How many teams and thoughts of Big 10 expansion

After listening to all of the talk about expansion and can't believe that the Big Ten can only add one team. To soak up all that money that is floating around they need to add at least 3 teams and even more likely 5 to make it a 16 team conference. The reason behined this is if your gonna expand with less than 3 or 5, down the road you will be looking at expansion again. The Big Ten will not play catch up this time and will set the bar.

A look at what might be;

Lets say 16 teams; Add:
1. Rutgers
2. Nebraska
3. Missouri
4. Texas
5. Syracuse

Lets say 14; Add:
1. Rutgers
2. Nebraska
3. Texas

I know I left out Notre Dame, but finacially they don't make as much sense geopraphically. If need be they could fill in for either Texas, but I just don't think it happens. This cash cow is about expanding into new areas. We already have a hold on the state of Indiana and the midwest. Notre Dame is a great brand, but I just don't know if they would bring in the $$$ that a new territory would offer.

A lot of people do think ND adds tv sets nationally. It probably helps them get on tier 1 cable deals in NYC as well, and even nationally if it is part of a sports pak for additional cost they can probably sell a lot of those nationally.

When you think of how many tv sets ND & Texas together would add, its almost hard to imagine those schools turning the Big 10 down.
A lot of people do think ND adds tv sets nationally.

When you think of how many tv sets ND & Texas together would add, its almost hard to imagine those schools turning the Big 10 down.

From what I am hearing down here in SEC Country, Texas is considering both the Big Ten and SEC. The SEC does have a strong hand in that Texas believes the Florida/Texas population centers will continue to grow and the Mid South is growing rapidly in population, while the upper midwest is shrinking.
From what I am hearing down here in SEC Country, Texas is considering both the Big Ten and SEC. The SEC does have a strong hand in that Texas believes the Florida/Texas population centers will continue to grow and the Mid South is growing rapidly in population, while the upper midwest is shrinking.

Texas won't go to the SEC because of academics. They looked hard at joining the Pac 10 before they went to the Big XII for this reason. The SEC only has two schools (Florida and Vandy) in the AAU while the entire B10 belongs to that. Being in the AAU is huge for research opportunities and the SEC is no where close to the B10 on an academic level and Texas isn't going to want to lower their academic prestige by joining a conference like the SEC.
Unfortunately, I cannot link that info, since my source is subscription based, but I'm sure you take my word for it;).

again, subscriptions based people... you can quote source material from subscriptions, you just can't re-post the entire article.
again, subscriptions based people... you can quote source material from subscriptions, you just can't re-post the entire article.

I am not going to post material I cannot source. I can put in a link, but you cannot read the article. It is not some message board post, but a published article. Quoting the material without linking to the source is copyright infringement, and it is illegal, and I won't be doing it.
illegal? uh- no it's not.

you can reference the article by name and title and even quote material from it which constitutes source. once again, if you re-post the entire article, then yes you are right.

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