Hypothetical, who would want to coach here?

A lot of people would want this job, especially people who consider their strengths recruiting (and thus could combat a major weakness of the area), for the pay we hand out.

You act like we are going to hand out 3 million to the next guy who walks in here. Unless your name is Urban Meyer that isn't the case.

But let's say you are Urban, and you get an offer of 3 million to come coach Iowa. Why would you take the job, knowing that you could come coach for ten years and have the best ten year run ever in the history of Iowa and be run out of town? Why would you want that job?
You act like we are going to hand out 3 million to the next guy who walks in here. Unless your name is Urban Meyer that isn't the case.

But let's say you are Urban, and you get an offer of 3 million to come coach Iowa. Why would you take the job, knowing that you could come coach for ten years and have the best ten year run ever in the history of Iowa and be run out of town? Why would you want that job?

We put a lot of money into football. We also bring in Top #15 money from what I've seen. Iowa will overpay for their next coach, whenever that is, because they want to maintain being competitive (Even if that's not necessarily going to work).

What's the point of this thread? Gloom and doom?
I really don't understand these threads since there isn't a chance in hell that Iowa is going to fire Ferentz. If Ferentz leaves, it's probably going to be because he's tired of dealing with fans' expectations and sick of the media(or that he's just burned out). He's going to leave on his own will. I don't think that is going to scare off potential candidates. For example, I can't see someone like Mark Stoops saying no to Iowa because he thinks fans' expectations are unrealistic or the media is too mean.
You act like we are going to hand out 3 million to the next guy who walks in here. Unless your name is Urban Meyer that isn't the case.

But let's say you are Urban, and you get an offer of 3 million to come coach Iowa. Why would you take the job, knowing that you could come coach for ten years and have the best ten year run ever in the history of Iowa and be run out of town? Why would you want that job?

KF was no Urban Meyer when he was hired, and it did not take long for him to start making money.

A lot of coahces would stand in line for a job that would pay top dollar for good performance (not to mention the other factors that make Iowa a great job)--i.e., if you do well, you can make $4 million a year. KF is precedence for this. Iowa will pay you if you are a good fit and have some success. I think a lot of coaches would be willing to bet on themselves in that situation. I think this is true, even with the possibility of getting run out of town in a decade (or even less).

Put simply, there are very few BCS head coaching jobs, with a ton of coaches who wished they had one. Iowa is probably a top-10 job, all things considered, and (for the sake of argument), certainly a top-25 job. Coaches would line up to have the Iowa job. It is simple supply and demand, with the demand be accentuated because of Iowa's willingness to pay for success and other job intangibles.
the pay alone would have countless coaches lining up. i think most coaches would ideally want to be in a recruiting hotbed, but iowa pays Kirk nearly double what most places pay, so that is a huge incentive just by itself.
KF was no Urban Meyer when he was hired, and it did not take long for him to start making money.

A lot of coahces would stand in line for a job that would pay top dollar for good performance (not to mention the other factors that make Iowa a great job)--i.e., if you do well, you can make $4 million a year. KF is precedence for this. Iowa will pay you if you are a good fit and have some success. I think a lot of coaches would be willing to bet on themselves in that situation. I think this is true, even with the possibility of getting run out of town in a decade (or even less).

Put simply, there are very few BCS head coaching jobs, with a ton of coaches who wished they had one. Iowa is probably a top-10 job, all things considered, and (for the sake of argument), certainly a top-25 job. Coaches would line up to have the Iowa job. It is simple supply and demand, with the demand be accentuated because of Iowa's willingness to pay for success and other job intangibles.

No ******* way Iowa is a top ten job, it's probably no better than the 5th best job in the B10 (scUM, fOSU, Nebby, and PSU are all better than Iowa, Michigan State and Wisky are in the same ball park).

Top 25 is probably correct.
You act like we are going to hand out 3 million to the next guy who walks in here. Unless your name is Urban Meyer that isn't the case.

But let's say you are Urban, and you get an offer of 3 million to come coach Iowa. Why would you take the job, knowing that you could come coach for ten years and have the best ten year run ever in the history of Iowa and be run out of town? Why would you want that job?

Who says there aren't other coaches out there that, while respecting Ferentz...think he's a good guy...does things the right way, don't also think that his grip is slipping just a bit and also fault him a bit for not wanting to change.

There are some that don't necessarily think moving on is to get better, as much as they think maybe, just maybe Ferentz is starting to lose control or lose the midas touch.

Past peformance doesn't guarantee future results. That cuts both ways. Can't guarantee a good new coach because it's been that way for 30 years.

Can't guarantee Ferentz will stay on top just because the last 10 have been great.
I want Kirk Ferentz to coach here. If we had to replace Ferentz I would want Boise State's coach. He's proven he can do more w/ less. They are disciplined, they play good defense, they run a balanced offensive scheme that doesn't suck.

But then again, the Boise St. route didn't work out so well at Colorado.
It's totally plausible that some coaches may look at Ferentz and the job he has done as great work, but--especially if they are less conservative in style--may also think that he left some things on the table. Again, I'm not advocating one way or the other...just that there is more to it than "We want the next level."

With some, I think there is growing fear with the way the conference is evolving and the growing number of bad losses that the "next level" is indeed down...but may be coming BEFORE a coaching change. Thus the unrest and calls for adaptation or fresh blood somewhere on the staff, not necessarily at the top.
I want Kirk Ferentz to coach here. If we had to replace Ferentz I would want Boise State's coach. He's proven he can do more w/ less. They are disciplined, they play good defense, they run a balanced offensive scheme that doesn't suck.

But then again, the Boise St. route didn't work out so well at Colorado.

It doesn't hurt that Boise St. can get kids admitted who can't tell the difference between a fire truck from flaming bag of dog ****.
1. There is no way Ferentz is getting fired, certainly not this year, or next year.
2. But if we have another couple years like this one has been, you can stop looking at the "he's coming off the best 10-year run in program history". Because after 3 or more years of being down.....he's just coming off of 3 or more bad years.
Captain Kirk...

Everyone has down years give the guy a break, every team goes through what we do. Losses are hard to take and everyone gets emotional after them I'm guilty as charged... My family and friends were so ****** after the Gopher game that I could hear my brothers tires balding all the way to his house a mile away. Thank god my daughter is only 6 months and son was outside playing the language being used in the 4th quarter alone would have made a Andrew Dice Clay preformance seem rated PG. My point is this, with the least returning starters in the big ten what did you expect? Why is it that everyone gets all nervous and scared when Kirk leaving for the NFL talks start?! Remember we all knew this would be a rebuilding year thats all I'm saying.
It doesn't hurt that Boise St. can get kids admitted who can't tell the difference between a fire truck from flaming bag of dog ****.

According to Rivals we've out recruited Boise State every single year.

Man, those lax academic standards sure give Boise and advantage even though Boise State has never had a top 50 class...
According to Rivals we've out recruited Boise State every single year.

Man, those lax academic standards sure give Boise and advantage even though Boise State has never had a top 50 class...

I'd sure like their schedule. Also our record would be much better if we played on black field turf and wore those pro-combat uniforms.
Serious question. Say we can KF, what coach in their right mind would want to come to Iowa, given the fact the coach in their before them was unceremoniously run out of town after having the best decade in school history?

Our guys need motivation:

Mike Leach. Iowa needs some kind of edge,and in this offensive era of football at all levels,having an offensive guru makes sense. Of course,this is pure hypothetical,and I think KF will enjoy a nice final run of another 9 years til his contract is up in 2020.

I was listening to Dinardo being interviewed on the Score a few minutes ago ,and someone asked if the Illini should dump Zook. He laid it out...in the Big Ten there is a pecking order of OSU,Mich,PSU,NEB,Iowa,Wis,and MSU...then the rest. As he said, IU should have never fired Bill Mallory,Minny should have never fired Mason, and NW should never fire Fitz. He did not come out and say it,but Iowa should never fire KF,lest we drop down into ''the rest''. The only thing that has elevated Iowa out of ''the rest'' the last 3 decades is Hayden and KF.
We are just poor oll Iowa, who would want to come to Iowa City and coach where the fans are rabid, loyal, where the facilities are damn near top notch, where you get PAID and where a bunch of NFL players are coming out of. Come on cibula, unrealistic expectations to not go.500 year in and year out?? 2 years ago Iowa was the cream of the crop and now Iowa is losing to Minny, ISU and battling Indiana, NW for a top half finish in the division. KF should have been able to take that run two years ago and reload with talent but guess what he didn't.

Look at what Fran has done in his short time here, hard work pays off. Brands has to a point rebuilt the wrestling program, Bluder has a good womens BB program. Wanting to much, I don't think so.
According to Rivals we've out recruited Boise State every single year.

Man, those lax academic standards sure give Boise and advantage even though Boise State has never had a top 50 class...
If a big school knows that a kid will not have the grades to get in they will not recruit them. If they don't recruit them, they will not get properly evaluated and will not have a lot of stars next to their name. But the fact is a lot of their marginal qualifiers are about 4 star talent and 1 star students.

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