Howard should be done at Michigan

This set the whole thing off, look at the picture below. Gard has Howard by the arm and Howard is not even engaging with Gard, he was clearly walking past.

Just to be clear I'm not excusing Howard, what he did was wrong and should be held accountable but Gard is not blameless either. Neither is the assistant coach who did that stupid hip check (taunting) or even the assistant that got smacked as he was charging after Howard. There is no place in college basketball for this type of behavior, especially from coaches who are supposed to be setting the example for their student athletes.

To me this is the order of suspensions/fines:

1. Howard - max fine & suspension as allowed by the league office. Michigan could take it a step further and fire or suspend him further but I doubt they will. I don't care what Gard did his actions are inexcusable.
2. Any player from Michigan or Wisconsin that threw a punch. It's all on video.
3. Davison, not so much for his action during the brawl (he was taunting at the end) but his actions during the game (yet another nut check) is inexcusable and he's gotten a way with it for FAR too long. My guess is because of the brawl this will get swept under the rug yet again.
4. Gard - We wouldn't be talking about any of this had he not grabbed Howard and stopped in in the handshake line. Get through the line and get your players & coaches OFF the court as quickly as possible. If you need to talk to Howard do it away from the cameras and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.
5. The 2 assistant coaches, taunting & charging after the opposing coach after the game is over. Horrible example set for the players.

They should both have to give their wins back to Iowa.

My guess.........the majority of the fans and players will rally around Howard. Our road trip to Ann Arbor won't be any easier because of all this.
It's time to get rid of the handshake line before someone gets a jaw broken or worse. After Covid many teams stopped doing it anyway.

Yea but doesn't that just play into our issue in society now. About having self-control, teaching young men and women about self-control and sportsmanship. Is the answer just to run away or move the goal posts any time something gets uncomfortable?

"Ok, self-control is becoming an issue, instead of learning how to handle it, lets just not do it anymore." That just seems too lazy to me.

The milennials and our young people these days already are living with much shorter attention spans and live in the moment too much. Many can't seem to handle adversity anymore. At least the coaches can try to control themselves and teach sportsmanship.
In some states high school associations have directed schools and officials to no longer do the post-game handshake line for precisely this reason.

This was pre-pandemic, and most issues were at certain schools in larger cities. At smaller schools or schools outside big cities the coaches and teams still want to do the handshake, and do.
This set the whole thing off, look at the picture below. Gard has Howard by the arm and Howard is not even engaging with Gard, he was clearly walking past.

Just to be clear I'm not excusing Howard, what he did was wrong and should be held accountable but Gard is not blameless either. Neither is the assistant coach who did that stupid hip check (taunting) or even the assistant that got smacked as he was charging after Howard. There is no place in college basketball for this type of behavior, especially from coaches who are supposed to be setting the example for their student athletes.

To me this is the order of suspensions/fines:

1. Howard - max fine & suspension as allowed by the league office. Michigan could take it a step further and fire or suspend him further but I doubt they will. I don't care what Gard did his actions are inexcusable.
2. Any player from Michigan or Wisconsin that threw a punch. It's all on video.
3. Davison, not so much for his action during the brawl (he was taunting at the end) but his actions during the game (yet another nut check) is inexcusable and he's gotten a way with it for FAR too long. My guess is because of the brawl this will get swept under the rug yet again.
4. Gard - We wouldn't be talking about any of this had he not grabbed Howard and stopped in in the handshake line. Get through the line and get your players & coaches OFF the court as quickly as possible. If you need to talk to Howard do it away from the cameras and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.
5. The 2 assistant coaches, taunting & charging after the opposing coach after the game is over. Horrible example set for the players.

Agree with some of this. But Howard was the instigator, in my opinion. He supposedly glared at the Wisconsin bench during the last timeout. Instead of leading his team during the handshakes he held back, then commented to the effect "I will remember that" referring to the timeout. He was not "clearly walking past." He wouldn't look at Gard and that's when Gard grabbed his arm and stopped him to not let that comment go.

Gard's a classless jerk who coaches dirty ball, and he is not blameless here. But Howard is a sore loser as we've seen from the past, and one could argue he, too, was being a prick continuing to press when Wisky's reserves were in and he was losing by double digits. My opinion is if Howard wants to run the press hopelessly trailing late in a game, fine. And if Gard wants to give his reserves experience managing difficult game situations by calling time out, that's fine, too. It's basketball. (Snort)
This set the whole thing off, look at the picture below. Gard has Howard by the arm and Howard is not even engaging with Gard, he was clearly walking past.

Just to be clear I'm not excusing Howard, what he did was wrong and should be held accountable but Gard is not blameless either. Neither is the assistant coach who did that stupid hip check (taunting) or even the assistant that got smacked as he was charging after Howard. There is no place in college basketball for this type of behavior, especially from coaches who are supposed to be setting the example for their student athletes.

To me this is the order of suspensions/fines:

1. Howard - max fine & suspension as allowed by the league office. Michigan could take it a step further and fire or suspend him further but I doubt they will. I don't care what Gard did his actions are inexcusable.
2. Any player from Michigan or Wisconsin that threw a punch. It's all on video.
3. Davison, not so much for his action during the brawl (he was taunting at the end) but his actions during the game (yet another nut check) is inexcusable and he's gotten a way with it for FAR too long. My guess is because of the brawl this will get swept under the rug yet again.
4. Gard - We wouldn't be talking about any of this had he not grabbed Howard and stopped in in the handshake line. Get through the line and get your players & coaches OFF the court as quickly as possible. If you need to talk to Howard do it away from the cameras and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.
5. The 2 assistant coaches, taunting & charging after the opposing coach after the game is over. Horrible example set for the players.

If you jostle me in the airport line but then walk past as if nothing happened you're damned right I'm going to stop you and ask you WTF.
Agree with some of this. But Howard was the instigator, in my opinion. He supposedly glared at the Wisconsin bench during the last timeout. Instead of leading his team during the handshakes he held back, then commented to the effect "I will remember that" referring to the timeout. He was not "clearly walking past." He wouldn't look at Gard and that's when Gard grabbed his arm and stopped him to not let that comment go.

Gard's a classless jerk who coaches dirty ball, and he is not blameless here. But Howard is a sore loser as we've seen from the past, and one could argue he, too, was being a prick continuing to press when Wisky's reserves were in and he was losing by double digits. My opinion is if Howard wants to run the press hopelessly trailing late in a game, fine. And if Gard wants to give his reserves experience managing difficult game situations by calling time out, that's fine, too. It's basketball. (Snort)

As I said, there is no excuse for Howards behavior. I hope he gets the max fine/suspension that the league office allows and then I hope Michigan takes it further.

But Gard is not blameless in this, you got a coach running his mouth walk a way. If you want to talk to him do it off the court and away from the cameras.
What I saw was Gard instigating this by not letting Howard cruise by in the line, and then Howard way overreacting and taking a swing. He should be suspended the rest of the season minimum. Gard should be out a couple weeks. Any player seen throwing a punch should be out at least two games, and Davison should be placed in jail for being a serial nut puncher and all around classless prick.
As I said, there is no excuse for Howards behavior. I hope he gets the max fine/suspension that the league office allows and then I hope Michigan takes it further.

But Gard is not blameless in this, you got a coach running his mouth walk a way. If you want to talk to him do it off the court and away from the cameras.
This. First rule of man-to-man disagreement (at least here in Waterloo): don't put your hands on the other guy. Period. Once you initiate putting your hands on somebody, the situation will typically spiral out of control. So IMO Gard is responsible for starting this. Running your mouth is acceptable; putting your hands to stop someone's movement is not. Gard should receive a 2 game suspension.

Howard demonstrated his immaturity by ordering his players to play/press until the final second, but then expecting the opposing coach to not do so. An entitlement mentality that typically won't play in the BTen. Then his girlie slap was almost humorous, and his claim he felt the need to "defend himself" might play if he was a white cop in MS and there was no video evidence, but in this case the video proves otherwise. He's a young, immature coach who's got a lot to learn. He should be suspended for the duration of the regular season, and allowed to coach his team in the NIT.

Any players or coaches who threw punches should be immediately suspended for the rest of the season and postseason. Simple.
Jason Whitlock lays it out quite succinctly.

I hate it when someone has to turn it into a race issue. This isn't about the color or Howards skin, he acted inappropriately and should be punished accordingly.
This set the whole thing off, look at the picture below. Gard has Howard by the arm and Howard is not even engaging with Gard, he was clearly walking past.

Just to be clear I'm not excusing Howard, what he did was wrong and should be held accountable but Gard is not blameless either. Neither is the assistant coach who did that stupid hip check (taunting) or even the assistant that got smacked as he was charging after Howard. There is no place in college basketball for this type of behavior, especially from coaches who are supposed to be setting the example for their student athletes.

To me this is the order of suspensions/fines:

1. Howard - max fine & suspension as allowed by the league office. Michigan could take it a step further and fire or suspend him further but I doubt they will. I don't care what Gard did his actions are inexcusable.
2. Any player from Michigan or Wisconsin that threw a punch. It's all on video.
3. Davison, not so much for his action during the brawl (he was taunting at the end) but his actions during the game (yet another nut check) is inexcusable and he's gotten a way with it for FAR too long. My guess is because of the brawl this will get swept under the rug yet again.
4. Gard - We wouldn't be talking about any of this had he not grabbed Howard and stopped in in the handshake line. Get through the line and get your players & coaches OFF the court as quickly as possible. If you need to talk to Howard do it away from the cameras and after everyone has had a chance to cool off.
5. The 2 assistant coaches, taunting & charging after the opposing coach after the game is over. Horrible example set for the players.

I agree about Davidson. Hes been let go for to long and we all know what an ass he is. Players are an showcase of the coach and Davidson speaks volumes. Wisky needs to clean up their act before going after Howard. He'll have enough problems in his lap soon enough.
Managed to get the word "Thug" in the thread and also link a column from well centered columnist Nolan Finley.

Well done.

I view Brad Davison as a thug. Many opposing fans view Jo Bo as a thug, I'm sure. I on occasion as well in the past, but I like him on our team. Many viewed Woodbury with his eye pokes as a thug. I guess I'll just throw that out there.

I also thought what Howard did was kind of thuggish, and not because he is a black man.
Should consideration be given for the fact that Howard was doing his best to just get through the line and then Gard grabbed him. Howard was initially just trying to get the heck out of dodge because he knew he was close to losing it but Gard didn’t let him and then it spiraled out of control.
Gard absolutely grabbed his arm first and then got himself in front of Howard so he had to confront him. Howard wasn't even looking down at him he was gonna keep on going after his one liner to him. Gard isn't an innocent little Nancy here in that I think he knew Howard was hot so he poked the bear. He didn't expect his assistant to put his hands on Michigan kids which I think is what Howard was responding to when he hit that guy.

Coaches can't grab another like Gard did either that started all the physical grabbing between them and escalated things. Granted what Howard did is fireable. What Gard did wasn't nothing and he should get punished somehow for it too.
last season, Illinois at Iowa a similar situation occurred

An illini player made aggressive moves toward Connor and the Illini assistant
coaches started yelling at the Hawkeye coaches

Fran swiped his arm in disgust pointed to the locker room, turned around, and herded his crew and players off the floor immediately


Here is the proof:

Fran is a gentleman who doesn't play games
I never thought of BJ Armstrong as a thug.
I never thought of Roy Marble as a thug......or Ed Horton or Michael Payne.
Thug never comes to mind when I think of Keegan or Kris Murray, not even close.

I will stop.
I hate it when someone has to turn it into a race issue. This isn't about the color or Howards skin, he acted inappropriately and should be punished accordingly.
Could see that crap coming too. The low hanging fruit of a topic that people are going to swing at. Let's talk about the hypothetical whataboutism stuff instead of the HC of freaking Michigan was out there swinging at another coach. Then in the post game didn't apologize or have one ounce of remorse over it. Just verbalized how he was mad at the TO that was called as if that justified anything at all...

His issues are his own and if he's fired then he damn well should be and there's no defending that decision (somehow I think he won't be so we'll see) but what Gard did by grabbing his arm and then putting himself squarely in front of Howard so he couldn't walk past is what started all the grabbing they did to each other as the mob converged on them. I hope to God Gard doesn't come out of this unscathed cause coaches can't be doing that either and I didn't hear anyone in the media talk about that. Not one