Holy shit how wrong has this board been?

I would think that before you spend time passing judgement, maybe you are the one who should wait to see where we are after 22 games.
Opinions vary and we all have them. Fans are allowed to predict either way. I'm going to enjoy the ride and see where it goes. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worse.
It's only a good season if you beat multiple teams better than you. Therefore, teams like Alabama can never have good seasons because they don't ever play teams better than them. You would think it was a good thing that Kirk has us to the point where beating 2 top 25 teams don't count because they aren't better than us. But nope, it's a bad thing because it gives us fewer chances to beat better teams so we always have to be disappointed or acceptors of mediocrity.
It's awesome that we are all the way up to 9 wins being meh now. At this rate, hopefully in another 5-10 years 11 wins will be meh.
The post you quoted was about football. The answer to your question is no tho since zero teams have qualified yet.
But you are alluding to the basketball team with bringing up the football team. And there you go...they have not qualified yet so slow the roll. We don't even know if JBO is a go or not moving forward. Tough Bigten. But if you think this is a definative tourney team than more power to you I guess.
But you are alluding to the basketball team with bringing up the football team. And there you go...they have not qualified yet so slow the roll. We don't even know if JBO is a go or not moving forward. Tough Bigten. But if you think this is a definative tourney team than more power to you I guess.

I wish I knew what post you were referring to where I said I think this is definitely a tournament team.
Yes or No. Has Iowa qualified to play in the NCAA Tourney yet?

Actually no.They have not qualified for the four team tournament. Me thinks when it goes to a eight team playoff we will always manage to not qualify. Our best shot MAYBE if we get to top 16 teams, then maybe once every eight years we MIGHT qualify.

Luckily that’s not important to the Iowa fan base. We always have the end of the first quarter to make our historic mark in the college football world.
Actually no.They have not qualified for the four team tournament. Me thinks when it goes to a eight team playoff we will always manage to not qualify. Our best shot MAYBE if we get to top 16 teams, then maybe once every eight years we MIGHT qualify.

Luckily that’s not important to the Iowa fan base. We always have the end of the first quarter to make our historic mark in the college football world.

Even tho we would have qualified for an 8 team tournament just a few years ago.
Even tho we would have qualified for an 8 team tournament just a few years ago.

I guess the frustration is that it seems that slowly the bar has been lowering. First it was that it not being realistic to expect Iowa to get to the national championship because so few teams ever get there. Facts would support this argument.

Then it’s well Ohio State is such a superior program that it would be difficult to ever win a conference championship. Since 2000 the following teams have won or tied for a title followed by how many times that has happened;

Northwestern 1
Purdue 1
Illinois 1
Iowa 2
Michigan. 2
Wisconsin 3
Penn State. 3
Michigan St. 3
Ohio State 10

So statistically Ohio State wins the title fifty percent of the time which means another team has an opportunity to win it the other fifty percent of the time. Why not us?

Since 2000 Wisconsin is the obvious team for Iowa to beat out if we are to at least have a chance. As the bar lowers some say Wisconsin has raised their program to exceed ours and it’s going to be difficult to beat them.

So first it’s national championship not likely, then Big Ten championship not likely, then divisional title not likely because our program is not as good as Wisconsin’s.

Tough pill to swallow for sure especially since Wisconsin’s record against Fry was 2-17-1.
If that doesn’t qualify as being Iowa’s b!tch nothing does. Why and how the tables have switched is anyone guess. It’s very frustrating and gets my goat given the history against Fry.

It’s now been 15 years since we have done it. This is painful.
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I guess the frustration is that it seems that slowly the bar has been lowering. First it was that it not being realistic to expect Iowa to get to the national championship because so few teams ever get there. Facts would support this argument.

Then it’s well Ohio State is such a superior program that it would be difficult to ever win a conference championship. Since 2000 the following teams have won or tied for a title followed by how many times that has happened;

Northwestern 1
Purdue 1
Illinois 1
Iowa 2
Michigan. 2
Wisconsin 3
Penn State. 3
Michigan St. 3
Ohio State 10

So statistically Ohio State wins the title fifty percent of the time which means another team has an opportunity to win it the other fifty percent of the time. Why not us?

Since 2000 Wisconsin is the obvious team for Iowa to beat out if we are to at least have a chance. As the bar lowers some say Wisconsin has raised their program to exceed ours and it’s going to be difficult to beat them.

So first it’s national championship not likely, then Big Ten championship not likely, then divisional title not likely because our program is not as good as Wisconsin’s.

Tough pill to swallow for sure especially since Wisconsin’s record against Fry was 2-17-1.
If that doesn’t qualify as being Iowa’s b!tch nothing does. Why and how the tables have switched is anyone guess. It’s very frustrating and gets my goat given the history against Fry.

It’s now been 15 years since we have done it. This is painful.

Winning a championship is 100x harder now with divisions if you only consider winning the whole thing. Saying a season is successful only if you win the B1G is just such a stupid ****ing standard.
I guess the frustration is that it seems that slowly the bar has been lowering. First it was that it not being realistic to expect Iowa to get to the national championship because so few teams ever get there. Facts would support this argument.

Then it’s well Ohio State is such a superior program that it would be difficult to ever win a conference championship. Since 2000 the following teams have won or tied for a title followed by how many times that has happened;

Northwestern 1
Purdue 1
Illinois 1
Iowa 2
Michigan. 2
Wisconsin 3
Penn State. 3
Michigan St. 3
Ohio State 10

So statistically Ohio State wins the title fifty percent of the time which means another team has an opportunity to win it the other fifty percent of the time. Why not us?

Since 2000 Wisconsin is the obvious team for Iowa to beat out if we are to at least have a chance. As the bar lowers some say Wisconsin has raised their program to exceed ours and it’s going to be difficult to beat them.

So first it’s national championship not likely, then Big Ten championship not likely, then divisional title not likely because our program is not as good as Wisconsin’s.

Tough pill to swallow for sure especially since Wisconsin’s record against Fry was 2-17-1.
If that doesn’t qualify as being Iowa’s b!tch nothing does. Why and how the tables have switched is anyone guess. It’s very frustrating and gets my goat given the history against Fry.

It’s now been 15 years since we have done it. This is painful.

So much wrong in this post. You say standards are getting lower, but earlier you said 9 wins is Kirk-esq. Well it used to be 7 wins. Then it was 8. Now you're saying its 9. That's raising the bar, not lowering it.

Then you show a list that has us winning 2 championships and no one other than Ohio State winning more than 3, then say "why not us?". How do you type a list that shows it has been us, they say why cant it be us?

Wisconsin used to be terrible. They are now good in this exact moment in time. There is always going to be a random non blue blood spending some time as a top 10 program. But that program will always change every few years or so. If they could stay there forever, they would be a blue blood. Using the argument that since Wisconson is doing it now, we should be able to too makes no sense. By saying that, you're either trying to argue that somehow Iowa is special (they're not) or that every non blue should always be a top 10 program just because Wisconsin is right now.

Also, it's not "anyone's guess" why the tables have switched, it's common fricking sense. They were always bound to switch. Just like they are undoubtably going to eventually switch again. Just like they switched for Minnesota. Just like they switched for Nebraska. They will always switch.
So much wrong in this post. You say standards are getting lower, but earlier you said 9 wins is Kirk-esq. Well it used to be 7 wins. Then it was 8. Now you're saying its 9. That's raising the bar, not lowering it.

Then you show a list that has us winning 2 championships and no one other than Ohio State winning more than 3, then say "why not us?". How do you type a list that shows it has been us, they say why cant it be us?

Wisconsin used to be terrible. They are now good in this exact moment in time. There is always going to be a random non blue blood spending some time as a top 10 program. But that program will always change every few years or so. If they could stay there forever, they would be a blue blood. Using the argument that since Wisconson is doing it now, we should be able to too makes no sense. By saying that, you're either trying to argue that somehow Iowa is special (they're not) or that every non blue should always be a top 10 program just because Wisconsin is right now.

Also, it's not "anyone's guess" why the tables have switched, it's common fricking sense. They were always bound to switch. Just like they are undoubtably going to eventually switch again. Just like they switched for Minnesota. Just like they switched for Nebraska. They will always switch.

Nice try but wrong. It’s not always the total amount of wins that counts it’s who those wins are over. Beating non-conference cupcakes proves nothing just as beating the lower tier teams in your conference proves nothing other than you slightly better than the bottom dwellers or middle of the road teams of your conference. Fifteen years with out a conference title. FIFTEEN YEARS!!!!! Is there something about that you don’t understand???

Fifteen years IN A ROW of Hayden owning Wisconsin is one hell of a switch don’t you think. You just can’t bring yourself to admit that Kirk can’t keep up with Wisconsin. That his coaching and/or recruiting is subpar to Wisconsin. It’s football and it’s not that hard to figure out.

You know what this sounds like? It sounds like you are already making excuses for the loss to USC. Well 9-4 isn’t that special as church lady would say on Saturday Night Live. Your starting to pat your self on the back for beating MAC teams now.

They really need to beat USC to add something special to this year. Then I will feel like maybe we are getting closer to turning the corner or as you say switching. :rolleyes:

“Iowa’s not special” what kind of a fan thinks this way????
Winning a championship is 100x harder now with divisions if you only consider winning the whole thing. Saying a season is successful only if you win the B1G is just such a stupid ****ing standard.

No what I am talking about is it’s got so bad with some people that even winning the West division to them is expecting too much. I am not expecting every year, but every other year would be good and at the very least once every three years.

Also going 15 years in a row without winning a conference title is just a bit too long for my liking. Maybe it’s ok for a few others on This forum but they probably hit like girls.
Damn, I cant figure out if this is a basketball or football thread. And, finals week layoff and the time between the last conference game and the bowl game are boring. I could swear there is a thread about some pro's 8th grader............
Nice try but wrong. It’s not always the total amount of wins that counts it’s who those wins are over. Beating non-conference cupcakes proves nothing just as beating the lower tier teams in your conference proves nothing other than you slightly better than the bottom dwellers or middle of the road teams of your conference. Fifteen years with out a conference title. FIFTEEN YEARS!!!!! Is there something about that you don’t understand???

Fifteen years IN A ROW of Hayden owning Wisconsin is one hell of a switch don’t you think. You just can’t bring yourself to admit that Kirk can’t keep up with Wisconsin. That his coaching and/or recruiting is subpar to Wisconsin. It’s football and it’s not that hard to figure out.

You know what this sounds like? It sounds like you are already making excuses for the loss to USC. Well 9-4 isn’t that special as church lady would say on Saturday Night Live. Your starting to pat your self on the back for beating MAC teams now.

They really need to beat USC to add something special to this year. Then I will feel like maybe we are getting closer to turning the corner or as you say switching. :rolleyes:

“Iowa’s not special” what kind of a fan thinks this way????

You do realize our schedule hasn't gotten easier over the last few years right? Back when 7 wins was considered the norm under Kirk, we still had plenty of easy teams to rack wins up on. And you don't fool me for a second saying your opinion will change if we beat USC. It will be a "mediocre bowl win over a mediocre team".

And yes Wisconsin has flipped quite the switch since the Fry days. That has nothing to do with us tho.
No what I am talking about is it’s got so bad with some people that even winning the West division to them is expecting too much. I am not expecting every year, but every other year would be good and at the very least once every three years.

Also going 15 years in a row without winning a conference title is just a bit too long for my liking. Maybe it’s ok for a few others on This forum but they probably hit like girls.
There are five other teams in the division that would probably like to win, too. But then, they don't have all the advantages that Iowa has, right? Since "Iowa is special" and all.

Until Alvarez is gone and can't give their football and basketball teams whatever special sauce it is he feeds them, it'll be a tough row to hoe.
Damn, I cant figure out if this is a basketball or football thread. And, finals week layoff and the time between the last conference game and the bowl game are boring. I could swear there is a thread about some pro's 8th grader............
Yeah, how did this become a football discussion?o_O

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