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My take is that MSU is a poor crap school in a poor crap state. Maroon and white is a fitting color scheme. So they recruit athletes on defense cash and roids. Their O Linemen looked fat. Low class semi pro team.
You just demonstrated my point. You took the cake and ate it whole.

Poverty and educational attainment is about opportunity and discrimination.

To make a point about how smart a state is or isnt when that state has the largest black population is pretty damned racist.

You do realize that Childrens Hospitals such as Stead dont easily accept some cases for kids on medicaid. Mississippi is last on income. While we are discussing bad behavior of MSU players, a number come from a different world than average Joe and Jane Iowan.

You left out the most important factor in educational attainment which is parental/family attitude toward education.

Race, location, culture, socioeconomic status, single parent situation, medial issues, etc are all significant factors but without question the most important factor of educational attainment is the parental attitude regarding education. If the parents value it, kids tend to value it. If they don't care, kids won't either. If its meh, then you get the in-between kids where engaging teaching or poor teaching really shows its value/detriment.

Like anything else its not absolute but its pretty amazing watching the correlation.
What are you trying to say? He said the state wasn't smart and you brought up race. I've seen some racist posts on here before but yours takes the cake.
My favorite (Sarc.) part about today’s society is 9 times out of 10 the people calling others racist are actually the ones displaying racism.

The double standards in today’s society are crippling to real growth. For instance if an Iowa blogger would have got on social media claiming that Mississippi State was the blackest most undisciplined team, it would have been a national news story about a racist Iowa white man. But of course other than a few angry Iowans, it’s okay to call white people slow.

The sad part is their are real racists out there, but by calling everything and everyone racist it makes it harder to figure out who they actually are.
What about West Virginia? They are terrible in education but are over 90% white. Am I allowed to make fun of their education system under your rules to live by?
Now you understand people!!!
You are allowed your opinion if it matches theirs.
It's not your words they ever want to hear it's their words coming out of your mouth they want to hear.
I suppose someone with a degree in some shit or another would tell you that is because the mind has an extremely hard time accepting that it could be wrong. That is how it is wired. Throw in a little ego with it and ta da. You have what I call stupid. The inability to adapt or change.
Personally I don't get it. I guess I have always been a wtf is that, how does that work, wtf is over there, type person. In doing so I know that in the grand scheme of things, idk squat. Which is kind of freeing. Because OMG it has to be hard work knowing everything and always being right.
So I don't travel the same direction as most everyone else and I never did and never intend to. No matter how hard they make it on me to try and be "normal".
Or in layman's terms, I said whatever. Lol
You just demonstrated my point. You took the cake and ate it whole.

Poverty and educational attainment is about opportunity and discrimination.

To make a point about how smart a state is or isnt when that state has the largest black population is pretty damned racist.

You do realize that Childrens Hospitals such as Stead dont easily accept some cases for kids on medicaid. Mississippi is last on income. While we are discussing bad behavior of MSU players, a number come from a different world than average Joe and Jane Iowan.
Woah woah woah.... Dude just don't... He didn't mention one word about race at all. Your the one insinuating things. I really dislike it when folks with your mindset and our fine folks in politics use race as an excuse for holding back ones academic achievement. To me it's parental involvement within the home. 2 parents (that actually care) in the home raising kids of any race is way more important than race itself. Just because blacks dissporportinally have single parent homes raising kids doesn't make it a race thing. We all are individuals that make our own life decisions. Plenty of folks have risen up from poor back rounds to do just fine in society of all races. Using race is an excuse. It's not a reason for anything at all.
What are you trying to say? Some of you just don't get it. Just stop being ignorant. Stop saying such non intelligent things.

The racial diversity in Mississippi is spread across approximately 59% Caucasians, 37.5% African Americans, 1.2% two or more races, 1% Asians, .9% other races, and .4% Native North Americans.

White 2,823,890 90.9%
Black or African American 103,052 3.3%
American Indian and Alaska Native 9,951 0.3%
Asian 66,570 2.1%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 2,422 0.1%
Some other race 39,410 1.3%
Two or more races 61,294 2.0%

I drove thru Mississippi this last May to go to a week long conference in New Orleans. I spent a night in Mississippi on the way home. First time in my life that I felt like a minority. It was not problematic or I didn't feel unsafe or anything. It was just a different feeling and quite humbling to be honest. It is different and one can tell it is one of the poorer states.
You just demonstrated my point. You took the cake and ate it whole.

Poverty and educational attainment is about opportunity and discrimination.

To make a point about how smart a state is or isnt when that state has the largest black population is pretty damned racist.

You do realize that Childrens Hospitals such as Stead dont easily accept some cases for kids on medicaid. Mississippi is last on income. While we are discussing bad behavior of MSU players, a number come from a different world than average Joe and Jane Iowan.

I don't think you are getting PC's point. He didn't say the state was the poorest because of particular race. I think you are pointing out that correlation.
You left out the most important factor in educational attainment which is parental/family attitude toward education.

Race, location, culture, socioeconomic status, single parent situation, medial issues, etc are all significant factors but without question the most important factor of educational attainment is the parental attitude regarding education. If the parents value it, kids tend to value it. If they don't care, kids won't either. If its meh, then you get the in-between kids where engaging teaching or poor teaching really shows its value/detriment.

Like anything else its not absolute but its pretty amazing watching the correlation.

I've never understood the argument stating a certain race is suppressed in the United States. Every individual is given the same opportunity to be successful if they work for it. I could even argue that some minorities are given even a better chance than the masses at getting into certain universities/colleges to meet requirements.

Not getting free shit does not equate to not having an opportunity to succeed. Nobody is being held back from the opportunity to advance their education, learn a trade (either in trade school or on-the-job) or open a small business. The mind frame has to change. Yes, people may not have the means to open a small business, but that does not mean that they can't because someone is holding them back or suppressing them, or not giving them free shit.

It all goes back to upbringing and parenting. It all goes back to are you going to give someone that need help just the meal or the seeds and knowledge about growing and sustaining.
By the way “Tampa” nice post and good points. Too bad some want to highjack the thread.

I noticed one time when the camera panned the crowd that there were A LOT of empty seats. One poster on this thread noted most of the fans that were there were wearing the black and gold. They did their best to hide the lack of crowd that was there. To be fair even though it’s a January fist bowl game at the end of the day it was two middle of pack football programs. Having said that it ALWAYS feels good to beat an $EC team.

That was nice of them to let all those homeless people and pan handlers with cowbells into the stadium for free. I hope they gave them a free hotdog or something. :p
I know for a fact that the children's hospital (university hospital) here does take cases pro Bono. Or whatever you want to call it.
Fact they bus people in if needed from other parts of the state.

I do know for fact they dont always take medicaid. Not all doctos do. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Both things I have and have not heard:
  • Iowa was extraordinarily well-prepared yesterday, far more than Mississippi State was. Best demonstration of that was each team's response to the heat. Iowa wilted in the Tampa heat vs. Florida two years ago and learned their lesson. They turned up the heat in their practice facility. They were clearly better hydrated. And except for obvious players like Nate (who realistically didn't spend THAT much time on the field), kept rotating to stay fresh. The Bulldogs maybe assumed they would be just fine, being from Mississippi. But they were having trouble BIG TIME with cramps, etc., especially towards and in the 4th qtr.;
  • I tend to believe MSU had been watching too many SEC vs. B1G bowl games, where SEC teams like Auburn and Florida had been mopping up the floor with teams seemingly better than Iowa. One sure formula for defeat is to not take your opponent seriously. And if you can't even keep your southern woofin' to yourselves in a children's hospital, do expect that the other team is going to come out with one serious attitude to take you to the woodshed. That also was obvious, especially with our defense;
  • Two names barely talked about yesterday were MSU's Sweat, Jr. (who apparently did not play the entire 1st half - suspension??), and the guy that actually did a pretty good job keeping him at bay when he did play, Tristan Wirfs. In the midst of passing out mega-kudos, I don't want to forget him;
  • Speaking of mega-kudo's, we need to pass some out to some names not mentioned post-game yesterday but who we could not have won the game without, including: **Matt Hankins, who played solid pass defense and was the player who tripped up the receiver at the 1 1/2 yd.-line, after which we made a defensive stand and forced a field goal in the 4th qtr.; **Chauncey Golsten, who had both an interception and a fumble recovery, and was part of the defensive front that made life tough on MSU; **Miguel Recinos, whose kick-off's ensured the Bulldogs would always start in a hole, and who also made 2 40+ yd. FG's, never an assumed "gimme" distance; **Nick Niemann, who was hitting as hard as anyone yesterday, and whose perfectly-timed blitz helped bring about the "final, futile four" plays of Mississippi State that ended the ballgame;
  • Is it just me, or do we actually get better officiating when it is NOT B1G officials? Iowa State got a dose of those clowns in their bowl game, and I'm convinced they were as responsible as anyone for them losing that game;
  • I may be biased, since I now live down by there, but Tampa is a helluva place to have a good bowl experience, even if a lot of you felt "Outback fatigue". Iowa indeed may not be back down here again for a long, long time. But the Outback Bowl head called Iowa a "perfect bowl team, all the way around." You can be sure that they will always be welcome here again if things work out. Incidentally, while most years this man has equal praise for both teams, he had little to say about Mississippi State after the game. I have a hunch the bowl won't be asking them back here, maybe ever.
Just a few random thoughts from what is now a "Tampa Bay" Hawk.

I did enjoy my trip down there in 10 years ago. I liked it a lot better than Miami and Orlando. Maybe its just me but it was just a nicer, cleaner, overall area than those other two cities and the weather for that game that week was outstanding.
Woah woah woah.... Dude just don't... He didn't mention one word about race at all. Your the one insinuating things. I really dislike it when folks with your mindset and our fine folks in politics use race as an excuse for holding back ones academic achievement. To me it's parental involvement within the home. 2 parents (that actually care) in the home raising kids of any race is way more important than race itself. Just because blacks dissporportinally have single parent homes raising kids doesn't make it a race thing. We all are individuals that make our own life decisions. Plenty of folks have risen up from poor back rounds to do just fine in society of all races. Using race is an excuse. It's not a reason for anything at all.

Not insinuating things. Those comments are percieved that way. Just not by Ave Joe Iowan. Not saying he's rascist but is insensitive to race as many of us are.
My favorite (Sarc.) part about today’s society is 9 times out of 10 the people calling others racist are actually the ones displaying racism.

The double standards in today’s society are crippling to real growth. For instance if an Iowa blogger would have got on social media claiming that Mississippi State was the blackest most undisciplined team, it would have been a national news story about a racist Iowa white man. But of course other than a few angry Iowans, it’s okay to call white people slow.

The sad part is their are real racists out there, but by calling everything and everyone racist it makes it harder to figure out who they actually are.
A black cannot under any circumstances be racist. I think that is in the constitution or something.
I do know for fact they dont always take medicaid. Not all doctos do. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Always is such an extreme. Is there anything or anyone that always?
I know several people without the means who were offered. Have been treated and even are being treated currently there.
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