Howe: Hawkeyes Let Opportunity Pass Them By at Penn State

We’ll see with NS. He still has a chance to lead this team to an impressive season.

I don’t know that it’s stage fright. He looked uptight against NIU at home where he should have been relaxed.

It’s puzzling.
Excruciating. Again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
just like the wisconsin game. Iowa finds the damned way to blow games. Used to be blowing double digit leads in the 4th quarter by playing the prevent offense. At least kirk is mixing it up
We’ll see with NS. He still has a chance to lead this team to an impressive season.

I don’t know that it’s stage fright. He looked uptight against NIU at home where he should have been relaxed.

It’s puzzling.
It's a tough deal. I'm sure he converts all those throws in his sleep during the week.

It's like watching a second baseman who suddenly can't make a simple throw to first.

Is there a way they can simulate more game conditions in practice?
We’ll see with NS. He still has a chance to lead this team to an impressive season.

I don’t know that it’s stage fright. He looked uptight against NIU at home where he should have been relaxed.

It’s puzzling.
Don't most QBs look uptight or tense the longer they're at Iowa? What causes that anyway?
NS shouldn’t be changing the plays at the line. How many penalties did he draw by doing it and how many times did the change cause him to rush or throw a pass that shouldn’t have been thrown. Plus how do you as a QB totally disregard the strength of what got you here in Hock and Fant. Today was mind boggling to me!!
On the one hand we went into a tough environment, failed to score a offensive TD, gave up thirty points, and still had a shot to win.

On the other hand it was not one, but a series of preposterous physical and mental gaffes that cost us a game for the second time this year.

PSU fans were talking trash saying we hadn't beat anyone with a pulse, the West is weak, all that crap.

We had a golden opportunity to shove it down their throats and let it slip away.

Hockanson will never be so open again in his life.

Despite all the miscues, the D kept us in the game and we had a legitimate chance to win it late in the fourth quarter when every one of us had given up.....

Hawks kept fighting to the end but simply gave it away again. Gonna take a while to decide which loss is the most painful and traumatic.....

Badgers or Lions

Probably today's loss was the worst because we had them at Beaver Stadium.....

Onward to Ross-Ade Stadium

I have no idea which Hawkeye team will show up. They humiliated us last season at Kinnick and it would be nice to return the favor.....

NS shouldn’t be changing the plays at the line. How many penalties did he draw by doing it and how many times did the change cause him to rush or throw a pass that shouldn’t have been thrown. Plus how do you as a QB totally disregard the strength of what got you here in Hock and Fant. Today was mind boggling to me!!

The inability to utilize Fant until the end of the game was puzzling. Hockenson at least was being targeted.

The play call with Mansell and Stanley I’m at the end of the first half also was weird. I like mixing it up and some trickery but that was a strange spot and gave them points.
The inability to utilize Fant until the end of the game was puzzling. Hockenson at least was being targeted.

The play call with Mansell and Stanley I’m at the end of the first half also was weird. I like mixing it up and some trickery but that was a strange spot and gave them points.

That was quite possibly the dumbest play of the Ferentz era.
The inability to utilize Fant until the end of the game was puzzling. Hockenson at least was being targeted.

The play call with Mansell and Stanley I’m at the end of the first half also was weird. I like mixing it up and some trickery but that was a strange spot and gave them points.

That was horrendous. Trick plays are a calculated risk IMO but that was just a terrible time to try it. Punt, pin em deep, and take the lead into the locker room.

Kinda like the fake punt deep in our own territory last year against OSU that gave them a free touchdown. Granted we were up 30 so it didn't really matter much but still - I question the timing on some of these.
We had already established unpredictability, why did Brian think it would work again? Pin them deep and see if our D could force a turnover. Giving them the ball at midfield, stupid.
One of the least opportunistic Iowa teams I can recall not just from yesterday's game but other games as well as just not taking advantage of an overall favorable schedule. Had same feeling after this game as that of WI.........woulda, coulda, shoulda. They still have a big opportunity in front of them if they are able to win out. Will be interesting with two different style coaches trying to bring their teams back from tough losses. Brohm's fire'm up versus Ferentz's business as usual.

Anyone catch Brohm laying into their QB on the sideline yesterday? After throwing his 3rd interception he let him have it and it carried on for a fair amount of time with the cameras rolling. Quite different than our approach with similar errors.
I also thought it was odd that Brian ran the same sweep play to ISM right after he showed it and time out was called. And Phil Parker got burned by McSorley on the Cover 0 on McSorley's big run.

The staff need to be sharp the next two weeks. Purdue and NW both are well coached.
I also thought it was odd that Brian ran the same sweep play to ISM right after he showed it and time out was called. And Phil Parker got burned by McSorley on the Cover 0 on McSorley's big run.

The staff need to be sharp the next two weeks. Purdue and NW both are well coached.
A QB with McSorley's playmaking ability needs to be accounted for every play as if he were a receiver or running back.

We knew his ability going in, even dinged up. That one really puzzled me.
I also thought it was odd that Brian ran the same sweep play to ISM right after he showed it and time out was called. And Phil Parker got burned by McSorley on the Cover 0 on McSorley's big run.

The staff need to be sharp the next two weeks. Purdue and NW both are well coached.

One of the main keys to winning the game was to contain McSorley, keeping him behind the line of scrimmage. That should have been obvious to any defensive player on the field.....

Should have been drilled into the heads of the defense.....

One of the main keys to winning the game was to contain McSorley, keeping him behind the line of scrimmage. That should have been obvious to any defensive player on the field.....

Should have been drilled into the heads of the defense.....

I think it was, but, more than likely, the defense assumed that his mobility was hampered by his knee and relaxed. Not a good assumption.
What’s new? Same story every year.

It IS the same story every year. With Ferentz at the helm, Iowa will NEVER take that next step. Can't beat the "Big Boys" when it counts. And Penn State is hardly a "Big Boy" this year. Indiana ran up nearly 550 yards last week against Ped State.. Stanley was absolutely horrible and there is no sugarcoating it. Opposing defenses seem to have little trouble disguising their pass coverage packages. And no, it's not going to be a "good' season" when you don't beat a single ranked team. Iowa State has beaten at least two ranked teams. They are so much better coached thata Seriously, this is the worst Iowa quarterback performance since Kyle Skogman at Ohio State in 1972. And that wasn't really Skogman's fault since we were so outmanned and still managed to lose by a very respectable score of 21-0. That was Lauterber's 2nd year at Iowa. And - Kyle Skogman did not flat out throw away the game like Nathan Stanley did. If he hasn't lost his starting job - which I am sure he hasn't - the outlook for the next two years is not good.

I really think the guy is lost out there. An audible on the 3-yard line? Seriously?!

Purdue is next. If they can curb stomp Ohio State like they did, they can certainly and likely will do the same to Iowa.
^ Yes, a well seasoned junior. I'm guessing he is what he is at this point.

Unfortunately, this may be the correct answer. If Mansell or Petras can’t push Stanley this Spring, we are probably looking at a similar season in 2019.