right out of HS or a 5th yr college grad. They'd be smart to have the ability for the college kids that go undrafted to go back so long as they aren't in bed with an agent. The lack of common sense in their rules is only because it's easier to do that then to have it be a more free market and have their scouting department screw up their rosters.

The biggest reason the NCAA has to try and keep amateurism going is title 9 and how the other sports would be affected. You open pandoras box and the lawsuits the women and other sports that don't earn the $ Football and basketball do would just cripple everything. I'm as free market guy as their is but the schools want to have those other sports to draw more students to attend. Even if they aren't making $. To me each sport should be self sustaining unto themselves and if womans softball has to go and mens gymnastics then so be it. But the schools are pretty reluctant to want to do that to themselves. And we have laws to partially blame for that. The schools will point to them and say sorry we have to give X amount of chics schollies and $ allocated for womens programs because the law says so and they wouldn't be wrong. So if the paradigm is going to drastically shift in that regard there's no gradual way for it to happen because lawyers wouldn't let it...
blame the NCAA for their kids having to play 1 year of college before they go to the NBA!
NEWS FLASH: You don't have to! You can play professionally over seas. You can go directly to the G-League for 1 season and then try and go to the NBA.
Just stop your freaking whining about the NCAA. There are a lot of things wrong with the NCAA but the NBA rules aren't one of them. Man up and make big boy decisions. Life isn't always fair. Having to wait 12 months for your multi million dollar pay day really sucks, I know. The rest of us couldn't care less about your drama.
End of rant.

I agree! Many probably think they could go be a doctor or nurse or lawyer or you name it without going to college... go enjoy the experience! Oh to be 18, on scholarship, living the dream!
If the argument is socio economical, then the system that is in place makes the most sense. I don't get why people want to change the rules, and end up hurting 99% of the current scholarship athletes, just so that the one and done NBA players can get millions more on top of the millions they will earn.

You change someones life with an education that gives them the ability to make a good wage. If not all of the student athletes understand this and take advantage of it, then that is on them. I don't know why you punish the thousands of kids each year that do get this and take advantage of it, because some make poor decisions, and piss away their opportunity. Someone that has a tough life because they are poor will never get ahead in life if they can't start making good decisions at some point. You have to give people the tools to succeed, what they do with those tools are on them.
Totally agree. I am also tired of people claiming that we need to pay these kids tons of money to play college ball. The fact is maybe about 1% of college scholarship athletes are really missing out on significant sums of money. You have to remember that college football and a little bit of basketball basically funds about 4000 student athletes overall. That is helping a crap ton of kids from socio economic situation that would never be able to go to school otherwise. The benefits for the nearly 4000 totally outweigh the money the very very few have to wait on until they become professionals.

Everyone who has decent grades can go to college, rich or poor. Only difference is how much one has to borrow or where one can go..Junior colleges are dirt cheap and many state schools are affordable, especially if you work while attending.
Everyone who has decent grades can go to college, rich or poor. Only difference is how much one has to borrow or where one can go..Junior colleges are dirt cheap and many state schools are affordable, especially if you work while attending.

Iowa schools are some of the least expensive in the nation. Surrounding states are not doable by working thru school.

A used to direct a comminity college pragram. There are very smart people who thru life circumstances just cant do it. Inner city kids have a high rate of ptsd. Schools arent very flexible for a kid taking an exam who just had some break in that night and held he and his grandpa hostage at knife point. Happens more than you think. In our Iowa world we can seperate meth heads. Inner ciyy kids live life in the now.