
The biggest difference between a DUI and home invasion/assualt can be summed up in one word....intention. When you purposefully break into someone's house and assault them, you knew what you were doing before you ever did it. When someone is driving drunk and hits someone, that was not their intention. I'm clearly not saying driving drunk is a good idea or acceptable. It's dangerous and ruins thousands of lives every single year.

What I'm saying is, someone who is an otherwise good person who makes good decisions can get behind the wheel after drinking too much and make a horrible mistake without ever intending to harm anyone. Someone who breaks into another person's house and assaults the home owner did so with that intention.

A drunk driver doesn't intend to hit anyone. But, they risk it any time they get behind the wheel drunk. And they know those risks, but choose to drive anyway. They knew what could happen, and didn't care. Not much of a moral high ground, if you ask me.

Hubbard could very well have his life turned around. He's looking for redemption. Good people can make horrific mistakes. And while I'm a little nervous about him, it's not because I think he's a bad person, it's just that I'm nervous about what COULD happen if he's not turned around like it seems he is.

But if he's kept his nose clean for 2 years, I say give him a chance with a VERY short leash.
For those bringing up PP he screwed up twice while at Iowa and was still able to play. Difference is Hubbard made a mistake in the PAST, has served his time, and now deserves a second chance. It is not like this guy just got out of jail. He has proven that he wants to live a different life then the one he did in his younger years.

I hope that Hubbard commits to Iowa and he has a successful and safe career.
Bottom line . . . it's a risk. At this point in the rebuilding process, it's a risk worth taking.

But jeez, there sure seems to be a lot of judgmental people ready to say, "I told you so."

I hope Hubbard commits and succeeds to shove it up your judgmental a$$es -- you non-forgiving, holier than thou nutballs.

You're probably the same ones going to church every Sunday where you are supposed to learn about redemption, forgiveness and loving your brother . . . but for some reason, because you go to church, you think you're better than everyone. Weird.

I'm all for a second chance . . . maybe not a third but he seems to have proven worth of a second chance.

MJSCK, I agree with you 100%. I do go to church every Sunday and there are lots of people who should try and practice what they preach! I also believe that the Iowa basketball program is in a spot that requires them to take a chance or two on recruits. Afterall, some of the best success stories come from people who have made a mistake or two in their life time and have taken the opportunity to make a better life for themselfs and become law abidiing contributing members of a community. If Fran believes he has paid his debt to society and turned the corner in his life that is good enough for me!

rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
A drunk driver doesn't intend to hit anyone. But, they risk it any time they get behind the wheel drunk. And they know those risks, but choose to drive anyway. They knew what could happen, and didn't care. Not much of a moral high ground, if you ask me.

Hubbard could very well have his life turned around. He's looking for redemption. Good people can make horrific mistakes. And while I'm a little nervous about him, it's not because I think he's a bad person, it's just that I'm nervous about what COULD happen if he's not turned around like it seems he is.

But if he's kept his nose clean for 2 years, I say give him a chance with a VERY short leash.

Yes, this.
Bottom line . . . it's a risk. At this point in the rebuilding process, it's a risk worth taking.

But jeez, there sure seems to be a lot of judgmental people ready to say, "I told you so."

I hope Hubbard commits and succeeds to shove it up your judgmental a$$es -- you non-forgiving, holier than thou nutballs.

You're probably the same ones going to church every Sunday where you are supposed to learn about redemption, forgiveness and loving your brother . . . but for some reason, because you go to church, you think you're better than everyone. Weird.

I'm all for a second chance . . . maybe not a third but he seems to have proven worth of a second chance.

I am in favor of Hubbard coming to Iowa, but this is an absurdly dumb post.
I am in favor of Hubbard coming to Iowa, but this is an absurdly dumb post.

That's a well thought out response Hawkstrat.

All kinds of folks on this thread have passed judgment on this kid without knowing him, his circumstance or present state of mind. In our society, it's very typically that very same crew of people that are extremely right wing, go to church every Sunday but somehow are in favor of the death penalty. They would like to pass judgment, meanwhile, failing to live by the very religious beliefs of forgiveness and mercy to which they allegedly espouse.

Note I am not denigrating going to church or religion, for that matter. It is the hypocrisy of those folks who like to cast stones. Those are the people I am criticizing.

It's an analogy, you know. Get it now?
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Here is the flat truth it really doesn't matter what anybody thinks, or what your thoughts are. Its up to the staff your thoughts and opinions mean nothing. If the kid picks Iowa (which I hope he does) those of you that have a problem with it don't watch don't buy tickets. I myself will be renewing my basketball tickets and cheering my A** off no matter who is wearing the black and gold. Good enough for staff who are risking their jobs way good by me.

Go Hawks.
Look people...I realize that if no one gives the "Ex-con's" a chance then how will they reenter society....but what has me rather appalled by this is the fact that EVERYONE in the athletic department knows that Iowa is seen as a criminally out of control school (yes, even though like 80% of the crimes by athletes are alcohol related....ik that....but the rest of the country doesn't) and then we take a guy with a shady past?

I would LOVE for him to be a story of redemption, but at this point should we be playing with fire?? this is the kind of thing that could ruin Fran ala Steve at this point....If we get this kid, and say he does commit something, Fran will have divided a portion of the fan base when his past gets out.

And Jon, DUI's are bad, BUT this was burglary and assault no? I feel like that is a pretty premeditated act right there, kind of a different league in my mind.

But regardless if he does come he needs to be told, "If we so much as hear a rumor about you, you're it?" the leash should be non-existent.
Look people...I realize that if no one gives the "Ex-con's" a chance then how will they reenter society....but what has me rather appalled by this is the fact that EVERYONE in the athletic department knows that Iowa is seen as a criminally out of control school (yes, even though like 80% of the crimes by athletes are alcohol related....ik that....but the rest of the country doesn't) and then we take a guy with a shady past?

I would LOVE for him to be a story of redemption, but at this point should we be playing with fire?? this is the kind of thing that could ruin Fran ala Steve at this point....If we get this kid, and say he does commit something, Fran will have divided a portion of the fan base when his past gets out.

And Jon, DUI's are bad, BUT this was burglary and assault no? I feel like that is a pretty premeditated act right there, kind of a different league in my mind.

But regardless if he does come he needs to be told, "If we so much as hear a rumor about you, you're it?" the leash should be non-existent.
You worry way too much about what other people think. Don't you understand that the rest of civilization is trying to bring you down at least in some small measure to bring themselves higher? Its what people do.
Didn't Auburn win the NC this yr? Tell me they are clean and have no issues!
I am very strong behind the issues of being a good person and trying to live a clean life and all but get your head out of the sand. The vast majority of people on this planet have or have had a serious issue arise in their life. GET OFF THE WHITE HORSE OF PERFECTION it is NOT real.
I am totally for second chances, and don't have a problem with McCaffrey offering him if he feels that's good for the kid, the team, and the university. And knows the repercussions should Hubbard mess up.

However, how do you guys feel about having an ex-felon who is 25 years old hanging around kids that are 18? I think that could go either way...perhaps the young-uns will see how people can make poor decisions and pay for them dearly. Or, some of the more hardened aspects of being an ex-con could rub off.

Without knowing the guy, no one knows for sure. It's an interesting debate.
If he comes on board with us I will cheering for him all the way. I hope he is prepared for the chant he is going to have to deal with on the road in the Big Ten every time he touches the ball.......Convict, Convict, Convict, and you can bet money on it that it is going to happen. Of course it will make it all the more enjoyable when he swisses the three ball in their faces. I can't wait to see it! I hope he signs with us!
I am totally for second chances, and don't have a problem with McCaffrey offering him if he feels that's good for the kid, the team, and the university. And knows the repercussions should Hubbard mess up.

However, how do you guys feel about having an ex-felon who is 25 years old hanging around kids that are 18? I think that could go either way...perhaps the young-uns will see how people can make poor decisions and pay for them dearly. Or, some of the more hardened aspects of being an ex-con could rub off.

Without knowing the guy, no one knows for sure. It's an interesting debate.

This is true I like what you said here, and to me the bottom line is what does Fran think and the offer says he thinks its a positive thing.
This is true I like what you said here, and to me the bottom line is what does Fran think and the offer says he thinks its a positive thing.

Yes, totally agree. Fran has, in effect, vouched for his perception of Hubbard's character by offering, and knows the consequences of any behavioral issues.
That's a well thought out response Hawkstrat.

All kinds of folks on this thread have passed judgment on this kid without knowing him, his circumstance or present state of mind. In our society, it's very typically that very same crew of people that are extremely right wing, go to church every Sunday but somehow are in favor of the death penalty. They would like to pass judgment, meanwhile, failing to live by the very religious beliefs of forgiveness and mercy to which they allegedly espouse.

Note I am not denigrating going to church or religion, for that matter. It is the hypocrisy of those folks who like to cast stones. Those are the people I am criticizing.

It's an analogy, you know. Get it now?

You've gone from absurdly stupid to some unknown apex of idiocy.

In a thread where you are complaining about people judging Hubbard without knowing his circumstances, you are implying that those that are wary of bringing in a convicted felon, are somehow right-wing religious hypocrites- while, of course, not knowing anything about the people you are judging.

On top of you not having a clue about those who are wary of Hubbard, if by chance these people who would rather have Iowa look elsewhere are in fact Christians, they are not hypocrites in the least. There is nothing about forgiveness that precludes punishment. It is completely reasonable to believe in forgiveness and grace, and still believe taking part in a home invasion and beating an elderly man should eliminate you from being a scholarship athlete at Iowa.

I am in favor of Iowa bringing Hubbard in, but I can understand why some wouldn't want to, and I'm certainly not going to be a condescending ***** and accuse all of them of being hypocrites.

Also, you didn't make an analogy, you made a blind accusation.
God I love the sactamonious porch sitting freakin iowa people. They were why I moved away 30 years ago never to return to live. My daughter lives in Ankeny and my extended family lives accross Iowa but I can only take about 7 days of the "judgemental, holier than thou" mini minds that I have to interact with. What he did was as a youth and we don't know where his life was at that time but the way he stood up and faced the crowd when he visited and took full responsibility for his mistake told me a lot about who he is an who he will be. As far as a 25 year old playing BB with 18 year olds? That question is being asked by someone that has never played before. BB player are BB players and they don't care about age. Only the porch sitter do that. I played 18 holes of golf at Grayhawk in Phoenix today with two 20 year olds and a 25 year old. We spent 5 hours together and have plans to play again this weekend. I am over 50, and I don't feel weird about playing golf with younger guys or girls, IT'S GOLF. Once you get the hell out in the world you will realize how much you porch sitters have wasted your life worrying about stuff that is meaningless. I hope to hear he committed on the 23rd of this month.
You've gone from absurdly stupid to some unknown apex of idiocy.

In a thread where you are complaining about people judging Hubbard without knowing his circumstances, you are implying that those that are wary of bringing in a convicted felon, are somehow right-wing religious hypocrites- while, of course, not knowing anything about the people you are judging.

On top of you not having a clue about those who are wary of Hubbard, if by chance these people who would rather have Iowa look elsewhere are in fact Christians, they are not hypocrites in the least. There is nothing about forgiveness that precludes punishment. It is completely reasonable to believe in forgiveness and grace, and still believe taking part in a home invasion and beating an elderly man should eliminate you from being a scholarship athlete at Iowa.

I am in favor of Iowa bringing Hubbard in, but I can understand why some wouldn't want to, and I'm certainly not going to be a condescending ***** and accuse all of them of being hypocrites.

Also, you didn't make an analogy, you made a blind accusation.

Listen Hawkstrat, I'm not judging you even though you beat the elderly man in your pants every night. Take it easy on all that talk about being blind, too. And for God sakes, man, settle down with all the huff and puff about your apex. If you take a little hair conditioner or lotion to your old man, he'll take the beating a little better.
God I love the sactamonious porch sitting freakin iowa people. They were why I moved away 30 years ago never to return to live. My daughter lives in Ankeny and my extended family lives accross Iowa but I can only take about 7 days of the "judgemental, holier than thou" mini minds that I have to interact with. What he did was as a youth and we don't know where his life was at that time but the way he stood up and faced the crowd when he visited and took full responsibility for his mistake told me a lot about who he is an who he will be. As far as a 25 year old playing BB with 18 year olds? That question is being asked by someone that has never played before. BB player are BB players and they don't care about age. Only the porch sitter do that. I played 18 holes of golf at Grayhawk in Phoenix today with two 20 year olds and a 25 year old. We spent 5 hours together and have plans to play again this weekend. I am over 50, and I don't feel weird about playing golf with younger guys or girls, IT'S GOLF. Once you get the hell out in the world you will realize how much you porch sitters have wasted your life worrying about stuff that is meaningless. I hope to hear he committed on the 23rd of this month.

Just curious, you're not saying these things about all Iowans, just the ones who have a problem with Anthony Hubbard?

I just wanted to know if I should be offended or not :)