The train has been a big hit and IMHO really does add to the game day experience..
Just an FYI, for those who care, the behind the scenes effort to put that train in place and run it smoothly is a huge ordeal that affects train opperations from Chicago to Omaha and Cedar Rapids to Rock Island for a 24 hour period. The work and emphasis on getting Freight trains in place to move by Coralville on a single line track before the Express gets going, when it shuts down for 2nd through 3rd quarter and immediately after the game is nothing short of amazing.
Not only does the railroad work to position these freight trains, but they also work to inspect the track and all equipment immediately before opperation. It is a really big feat.
If you take the train (and I think everyone who regularly goes to the games should at least once) enjoy the experience and maybe take a second to think of all of the people who work very hard make it possible.