Holy shit how wrong has this board been?

This was a great win but let’s not over react. Our threes were falling and theirs weren’t. If it were reversed it would just be another loss in Ames. Also take into consideration that ISU is 6-4. When was the last time they started of 6-4 in the non-conference schedule.

Now having said that I have to say I was impressed with Toussaint for the first time. He was playing under control and did a great job of moving the ball around. If he can gain the ability to pull up and shoot the 16-18 foot shot he is going to be something special. He was open all night from 16-18 feet out.

It’s just too damn bad that Nunge got hurt. He was just starting to show that he could be a 10-15 point player every night. That would be huge for this team as Pemsl does t seem to be that guy.

If we can come out and play with this type of intensity every night we could be a force to be dealt with.

I will also say this; there has been many years where we went into Ames and lost to ISU when we clearly had the better talent. So yes this was HUGE win but it has to continue from here on through the entire season.
Slow the roll but I think there are a couple of difference makers this season.

Garza has taken a huge step forward.

CJ can snipe and plays defense—he is a glue guy.

The questions are how much the potential loss of the difference maker called JBo will be (of course)

And how quickly can Brooklyn and Eve fill the gap of that loss in different ways (of course) other than 3pt shooting.
Probably should be Bronx and Eve.
This was a great win but let’s not over react. Our threes were falling and theirs weren’t. If it were reversed it would just be another loss in Ames. Also take into consideration that ISU is 6-4. When was the last time they started of 6-4 in the non-conference schedule.

Now having said that I have to say I was impressed with Toussaint for the first time. He was playing under control and did a great job of moving the ball around. If he can gain the ability to pull up and shoot the 16-18 foot shot he is going to be something special. He was open all night from 16-18 feet out.

It’s just too damn bad that Nunge got hurt. He was just starting to show that he could be a 10-15 point player every night. That would be huge for this team as Pemsl does t seem to be that guy.

If we can come out and play with this type of intensity every night we could be a force to be dealt with.

I will also say this; there has been many years where we went into Ames and lost to ISU when we clearly had the better talent. So yes this was HUGE win but it has to continue from here on through the entire season.
Iowa is a very good 3pt shooting team and Iowa State is statistically one of the worst 3pt shooting teams in the country. So there is that.
People are acting like Jordan was playing at the level we've seen him play the last 2 or 3 seasons....while I agree that taking him away from the mix does give the team a different dynamic, this stretch of games where Iowa has played well hasn't really been the result of great play by Jbo. If you take him off the team then you still have most of the ingredients still in the cake that has made this stretch as good as it has been. We'll miss his clutch shooting for sure....but you cats that are still around trying to sell impending doom, your days are numbered.

Listen I want the best for this team and selling impending doom isn’t at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is exactly what you said above it will give the team a different dynamic and sometimes that little different dynamic can be good or bad. Time will tell and it doesn’t change what I said above the juror will be out on that if JBO decides to sit. I don’t think he will and hope he doesn’t.
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Correct on Abdul-Jabbar. It happened while he was in college. His cornea was scratched the game before they played Houston, who was very good and starred Elvin Hayes. So when he played he could barely see out of one eye and shot 4-18.

I watched that game in SF on a 9" SonyTrinitron. I was surprised that many people in SF were interested in that game. Big Daddy, Tom Donahue, SF DJ, was talking about the game all that week. He said that it was like two gunfighters on Main Street at High Noon: Lew Alcindor vs Elvin Hayes.....


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Great win at Hilton!
Very few teams lead from opening tip to the final buzzer like the Hawks did last night!
Very few.
We know these Hawkeyes can shoot 3-balls as good as any team, but when they aren;t falling we've gotta play some D.
Offense can carry you to several W's in a row... and then for some unknown reason some nights there's a lid on the basket and nothing is falling.
But...DEFENSE should always be the constant to keep us always in games.
Defense HAS GOT TO be a constant part of any team with hopes of Sweet-16 and beyond.
If Fran can improve the D then count me with both feet firmly on ye ol' band-wagon!
Iowa is a very good 3pt shooting team and Iowa State is statistically one of the worst 3pt shooting teams in the country. So there is that.

Don’t get me wrong I am very happy with the win. I am now thinking this team may be better
Great win at Hilton!
Very few teams lead from opening tip to the final buzzer like the Hawks did last night!
Very few.
We know these Hawkeyes can shoot 3-balls as good as any team, but when they aren;t falling we've gotta play some D.
Offense can carry you to several W's in a row... and then for some unknown reason some nights there's a lid on the basket and nothing is falling.
But...DEFENSE should always be the constant to keep us always in games.
Defense HAS GOT TO be a constant part of any team with hopes of Sweet-16 and beyond.
If Fran can improve the D then count me with both feet firmly on ye ol' band-wagon!

Well said.

When I think back over the decades of Iowa basketball that I have watched I reflect back on which of all the coaches I followed and which one I felt was the best and the things that made him successful.

For me the selection was a no brainer. Lute Olsen was the coach when I started to follow all the games. If Lute didn’t STRENUOUSLY insist on a strong defense he would never have been so successful. He also had an innate ability to take each player and maximize their best skills. He then would design an game plan both offensively and defensively that would maximize their best abilities.

That my friends is the purist definition of a true COACH.

I have said so many times that I only wish ALL of the coaches and players the very best. That doesn’t mean that I don’t think that changes may need to be made especially if a sports program becomes stale. It seems like both head coaches of the two major men’s sports programs have done a nice job considering the recruiting challenges.

I have mixed feeling about both programs at this time. Both Kirk and Fran are at a point where there is reason to hope both programs are on the uptick. That will soon be proven true or false. I am all for keeping both of them around if they can show they are moving in a direction of improvement. However if we lose the upcoming bowl game to USC and start to lose to stronger basketball teams in and out of the conference and it looks like status quo then I am inclined to want changes made. I think that is only fair. So again here’s to wishing both coaches, their staff, their families, and all players the very best and I really mean that.
Don’t get me wrong I am very happy with the win. I am now thinking this team may be better

Well said.

When I think back over the decades of Iowa basketball that I have watched I reflect back on which of all the coaches I followed and which one I felt was the best and the things that made him successful.

For me the selection was a no brainer. Lute Olsen was the coach when I started to follow all the games. If Lute didn’t STRENUOUSLY insist on a strong defense he would never have been so successful. He also had an innate ability to take each player and maximize their best skills. He then would design an game plan both offensively and defensively that would maximize their best abilities.

That my friends is the purist definition of a true COACH.

I have said so many times that I only wish ALL of the coaches and players the very best. That doesn’t mean that I don’t think that changes may need to be made especially if a sports program becomes stale. It seems like both head coaches of the two major men’s sports programs have done a nice job considering the recruiting challenges.

I have mixed feeling about both programs at this time. Both Kirk and Fran are at a point where there is reason to hope both programs are on the uptick. That will soon be proven true or false. I am all for keeping both of them around if they can show they are moving in a direction of improvement. However if we lose the upcoming bowl game to USC and start to lose to stronger basketball teams in and out of the conference and it looks like status quo then I am inclined to want changes made. I think that is only fair. So again here’s to wishing both coaches, their staff, their families, and all players the very best and I really mean that.

You just said if we lose the bowl game you will want change. It's one game played 2 timezones away a month after our last game. That's what you want to base your opinion on whether you want him to stay or whether you want him to go? Seems kinda fickle.
I felt that this team with Jordan could be a NCAA team, but without him we couldn't be one. I will say that watching the team so far, there is a chance that with Jordan helping Iowa get to 8-3 with wins over Texas Tech, ISU and Syracuse that maybe he did enough come NCAA time to carry the team into the tournament.

The other thing I will say is 10 years of Fran should teach us that there will be major ups and downs throughout the season. If we can beat Cincinnati and go 10-10 in the B1G we will have a shot, but that will means we will have losses we are all screaming to fire Fran and wins that we go wow, this team could be really good.
Great win at Hilton!
Very few teams lead from opening tip to the final buzzer like the Hawks did last night!
Very few.
We know these Hawkeyes can shoot 3-balls as good as any team, but when they aren;t falling we've gotta play some D.
Offense can carry you to several W's in a row... and then for some unknown reason some nights there's a lid on the basket and nothing is falling.
But...DEFENSE should always be the constant to keep us always in games.
Defense HAS GOT TO be a constant part of any team with hopes of Sweet-16 and beyond.
If Fran can improve the D then count me with both feet firmly on ye ol' band-wagon!

Agreed, this team still struggles on defense especially on the perimeter. Good 3 point shooting teams will crush Iowa, especially if they go cold on offense.

But this team is gonna be fun to watch. It’s possible they get to 10 conference wins and sneak into the NCAA tournament.
i think .500 would be a hell of an achievement. wouldn't get them into ncaa, but i think we need to have realistic/relative expectations for this team. injuries have sort of derailed what their potential could have been.
.500 BIG10 record will get them into March Madness.
.500 BIG10 record will get them into March Madness.

well, that'd be 19 or 20 wins depending on Cincy game. i'd say maybe on the bubble. would have to win at least 1 but probably 2 B1G games. 20 wins isn't the threshold any longer. so, it guess it would also depend on who they beat in conf. beating just the bottom finishers may not give them the cred they need. but, i want to clarify that .500 would be above my expectations. hope i'm wrong. if this team reaches ncaa, then fran would deserve coach of the year consideration
well, that'd be 19 or 20 wins depending on Cincy game. i'd say maybe on the bubble. would have to win at least 1 but probably 2 B1G games. 20 wins isn't the threshold any longer. so, it guess it would also depend on who they beat in conf. beating just the bottom finishers may not give them the cred they need. but, i want to clarify that .500 would be above my expectations. hope i'm wrong. if this team reaches ncaa, then fran would deserve coach of the year consideration

20 wins is a pretty good seed for us this year, considering the schedule. 3 years ago we almost got in with 18 wins and our schedule is way harder this year.
20 wins is a pretty good seed for us this year, considering the schedule. 3 years ago we almost got in with 18 wins and our schedule is way harder this year.

you could be right. but i think it's a stretch that we'll actually get to 20 and then it will depend on the quality of those wins. we've lost to DePaul, SDS and UM and we got beaten handily by all 3. plus, reaching 20 w/o JBo would be a monumental effort. i sure hope you and DD are right that we'll get there and it'll be enough at 20 wins
The Hawks are much better defensively, other than the Michigan game.

They are swarming all over the place, with constant movement it seems, and they help out when the ball goes inside, collapsing to help Garza and Kriener. They seem to really understand the concept of playing D, whereas past teams didn't seem to completely grasp the nuances of defense.

Fran is doing a nice job keeping the starters somewhat rested and fresh with his substitutions. Before the 10 minute mark in both halves, long before in most cases, he has a line shift. It seems that there is perhaps one scorer on the floor, but the Lads manage to play very well, maintaining the lead or staying even with the opponents. This is a necessary strategy because we are rather depleted with injuries and medical problems.

Cordel does his job when he is in there, He is a presence in the paint and we need him to give the starters a break. He probably shouldn't force shots, but he did have a very nice pass to Ryan under the basket for a dunk the other night.

Bakari has a nice floor game and is active, constantly moving without the ball and is there to help out when someone is trapped and having difficulty finding a teammate to pass the ball to.

JoeT is going to be huge for this team and will be a huge bonus his entire career at Iowa. He is really fun to watch playing D. He is all over the place and really disrupts the flow of the opponents' offense. He also seems to direct his teammates on D pointing where they should be. He has a natural command of the concept of playing D.

you could be right. but i think it's a stretch that we'll actually get to 20 and then it will depend on the quality of those wins. we've lost to DePaul, SDS and UM and we got beaten handily by all 3. plus, reaching 20 w/o JBo would be a monumental effort. i sure hope you and DD are right that we'll get there and it'll be enough at 20 wins

I'm not saying they will get to 20. I'm just saying they would get in if they did.
well, that'd be 19 or 20 wins depending on Cincy game. i'd say maybe on the bubble. would have to win at least 1 but probably 2 B1G games. 20 wins isn't the threshold any longer. so, it guess it would also depend on who they beat in conf. beating just the bottom finishers may not give them the cred they need. but, i want to clarify that .500 would be above my expectations. hope i'm wrong. if this team reaches ncaa, then fran would deserve coach of the year consideration
Yes it would depend on who they beat in conference. But it’s the same basic components as last season: +KY Fred +Bronx Flash and -TCook.

The team that made the tourney last year has lost only TC — Big piece but Garza hasn’t face-planted this year after losing TC (although he’s used his face for everything else).

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