Hubbard to Nebraska?

Black Eye's make there way to the ESPN home page. Hubbard transfer from Iowa didn't. Don't even think it made it to the website. The sports nation outside of Iowa City, don't care, because it's not real news.
Black Eye's make there way to the ESPN home page. Hubbard transfer from Iowa didn't. Don't even think it made it to the website. The sports nation outside of Iowa City, don't care, because it's not real news.

What you mean is there is not enough dirt to pick up and throw. Let's hope it stays that way.
Hubbard cannot play for a D1 team this year, correct? I am not sure how all of those transfer rules work, but it would seem like total ******** if he is allowed to play for a D1 team this year.

I also can't see him being allowed to play for a Big 10 team like Brust since Hubbard is not leaving due to a coaching change. He either left on his own accord, or he was asked to leave due to violating some provision of his signing. We're not sure which at this point, but either way he'd better not be allowed to play for a Big 10 team this year.
This is on the men's basketball page, but not the ESPN home page. Also, Railey being reinstated by ISU is on the men's basketball page as well so it is obviously a slow news week since neither of these is newsworthy.

Yes, but he said he didn't think it even made it to ESPN's website. Just showing that it did. And, yes, it was right above Railey's story, another non-story.
Sorry, I should have checked, but during mid summer, I don't spend alot of time on ESPN.
Heck, I'm an Iowa fan, live in Iowa City. After the shock wore off, I'm ready to move on. There are other recurits that want to be here.
A black eye for the whole program? Hubbard leaving is bad news for our WL record, and might provide some fodder or entertainment for clown fans but its hardly a black eye for the program. Outside IC this is nothing more than a player transfer on a bad team.

I will refrain from replying to your post twice even though you apparently felt compelled to share your inane blather in duplicate for the benefit of the entire nation. But let me submit these facts for you:

The new head coach of the Iowa Hawkeyes' men's basketball team is desperate to find athletic players to fill holes and bring a new style of play to a team that compiled the worst record last year in its major college conference. Unable to locate an above-average guard from the high school ranks or even the junior colleges, the coach focuses on a then 25-year-old player who had spent four years in prison for being an accomplice in an armed robbery and had then gone to one junior college, then another, and had done pretty well on court and off. Knowing the questions that are likely to be asked, the coach runs the traps all the way up to the university president's office, then offers the player a scholarship to play for him in an up-tempo system for two years. The coach even breaks off his recruiting of a similar talent-level player, even though Option B has no criminal record or other baggage to deal with.

Plenty of questions are asked, and eventually the coach, the athletic director and the player hold a news conference with Iowa news media to try to get all questions out in the open. It makes for a pretty good story: ex-con turns life around, helps troubled youth, gets good grades, and despite not playing a second of high school basketball, is recruited by several Division 1 college programs and ultimately selects one in the storied Big 10+2.

But after less than a month on campus and being the second leading scorer in a "recreational" league organized to give Iowa basketball players a chance to play in the summer while safely navigating NCAA restrictions, said player decides that school -- which invested mightily in getting him on campus and enrolled, and dealing with the detractors -- is not for him and bolts town, screwing the coaches and administrators who went to bat for him as well as his future teammates and the fans supporting that program. Further, he is looking at his own Option B, a school which this year will be joining Iowa in the storied Big 10+2.

If you don't consider that a black eye, what do you call it?

Fran and Bary Garta come across as looking pretty naive in this whole episode.
Hard to find a positive spin on the Hubbard debacle, but when your team hits rock-bottom you get desperate, hopefully Fran can hit a home-run with the 2012 class.
The Pierre Pierce and DJK situations are black eyes. It's shocking and embarrassing, but he was on campus for a couple of months, and transferred for reasons unknown other than a rumor of being closer to home. Not what I call a black eye
If you have issue with a.double post take it up with whoever designed this ****** app.

Again, what you've described is bad for the WL record and progress of the program but its hardly a black eye. From the beginning Hubbard was nothing more than a band aid to keep the sheople from looking interest ehile Fran turns the program around.
The Pierre Pierce and DJK situations are black eyes. It's shocking and embarrassing, but he was on campus for a couple of months, and transferred for reasons unknown other than a rumor of being closer to home. Not what I call a black eye

If we want to give a name to this episode - how 'bout we call it - a cautionary tale. One that the majority of us want Fran to learn from. People keep saying that Hubbard was a good kid who made only one mistake in life. I'm sure he has his upside, but he made more than one mistake.

IIRC he failed to graduate from high school (Honest to God, if you can't hack high school, how are you gonna make it at Iowa? And I'm sorry, a GED is a joke when non-english-speaking illegals are awarded them by the tens of thousands)

4 years in prison

Couple of episodes after prison

Couple of Jucos

Hangs around Iowa for a month.

This is a youngster with baggage and calling him a youngster is a stretch. If he was LeBron James I'd have trouble recommending Fran roll the dice with him. But he's not LeBron James. He's someone whose talent can be matched by other players with less baggage.

I hope for Iowa and Fran's sake, next time a similar situation presents itself, let NEBRASKA HAVE THE KID (yeah, I know, he's not a kid)
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Wouldn't Iowa put something in place of the release including not allowed to transfer to another big ten school? (nebby)
If you have issue with a.double post take it up with whoever designed this ****** app.

Again, what you've described is bad for the WL record and progress of the program but its hardly a black eye. From the beginning Hubbard was nothing more than a band aid to keep the sheople from looking interest ehile Fran turns the program around.

If the best recruit of the class, and the one on which Fran used so much of his capital, is only a band aid, how is this program going to be turned around?
If the best recruit of the class, and the one on which Fran used so much of his capital, is only a band aid, how is this program going to be turned around?

JUCO's are nearly always a band-aid. Not something you can realistically expect to build a program around on a consistent basis, but something to at least keep you steady until you can do better.