How Did Iowa Get Here?

Can't argue with someone questioning any of the things you listed. That's what makes us fans. Got to have passion about it.

I always try to remember that hindsight is 20/20 when I'm upset about what I perceive as a "stupid" coaching decision.

Look, I think you and I are on the same page for the most part here. My eternal optimism has just ran short a little sooner than yours. I am not one to come on this board after every loss and say the sky is falling. I have also stuck up for KF in the past.

However at some point, he has to be held accountable. Does that means he needs to go? I don't know the answer to that. But the landscape of college football has slowly passed him by the last few years. KF needs to recognize this and stop be a bull headed stubborn coach. He needs to realize that what he is doing is not working. He needs to start taking the blame and fix things instead of sticking with the status quo.

That being said, I will still be at the Purdue game and the Nebraska game. I will still leave my house at 3:30 in the morning to get to my tailgate spot before 6:00 AM and I will be still be sitting in the same seat I have for years cheering on the Hawks.
Nice article Jon. It does much to explain the status of the program. I think you could go down the roster of B1G teams this season and find similar issues. Forty years ago we would have been elated with a 4 and 4 record at this point of the season. We have got fans now that have never experienced a decade like the 70's. That was brutal. Iowa fans have expectations because of the success over the past 30 years and are far less tolerant of inferior performance, measured by W's. I hope younger fans can develop some patience because I think it will get corrected \.
There's no doubt...and to use the 'it's the talent' critique is also a critique of the people who bring the talent in.

As much as I hate the Ferentz salary stuff, it does come back around. I tend to think that the mean of what Kirk has done at Iowa is near the apex of what can be done here on a ten year look. I don't think you are going to see much more than that accomplished at Iowa. I just don't, and I know that ticks some people off.

The next question becomes do you have to pay someone 4mil per year to get those results, or could you get the same results by paying someone 50 to 75% less than that.

That's really where the debate is, IMO, for those who want to have it.

I am not disagreeing with what you say in this post. I will say that paying someone less, even substantially less, would not in the long run make people any happier if the program does not excel. Even though most of the posters here are not contributing one thin dime to KF's salary (no taxes, either) it has become a target due to its big numbers. Frankly, I don't give a darn what KF is paid. However, if it comes time to replace him, we had better realize that to get a big name coach is likely going to cost you that much or more. And, remember did that work out for Michigan? How did Cheese head work out for Auburn? On and on. I am sure there will be a post in the future, after we hire someone for 2 million and they have a couple of 7-5 seasons..."Well, that is really good for someone who we are paying only 1/2 of what we paid KF. I am quite satisfied."
I am not disagreeing with what you say in this post. I will say that paying someone less, even substantially less, would not in the long run make people any happier if the program does not excel. Even though most of the posters here are not contributing one thin dime to KF's salary (no taxes, either) it has become a target due to its big numbers. Frankly, I don't give a darn what KF is paid. However, if it comes time to replace him, we had better realize that to get a big name coach is likely going to cost you that much or more. And, remember did that work out for Michigan? How did Cheese head work out for Auburn? On and on. I am sure there will be a post in the future, after we hire someone for 2 million and they have a couple of 7-5 seasons..."Well, that is really good for someone who we are paying only 1/2 of what we paid KF. I am quite satisfied."

The only reason the salary matters is it shows we are willing to pay top dollar to get a top coach.
This thread is awesome. Jon has finally come around to my 7 win or 8 win argument and the rest of you are just spinning in circles.

Here's the issue. KF can't overcome the poor recruiting during the lean years of the program. It is understandable that he would have some difficulty recruiting during those times, but an innovative and aggressive coach, like say Bill Snyder would see what was coming a hit JUCO and transfers like crazy to fill the gap. KF goes fishing and says "gee wiz" when it comes to getting hammered with non competitive talent.

Now that Jon has come around to my 7 and 8 win argument, maybe he should look back at my comments las fall when I was preaching that this year was going to be far worse than last year. The writing was clearly on the wall and the coaches decided to go fishing instead of beating bushes for good transfers.

There were guys available that will be playing on Sunday. It is time that someone calls out the coach on this one.

And, oh yeah, next year is another 7 or fewer year.
If our QB position had not played so poorly this year,I doubt we are having this conversation. It really is mind boggling how bad it has been. I don't understand Kirk's refusal to give someone else playing time to see if they can do any better. If there really is no one better than Vandy(how can that be possible?) then our program is in a world of hurt. If the QB was even competent things would be much better.
I too think this was a good article by Jon. I think Jon clearly explains the talent/attrition issues over the recruiting classes of 08 and 09. I think it is one main reason why we struggling now this season.

My biggest complaint I have of Ferentz up to this point in time is the QB position. I have no problem with JVB starting. But, in a blow-out situation like the Penn St game, I can't see the benefit of not getting our back-ups QBs some experience. 4-4 hurts, but to me for the future, this is a bigger problem, not getting our youth experience.

Second and third things would be the onside kick coverage (Central Michigan) and delay of game calls in the last game.

I also think JVB and Greg Davis are a poor match for each other. Bad luck for everyone involved there.
Nice article Jon. It does much to explain the status of the program. I think you could go down the roster of B1G teams this season and find similar issues. Forty years ago we would have been elated with a 4 and 4 record at this point of the season. We have got fans now that have never experienced a decade like the 70's. That was brutal. Iowa fans have expectations because of the success over the past 30 years and are far less tolerant of inferior performance, measured by W's. I hope younger fans can develop some patience because I think it will get corrected \.

Problem with these statements (which I hope someday won't be the norm) is that they fail to recognize the inherent goodness in raised expectations. For example: Imagine some old guy talking to a young guy in 1935 saying, "You kids now-a-days can't remember how bad it was back in the 1860s after the civil war. If you kids only knew you would be thankful for your current economic situation."

Nobody should ever be thankful for underachieving, which is exactly what Kirk has been doing for three years straight. Whenever someone tells you that you "need perspective", you should respond with "you need to join us in the present and stop living in the past."

I myself am an old timer, but I grow tired of old people not recognizing that 30yrs worth of hard work has changed the conversation-dynamic at Iowa. We're no longer the crapeyes, now we're the HAWKEYES and a certain amount of pride is warranted after 30 years of building something.
The 2008 and 2009 recruiting classes were disappointing. The way they both turned out is even more disappointing.

I think that Kirk recognized the issue a while ago. I think that's why we have seen all the coaching changes. He knows that changes are necessary to keep the program fresh, but he also knows that changes of this magnitude take time to implement and even more time before you see the benefits. It's almost like he wants to "reboot" the Hawkeye Football team.

We all hope that Iowa has young talent. I've said it countless times. The brutal truth is that we really don't know for sure. Time will tell.

Ken O' Keefe left Iowa to coach in the NFL. I'm now convinced he saw what was coming.
Here is proof that you can win at a higher level than what KF has at Iowa. Hayden did all this with one less game a year and played a lot tougher of a schedule then some that KF has played. Oh yeah, we are just little old Iowa.
1981Big Ten—T–1st840Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 28–01815
1982Big Ten—3rd840Won Peach Bowl vs. Tennessee, 28–22——
1983Big Ten—3rd930Lost Gator Bowl vs. Florida, 14–61414
1984Big Ten—T–4th841Won Freedom Bowl vs. Texas, 55–171615
1985Big Ten—1st1020Lost Rose Bowl vs. UCLA, 45–28109
1986Big Ten—T–3rd930Won Holiday Bowl vs. SDSU, 39–381615
1987Big Ten—T–2nd1030Won Holiday Bowl vs. Wyoming, 20–191616
1988Big Ten—T–3rd643Lost Peach Bowl vs. NC State, 28–23——
1989Big Ten—T–6th560———
1990Big Ten—T–1st840Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 46–341816
1991Big Ten—2nd1011Tied Holiday Bowl vs. BYU, 13–131010

Thank You!!!!
I'm just not sure we are as bad as people think. I guess we find out in the next 4 weeks.

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. Your watching something very different than I. No disrespect, but I had to read what you wrote a couple times to make sure I read it right.
Good analysis, Jon.

However, it nearly ignores the persistent problems at the coaching level both in game planning, game scheming, situational preparedness, and in-game management. These things start at the top and are even more evident when the talent and experience are lower. These things cannot be ignored.
As much as I'd hate to lose him, Bob Diaco is exactly what this program needs. Energetic, great recruiter, and would pump life back into the fans. It's a catch-22, spend a lot of money on the buy out of KF, or risk getting deeper in a rut. I think the only life line KF has right now is the PSU sanctions. Use that Penn pipeline and get some ballers. Otherwise, apathy is going to creep in, and it's too hard to get out.
Ken O' Keefe left Iowa to coach in the NFL. I'm now convinced he saw what was coming.

That's called a rat leaving a sinking ship. Next is the captain rearranging the chairs. Kirk looked at the chairs and said that they're good just as they are.
Begs the question.

Why couldn't Ferentz just explain all this to us? Really. Why not manage fan expectations a bit - he could do that and still turn around and tell his team to go out there and exceed expectations. He understands this stuff better than anyone.

He's so damned smug. He skirts questions that are deemed below him. But nobody ever asked him blunt questions.
How does the most talented team in Iowa History only go 8-4 in 2008?

I wrote after the Outback Bowl that by the time all the classes from that team had graduated, it would have more draft picks on it than any in Iowa history. That didn't mean that at that time, they were all as good as they were going to get. Players who redshirted that year are seniors this year.
Putting Eric Johnson (recruiting coordinator) in a position where he can now pretty much focus exclusively on recruiting means that Iowa is putting a huge emphasis on changing the way it recruits.

I think EJ will become full time recruiting coordinator and David Raih becomes full time position coach which means he can be on the road recruiting, shortly after signing day this coming February.
In some ways I see this. It's pragmatic, but I still can't bring myself to this thinking. It feels like a defeatist approach. In essence if I concede this, then it becomes difficult to justify the program having top shelf facilities, resources, and salaries.

The whole "know you place" approach seems counterintuitive of why the game is played.

I understand people don't want to think like this, but it doesn't change the historical and demographic realities it may contain.

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