Hawkeye Defense Absent Again in Loss at Nebraska

It’s a free country, and anyone can disagree with your take.

Iowa PG:
24 pts / 7 assists / 0 turnovers

Neb PG:
4 points / 4 assists / 2 turnovers

Iowa played man almost the entire game with our PG guarding theirs. So as you can see Iowa’s PG outplayed the opposing teams and we still got crushed.
Bohannon's points had nothing to do with PG play. He made 6 - 3pt shots. Most of those shots came off the ball. The 7 assists say more to me than the 24 pts.
Look at trends...not one game (albeit another embarrassment)

Don't use an anecdotal game to make generalities. (a common illogical mistake...grandma smoked for 99 years...therefore smoking isn't harmful) Iowa's PG really put some numbers up vs Nebraska, it is a strength for the team.

Iowa is glaringly weak at PG...

Officiating has not played a role in this team tanking and embarrassing themselves.

Bad breaks are discussed by losers.

Cook it (no pun intended) however you want...this season is an unmitigated disaster...one for the record books for Iowa BB...and this in the midst of a secretive tweaked contact upgrade. You can't make this stuff up. It is as if a clown is in charge of the Iowa athletic department.
*Iowa is glaringly weak at SG, weak at SF, and young at Center.

Sure I’d like an upgrade at PG to allow JBo to do some other things, but PG is far from the only thing wrong with this team and in my opinion not our biggest weakness.

If PG is so glaringly weak, why could we compete and beat good teams last year with the same PG?
Was Iowa's defense as bad last night as it was against Purdue? No. But it was bad and Nebraska isn't close to the offensive team that is Purdue. It scored 33 more points than it was averaging in B1G play.

The defense has been bad most of the season. It's why Iowa lost last night. Fouls are a sign of poor defense, particularly poor positioning defensively. McCaffery and the players said after the game it was their poor defense that cost them.

Playing better defense that still stinks is not the objective.

While what you say is true my main point of contention is that the defensive positioning was not as bad as the multitude of fouls would suggest. By my count Nebraska earned 14 made free throws from calls that were questionable at best. While this does not mean Iowa would have won, I do believe that we played well enough to keep that game within 10 points. The way it played out blows the scoring difference a little out of proportion.

P.S. Do you not believe in small steps of progress? It seems unlikely that this team is going to go from JV level defense to Virginia pack line over night. The best we can expect is small improvements and hopefully some consistency. Last night's defense was closer to what it will take to be competitive. It was even better than against Wisconsin. Nebraska is way better than Wisconsin. I mean like way way better. Especially at home. I think it is important to acknowledge when small improvements are made rather than pile on to a seasons worth of defensive bashing.
How about this...Iowa's season has been horrendous, there are multiple reasons for this, hopefully the coach and team have a handle on the issues, and are willing to work to improve.
While what you say is true my main point of contention is that the defensive positioning was not as bad as the multitude of fouls would suggest. By my count Nebraska earned 14 made free throws from calls that were questionable at best. While this does not mean Iowa would have won, I do believe that we played well enough to keep that game within 10 points. The way it played out blows the scoring difference a little out of proportion.

P.S. Do you not believe in small steps of progress? It seems unlikely that this team is going to go from JV level defense to Virginia pack line over night. The best we can expect is small improvements and hopefully some consistency. Last night's defense was closer to what it will take to be competitive. It was even better than against Wisconsin. Nebraska is way better than Wisconsin. I mean like way way better. Especially at home. I think it is important to acknowledge when small improvements are made rather than pile on to a seasons worth of defensive bashing.

Officiating was not the problem last night. Bad defense was the problem. Saying it was better is putting lipstick on a pig. The defense was still awful.

While I can appreciate the positive outlook and looking for a silver lining, Iowa is not close to being a competent defensive team. It just isn't.
Officiating was not the problem last night. Bad defense was the problem. Saying it was better is putting lipstick on a pig. The defense was still awful.

While I can appreciate the positive outlook and looking for a silver lining, Iowa is not close to being a competent defensive team. It just isn't.
Agreed. The effort was much better but there were a lot of reach fouls due to being out of position. But at least we were close enough to the offensive player to get a hand on them to commit the foul. Lol. Baby steps? I'd much rather see fouls than uncontested layups and 3 pt shots.
I don't know if it's that our defense has been so bad that I began looking for more contested jumpers while watching or what but I tend to agree with PC. They still gave up quite a few open shots but I noticed a lot more contested jumpers last night.

On a related note, I looked up the Kenpom defensive efficiency rankings to see where Iowa is at compared the the rest of the conference. As most could guess, it's not pretty.

Iowa is last in the Big Ten ranked 236th nationally while the next closest is Minnesota ranked 114th. That's a huge gap...

Fran has had some good defensive teams but these last two have struggled, this year being the worse of his tenure. Below is Iowa's defensive efficiency rank for each season under Fran.

2011 - 56th
2012 - 205th
2013 - 24th
2014 - 77th
2015 - 34th
2016 - 30th
2017 - 123rd
2018 - 236th* - 9 guaranteed games left to improve.

Iowa has the worst defensive efficiency of any team in the Power 5.
Officiating was not the problem last night. Bad defense was the problem. Saying it was better is putting lipstick on a pig. The defense was still awful.

While I can appreciate the positive outlook and looking for a silver lining, Iowa is not close to being a competent defensive team. It just isn't.

Lip stick on a pig is where we are at bro, and yes I will point out when the shade of lip stick compliments the pigs eyes better.

Pigs need love too man.
Agreed. The effort was much better but there were a lot of reach fouls due to being out of position. But at least we were close enough to the offensive player to get a hand on them to commit the foul. Lol. Baby steps? I'd much rather see fouls than uncontested layups and 3 pt shots.

This is what I was going to say. Being close enough to foul is a huge improvement.
I can't believe Rob doesn't want to acknowledge the defense has been better, just becasue it still sucks. Once it was apparent this season was over, all I wanted to see was effort. Last night there was plenty of it. If they finish the season playing with that effort, it's something to build on for next year. If they go into next year with this effort and they still suck this bad, we need to come up with about 9 mil.
There's an old saying, "You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit."

While you can work on team defense fundamentals and reach a certain level of competence, at the end of the day, if the players on the court are physically limited. you're simply not going to get great results. The best you can do is work on effort, hustle and determination, and hope.

That said, my biggest concern with this team remains its lack of leadership and cohesiveness. I was at the ND-Virginia Tech game last night, and was reminded of how good teams almost always have several core players that work at building that camaraderie. Our players basically just stand around in their own little worlds in dead ball situations or immediately after a play. Good teams have players that are clapping, fist bumping, encouraging each other, smiling, etc. IMO, that is by far the biggest issue with this squad.
Baer used to be that guy...but the guys on this team have sucked that enthusiasm and energy out of him...now...a ship without a rudder and the sail is half mast...floundering about...
I can't believe Rob doesn't want to acknowledge the defense has been better, just becasue it still sucks. Once it was apparent this season was over, all I wanted to see was effort. Last night there was plenty of it. If they finish the season playing with that effort, it's something to build on for next year. If they go into next year with this effort and they still suck this bad, we need to come up with about 9 mil.

We gave up 98 points to a bad offensive team and our fundamentals on defense are actually getting worse. Our Adjusted Defense is the worst it's been all season so I'm not sure how you can say our defense has been getting better. I can't remember the last time we played a game and our Adjusted Defense improved actually. Drake maybe?
We gave up 98 points to a bad offensive team and our fundamentals on defense are actually getting worse. Our Adjusted Defense is the worst it's been all season so I'm not sure how you can say our defense has been getting better. I can't remember the last time we played a game and our Adjusted Defense improved actually. Drake maybe?

Becasue I actually watched the games. We aren't giving up 15-20 wide open layups a game anymore.
I can't believe Rob doesn't want to acknowledge the defense has been better, just becasue it still sucks. Once it was apparent this season was over, all I wanted to see was effort. Last night there was plenty of it. If they finish the season playing with that effort, it's something to build on for next year. If they go into next year with this effort and they still suck this bad, we need to come up with about 9 mil.
I think it’s really your guy’s opinion that the defense was better, not sure that universally agreed upon. Nebraska was having there way with us basically all night. If you’re going to foul a team 22 times, you would think that’s because you weren’t giving them anything easy, but that’s not really the case when the other team shoots 57% on two point shots.

To your point about effort though. I do think Fran did a poor job putting our team in position to play good defense. For instance if Nunge is guarding Palmer in man to man, as he was for a good amount of time last night, he can try as hard as physically possible, but that’s still not going to be a winning matchup for us.
Heard in Brady, Nebraska at the COOP coffee machine tomorrow..."Hey, did you guys watch the Husker shoot around against Iowa on Saturday?"
Becasue I actually watched the games. We aren't giving up 15-20 wide open layups a game anymore.

There's always the Because I actually watched the game guy. Yeah we really made a bad offensive team work hard to put up a hundred on us haha!

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