Howe: Wishing Kadyn Proctor Well

He will need to learn that his word is his bond. He can get an oopsie for being a teenager, but from here on out the world won't be as forgiving, especially in the SEC.
Did i miss something? A player who verbally committed to Iowa in June. Up until a few weeks ago didn’t say a word about how he was going to look at other schools. Took a visit to Oregon and Alabama 2 weeks before signing day and still no mention of his intentions to not sign with Iowa. On the eve of signing day he bolts for Alabama. Leaving Iowa with a huge hole at OL and the coach’s will patchwork another Oline again this season. 30 seconds to tell Kirk he is going to open up his recruiting. Waits to the day before signing to give Iowa and the fans a big F you. Timing is everything.
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Rob's piece is spot on.
Time to move on.
We had arguably the worst OL in B10 if not all of CFB last year (and for the last several years if I read the past posts on this board.) One freshman was not going to solve that problem. What is plan B to add B10 level OL and WR's?
I have zero investment in Iowa outside of fandom, so what I think is absolutely irrelevant. That said I don't wish anything bad on the kid, but I'm not going to play the "wish him well" card. I don't wish the ten's of thousands of other recruits well that don't end up signing with the black and gold, so why I would for someone that verbally committed then pulled out.
I hope he ends up similarly to what that Piershbacher kid ended up being. An ok player in college that couldn't hack it in the pros and totally forgotten about.
I wish him well. I don't know his mother. I just didn't appreciate the timing of everything and how it went down. This leaves Iowa scrambling.

But, it is not regulated and that is not their fault. Maybe more pissed there are not regulations.
Well, him signing to Alabama should be happening now. I think it was something like 8:30 or 8:45 a.m. when the signing was taking place.
He will need to learn that his word is his bond. He can get an oopsie for being a teenager, but from here on out the world won't be as forgiving, especially in the SEC.
A person's word is t what it once was, even when it signed on the dotted line.

There always seems to be ways out of it now, whether it's an apartment lease of Carlos Correa flipping teams with $300 million at stake.
A person's word is t what it once was, even when it signed on the dotted line.

There always seems to be ways out of it now, whether it's an apartment lease of Carlos Correa flipping teams with $300 million at stake.
The Correa deal felt like SF wanted out of it... I think they had 2nd thoughts on it. As well they should have. 13 yrs 300 plus mil geesh... For over half that contract he'll be what Pujols has been the last 5 yrs. Not even close to worth it. Mets are nuts but we already knew that just ask Bobby Bonilla how gullible they are.

I thought his previous deal with MN and doing something like that again would be the way to go. As the per yr #s keep going up become a FA again in a yr or two and just keep renegotiating it while you are in prime and playing well. Over 10 yrs time I bet he could make way more $ doing it that way. The gamble of it being if you get hurt I suppose. But my God when you're knocking down 25-30 mil per yr what's it matter geesh. I think he's got Boras as an agent. He's as shrewd as it gets
A person's word is t what it once was, even when it signed on the dotted line.

There always seems to be ways out of it now, whether it's an apartment lease of Carlos Correa flipping teams with $300 million at stake.

People in general aren't accountable for shit anymore, this generally speaking about our society and the young people. Everything has to be fair an everybody needs to be comfortable all the time with all options.

This is what millennials are known for.
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Iowa was #27.
Now #42.
Weird... 1 Olineman isn't that impactful... Those rankings are about as flaky as it gets. Sure the top 5 ish classes are usually pretty good and above the rest. But you get down past 10 it's just a jumbled up mess of who knows how they'll play out.
I didn't say you guys had to wish him well but that I was. I know you better than that. :p
I don't know how you deal with some of this shit, Rob.

I don't get a lot of it. People start making accusations about his character, his family's character, the problem with his "generation" and a lack of accountability, Nick Saban being the antichrist, etc.

Signing day is the deadline. Hawkeye coaches flip other recruits all the time. Some of those guys went on to be good players, good citizens, great teammates, and all-time Hawkeyes. They weren't dishonest, lacking in character, from bad families, from a generation that lost its way, etc. when they flipped to Iowa.

I don't understand the anger at a kid accepting a better offer. It was a verbal commitment, which means nothing. What about all the coaches, middle aged men and older, who actually SIGN CONTRACTS that they will fulfill their duties for X years? They bolt for better deals all the time. And Kirk has used leverage of that possibility to enrich himself over the years.

Be frustrated that Iowa either couldn't or wouldn't pay market rate.
Iowa was #27.
Now #42.
Which means that Nebraska, after 5 (7?) consecutive losing seasons and having just hired a new coach in the past month, will have a stronger recruiting class than the Hawks, who are one year removed from a a BTen Division title.
Which means that Nebraska, after 5 (7?) consecutive losing seasons and having just hired a new coach in the past month, will have a stronger recruiting class than the Hawks, who are one year removed from a a BTen Division title.
For most of the 7 years in a row that Iowa beat nebraska, they had a recruiting ranking higher than ours.

Also, for most of the past 11 years that Wisconsin has owned us (3-8) they've had an average recruiting ranking lower than us.
Just out of curiosity, I wonder how far this will drop Iowa's '23 recruiting class. If I remember, WITH him it was in the low 20s.

Wirh our Brian F led offense we will be lucky to score in twenties. How appropriate Brian “F”. That’s his grade as an offensive coordinator. Thanks Brian as one rumor has your putrid offense bad the reason for this kid
de-committing but we will give you a break as we know it’s about the Money.
