How Did Iowa Get Here?

Here is proof that you can win at a higher level than what KF has at Iowa. Hayden did all this with one less game a year and played a lot tougher of a schedule then some that KF has played. Oh yeah, we are just little old Iowa.
1981Big TenT–1st840Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 28–01815
1982Big Ten3rd840Won Peach Bowl vs. Tennessee, 28–22
1983Big Ten3rd930Lost Gator Bowl vs. Florida, 14–61414
1984Big TenT–4th841Won Freedom Bowl vs. Texas, 55–171615
1985Big Ten1st1020Lost Rose Bowl vs. UCLA, 45–28109
1986Big TenT–3rd930Won Holiday Bowl vs. SDSU, 39–381615
1987Big TenT–2nd1030Won Holiday Bowl vs. Wyoming, 20–191616
1988Big TenT–3rd643Lost Peach Bowl vs. NC State, 28–23
1989Big TenT–6th560
1990Big TenT–1st840Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 46–341816
1991Big Ten2nd1011Tied Holiday Bowl vs. BYU, 13–131010
Here is proof that you can win at a higher level than what KF has at Iowa. Hayden did all this with one less game a year and played a lot tougher of a schedule then some that KF has played. Oh yeah, we are just little old Iowa.
1981Big TenT–1st840Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 28–01815
1982Big Ten3rd840Won Peach Bowl vs. Tennessee, 28–22
1983Big Ten3rd930Lost Gator Bowl vs. Florida, 14–61414
1984Big TenT–4th841Won Freedom Bowl vs. Texas, 55–171615
1985Big Ten1st1020Lost Rose Bowl vs. UCLA, 45–28109
1986Big TenT–3rd930Won Holiday Bowl vs. SDSU, 39–381615
1987Big TenT–2nd1030Won Holiday Bowl vs. Wyoming, 20–191616
1988Big TenT–3rd643Lost Peach Bowl vs. NC State, 28–23
1989Big TenT–6th560
1990Big TenT–1st840Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 46–341816
1991Big Ten2nd1011Tied Holiday Bowl vs. BYU, 13–131010

And there were not 100 bowl games like there is now. A few of KF's team may not have made a bowl back in the day. Jan 1 games used to mean something, now it means the Go Daddy Bowl.
Here is proof that you can win at a higher level than what KF has at Iowa. Hayden did all this with one less game a year and played a lot tougher of a schedule then some that KF has played. Oh yeah, we are just little old Iowa.
Big Ten

Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 28–0
Big Ten

Won Peach Bowl vs. Tennessee, 28–22

Big Ten

Lost Gator Bowl vs. Florida, 14–6
Big Ten

Won Freedom Bowl vs. Texas, 55–17
Big Ten

Lost Rose Bowl vs. UCLA, 45–28
Big Ten

Won Holiday Bowl vs. SDSU, 39–38
Big Ten

Won Holiday Bowl vs. Wyoming, 20–19
Big Ten

Lost Peach Bowl vs. NC State, 28–23

Big Ten


Big Ten

Lost Rose Bowl vs. Washington, 46–34
Big Ten

Tied Holiday Bowl vs. BYU, 13–13

Oh thats BS! We didnt play OSU, Wisky............. oh never mind. :)
It is not as tough to be successful at Iowa as made out to be. Regularly beat the poor teams you should with only rare losses. ISU, NW, Minn, Ill, Indiana apply most years. Schedule at least 2 cream puffs and win these 95% of the time. Compete with the midlevel Big Ten teams and win about 50% of these games. Beat one of the upper level Big Ten teams about 25% of the time. Have all these come together and happen every 4 years or so and you will be beloved. If you factor in the level of play in the Big Ten this objectives are even more reasonable. KF has done the last two for the most part but has been terrible at the first two.

The creampuffs should be beaten 100% of the time, that's why they are on the schedule in the first place, as a tune-up game.
I predict they will be worse next year.

How?! Passing game, defense, special teams... All hard to get worse at than what we are already seeing. I think we will see an improvement at QB next year I truely do, won't be surprised if Sokol starts unless KF already has his loyalty to Ruddock. I still think we will be bad... we only lose very little talent from this year don't see us being much worse.
How?! Passing game, defense, special teams... All hard to get worse at than what we are already seeing. I think we will see an improvement at QB next year I truely do, won't be surprised if Sokol starts unless KF already has his loyalty to Ruddock. I still think we will be bad... we only lose very little talent from this year don't see us being much worse.

They could be better in all phases next year and have a worse record due to next years schedule. Unfortunately for KF he is running out of excuses, as we will have then stunk for 4 years in a row. Youth, execution, attrition, schedule.

At some point if the team continually fails to execute, then that is on coaching, not the players.
The 2008 team was 8-4 in the regular season and probably had more talent on it, from class through class, than any in modern Iowa history. By the end of the year, that team was one of Ferentz's three best.

If Iowa can get to an eight win regular season in 2014, with Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State, Nebraska and Wisconsin on the schedule, I would feel pretty good about that.

How does the most talented team in Iowa History only go 8-4 in 2008? That's a coaching issue. We lost some games that year because of poor clock management, an inability to be ready for trick plays that we never consider running (fake punt, onside kicks). Those are coaching issues.

With the weak out of conference schedule we play every yr, that means in 2014, if they could just beat the teams they "should" beat (which never, ever happens) then they can go 1-4 against the 5 teams you listed above to be 8-4. That doesn't seem like that much of an accomplishment.
The only team that is worse is the 1999 team, and the cupboard was bare in 1999. That was not 14 years in to a tenure.

And don't preach about being a fan and supporting the team. I have had season tickets for years and have donated to the university for years. So don't go questioning how loyal you are compared to someone who is not happy with the direction of the team. I am happy to sit down and compare who is a "better" fan if that is the way you want to go. I don't think you want to go there.

And this is not what it is about. The fact is I am sure we are both dedicated fans of the team. However, KF does not get a pass for the direction of this program. He needs to be held accountable and make changes where they need to be made. He can no longer live on his past laurels.

My point is......

There are three categories to fall into:

1. Fire KF. He needs to go. Rogue program.

2. Hold KF accountable for the circumstances that occurred over the past few years, most of which were out of his, and everyone's control

3. Recognize that the situation is unfortunate, but that changes have already been made, and it will take more time for them to pay off.

I'm not sure how you want to hold KF accountable for the misfortunes of the 2008 & 2009 recruiting classes. Recruiting is an inexact science. Some kids work out, and some do not. He can't control the fact that some will leave, flunk out or fail to live up to their potential. It's all a HUGE guessing game, and more often than not, KF and his staff make the right decisions.

As far as changes, I'm not sure how many more changes you want. 2 new coordinators, 2 new staff members, new offensive and defensive schemes, new position coaches all over the place and an entirely new emphasis and approach to recruiting. The only change left is the head coach.

Perhaps that is exactly what you want.
They could be better in all phases next year and have a worse record due to next years schedule. Unfortunately for KF he is running out of excuses, as we will have then stunk for 4 years in a row. Youth, execution, attrition, schedule.

At some point if the team continually fails to execute, then that is on coaching, not the players.

That's not true. We are losing one team we lost to so if the team we replace them with beats us then we are the same. We will probably lose to Indiana too but even if we don't all we have to do is beat whoever our central Michigan is next year to make up for it.
As much as I hate the Ferentz salary stuff, it does come back around. I tend to think that the mean of what Kirk has done at Iowa is near the apex of what can be done here on a ten year look. I don't think you are going to see much more than that accomplished at Iowa. I just don't, and I know that ticks some people off.

In some ways I see this. It's pragmatic, but I still can't bring myself to this thinking. It feels like a defeatist approach. In essence if I concede this, then it becomes difficult to justify the program having top shelf facilities, resources, and salaries.

The whole "know you place" approach seems counterintuitive of why the game is played.
My point is......

There are three categories to fall into:

1. Fire KF. He needs to go. Rogue program.

2. Hold KF accountable for the circumstances that occurred over the past few years, most of which were out of his, and everyone's control

3. Recognize that the situation is unfortunate, but that changes have already been made, and it will take more time for them to pay off.

I'm not sure how you want to hold KF accountable for the misfortunes of the 2008 & 2009 recruiting classes. Recruiting is an inexact science. Some kids work out, and some do not. He can't control the fact that some will leave, flunk out or fail to live up to their potential. It's all a HUGE guessing game, and more often than not, KF and his staff make the right decisions.

As far as changes, I'm not sure how many more changes you want. 2 new coordinators, 2 new staff members, new offensive and defensive schemes, new position coaches all over the place and an entirely new emphasis and approach to recruiting. The only change left is the head coach.

Perhaps that is exactly what you want.

Poor Clock Management, poor play calling, failure to make in game changes, failure to recognize fake punts and onside kicks. These are all things under his control and things he should be held accountable when they happen over and over and over again.
I am generally not a pessimistic person, but given our head coach's absolute refusal to change or adapt, I feel our downward spiral was inevitable and will continue. Our recruiting efforts, at least the results of those efforts, are relatively weak given the programs we are trying to compete with, and until we are able to infuse the program with some major talent, we are destined to slowly sink to the bottom of the conference.
I am generally not a pessimistic person, but given our head coach's absolute refusal to change or adapt, I feel our downward spiral was inevitable and will continue. Our recruiting efforts, at least the results of those efforts, are relatively weak given the programs we are trying to compete with, and until we are able to infuse the program with some major talent, we are destined to slowly sink to the bottom of the conference.

Adding Brian Ferentz and Greg Davis as new faces for recruiting gives us new territories (Texas) and an extra person on the recruiting trail (Norm didn't recruit).

Putting Eric Johnson (recruiting coordinator) in a position where he can now pretty much focus exclusively on recruiting means that Iowa is putting a huge emphasis on changing the way it recruits.

All those changes just occurred within the last year. The first recruiting class under the new structure won't sign until next spring.

Well, I hate to be the eternal optimist, but we are 2 plays from being 6-2 right now:

1. We botch an onside kick against CMU that 99% of the time is recovered. That's one win.
2. Against ISU, Keenan Davis essentially scores to put us ahead, but steps out of bounds by a few inches. Then Weisman drops a sure 6. That's the second win.

If we are 6-2 right now and beat Indy and PU, we are 8-2. I know it is not a tough schedule, but 8-2 is 8-2. Michigan is really beatable and who knows against Nebraska.

I'm just not sure we are as bad as people think. I guess we find out in the next 4 weeks.

I will say this: Ferentz has a real problem with his passing game right now. Why not play Sokol and burn the red shirt?
Poor Clock Management, poor play calling, failure to make in game changes, failure to recognize fake punts and onside kicks. These are all things under his control and things he should be held accountable when they happen over and over and over again.

Can't argue with someone questioning any of the things you listed. That's what makes us fans. Got to have passion about it.

I always try to remember that hindsight is 20/20 when I'm upset about what I perceive as a "stupid" coaching decision.
And there were not 100 bowl games like there is now. A few of KF's team may not have made a bowl back in the day. Jan 1 games used to mean something, now it means the Go Daddy Bowl.

But there were not many bowls passing up on an eligible Iowa team back in the Hayden days either. Even that 1989 team had a bowl all lined up to take Iowa had they beaten Minnesota in the last game. Back then bowls did not have many conference affiliations and many of them were negotiated before the season was even over.
There's no doubt...and to use the 'it's the talent' critique is also a critique of the people who bring the talent in.

As much as I hate the Ferentz salary stuff, it does come back around. I tend to think that the mean of what Kirk has done at Iowa is near the apex of what can be done here on a ten year look. I don't think you are going to see much more than that accomplished at Iowa. I just don't, and I know that ticks some people off.

The next question becomes do you have to pay someone 4mil per year to get those results, or could you get the same results by paying someone 50 to 75% less than that.

That's really where the debate is, IMO, for those who want to have it.

* Definitely......I think it is indicative of the conservative nature and/or stubborness that is characteristic of Ferentz. From my viewpoint he has shown very few examples of changing much of his approach or operation during his tenure including recruiting. Perhaps he believes strongly that what was has worked in the past will work in the future. I think a small light bulb may have gone off in his mind at the end of last year when he made some changes to his recruiting personnel and even added a position if I recall but he still chooses not to venture into the water with the sharks to try to grab a few more highly touted players. We've practically left Florida and Texas in the rear view mirror and now go after what remains in the Midwest after the power programs sweep through.

* No doubt in my mind that there are other talented up and comers out there that can be had for 50% less but it's not worth a further discussion at this point as the contract has us locked in. I do think as I have stated before that I could see the possibility that he would depart on his own prior to the contract ending. I often wonder if the master plan was to have some strong years leading up to 2020 with the reins then handed off to Brian Ferentz assuming he showed a strong performance with his responsibilities during this entire taking our recruiting up a notch along with grooming a talented OL each year. Personally I wouldn't have a problem with that scenario but I think that's a fairy tale right now.
