hawknation shirts


jon you interested in making some wrestling shirts for the ncaa's to maybe bring in some more people to the website.
I could have sworn that back in October Jon posted a link where you could go and purchase Hawkeyenation hoodies, shirts and hats and for a reasonable price. I can't seem to find it on here now so maybe it got lost with the "incident" a couple of months ago.
I would be interested in buying one even if it didn't have anything to do with wrestling, although anytime you put wrestling on a shirt it gets 10x better.
If you guys want to use the logo I will email the appropriate person a larger version that can be used...just let me know..and thanks for thinking of us.
Alright guys I'm going to put a call in on Monday and see what I can get made up and about how much it will be, post here and let me know if you are interested.
Definitely going to get some made up. I have been trying to reach Ironside all day, but no luck so far. As soon as I talk to him I will let you know the specifics, anybody got any ideas on what they should look like, color, etc.......

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