You can call me whatever you want, i guess i would say that as a boot-licker, i have different expectations then you do. I don't see it as a bad season because we didn't win the college football playoff. I don't see it as a bad season because we didn't win the big ten and go to the big ten championship. My expectations are different, not lower, different then yours. They include other things for the program besides JUST wins and losses (though that is a big part of it every season its not the only).
You think that makes me part of the problem, i think guys that hop on here and can't enjoy a win, ever, are part of the problem. There are guys on this page who couldn't even enjoy the win vs Ohio state for goodness sakes. If you are one of the guys who thought immediately during or after the Ohio state win......."where's this been all season, see we should be doing this every game," complaining rather than enjoying, i think you're part of the problem. I guess we will agree to disagree. I'm not happy we didn't show up against Wisconsin or Purdue. Shouldn't happen with the guys that are on this team.
I did however, see during this season 3 of the best games from an enjoyment standpoint that I've experienced as a fan in my 40 years on this planet and I've been a hawk fan since the womb. Iowa state, Ohio state, and the Boston College games were three incredibly satisfying wins, got to be at the isu game live. The difference between you and the boot-lickers isn't the fact that we have lesser expectations, its that we can actually enjoy the season, even when some seasons we lose more than we want as a fan, and when things don't go as we wished, we boot-lickers don't go zero state, apocalypse now, say stuff like our coaches don't care about winning (Despite them dedicating their entire lives to this profession), and think nothing will ever get better. For all my faults as a boot-licker, at least i can enjoy a game.
Criticism is legit, as fans we can criticize and should criticize certain aspects of where we see our team headed directionally, and the results on the field. I think criticizing the offensive woes of the last couple years was legit, and it worked, the team made changes in the off season. But see as a boot-licker i was expecting the offense to have ups and downs with a new system under a new coordinator, figured we'd have games where we looked good, and ones where we didn't. Didn't think we'd have games where we fell off the planet, but, we did. I'm sorry that I was able to enjoy the season none the less, and i will try and be less of a problem next year.