Nobody has thanked Rob for his hard work. Sincerely, you do a lot and this website is better than Hawkeyereport and Hawkeyeinsider.
Now here's a little excerpt from Kakert's message board.
That front page article is crazy. No offense to Tom Kakert or the Iowa Rivals staff, but wow. Made Eno out to be a liar, not trustworthy, covering up, etc.
Is this stuff for real? Why should a recruit feel like they have done a terrible thing by going on visits in the first place? It's 2016 and that's recruiting suicide. Just openly and publically committing recruiting suicide with that ancient, very myopic policy AND THEN having the balls to blame a teenager for "covering up" and being "untrustworthy" and "paying the consequences" for being normal? That's stunning.
It's 2016 and you let them take visits. That way, you can also make sure the recruit has looked around and is positive in his decision. You don't want guys who have buyers remorse once they get to school because of a stupid policy. So dumb.
Tom Kakert believes in Kirk's no visit policy. It's like a marriage, apparently. Are we married or just holding hands? he says. Iowa's staff doesn't want to be left scrambling if the kid flips....what?! That's why if you have a staff who can recruit and isn't lazy, you keep recruiting kids 24/7, whether they're a verbal commitment or not. You have plans B, C and D ready to go in any scenario.
That is one of the most ludicrous articles I've ever read on Rivals. It's as if Iowa's staff and the Iowa Rivals staff are completely unaware of how big boy recruiting is conducted these days. No clue. Very sad to read.