To me this goes to show that a coach can win with Iowa kids if they can at least lock down the borders and bring in one or two players from outside of Iowa. The next few years will be crucial for the future of the program as Fran has some big time players coming in. If he can win and win consistently he will have a shot at making Iowa the place kids want to come play right out of high school, not out of JUCO.
I was watching that Wisky UNC game last night thinking about how it is pretty impressive that two of the best players on the floor at the Dean Dome were Iowa kids. Not to mention a kid from Rock Island HS, Chasson Randle, is now starring at Stanford as a freshman. If Fran was at Iowa and winning, they would have had a great shot at him. Randle, Gesell, Woodbury, Paige, Brust would have been a nice 5 to have next year. Win consistently and starting fives like that are a possibility with a tireless recruiter like Fran.