Harsh words from AOL Fanhouse

Ferentz, however, does lead the nation in one category: worst coaching record in close losses. Since 2005, no other automatic qualifying BCS coach does it worse than Ferentz in games decided by eight points or less. Saturday's three-point loss to Ohio State dropped Ferentz to 11-18 in games decided by eight points or less.
Ferentz, however, does lead the nation in one category: worst coaching record in close losses. Since 2005, no other automatic qualifying BCS coach does it worse than Ferentz in games decided by eight points or less. Saturday's three-point loss to Ohio State dropped Ferentz to 11-18 in games decided by eight points or less.

Well our terrific two minute offense doesn't help at all. With a senior B, good line, good and experienced TE's, WR's and Rbs, how can we be so terrible at the two minute drill? Every time we run it looks like we are just in a complete panic and have no plan what so ever.
Well our terrific two minute offense doesn't help at all. With a senior B, good line, good and experienced TE's, WR's and Rbs, how can we be so terrible at the two minute drill? Every time we run it looks like we are just in a complete panic and have no plan what so ever.

I've long felt we don't have one. We've never seen it. I'd like Iowa's pit bull sports scribes to sink their teeth into KF about this at tomorrow's presser. If they have any courage to challenge the good captain, that could be an interesting session.
As harsh as it is, it's the truth. Very aggrivating. I hate watching this over and over and over and over and over again. I included Indiana in one of those "overs".
As harsh as it is, it's the truth. Very aggrivating. I hate watching this over and over and over and over and over again. I included Indiana in one of those "overs".

It's been basically the same game over and over this year.

Other team scores late to make it a one possesion game.
We miss a chance to ice the game and go 3 and out.
Long TD drive by the opposing team.
Terrible two minute offense.
And that's the game.

Throw in some terrible kick offs and kick off coverage and that's the story of Iowa's season.
Ferentz, however, does lead the nation in one category: worst coaching record in close losses. Since 2005, no other automatic qualifying BCS coach does it worse than Ferentz in games decided by eight points or less. Saturday's three-point loss to Ohio State dropped Ferentz to 11-18 in games decided by eight points or less.

Why do they pick 2005 as their starting point? Is it because from 2002 - 2004 we were something like 10-1 in games decided by 7 points or less and that wouldn't fit the narrative they want to create in the story?!

I guess KF doesn't get credit for those years but deserves the blame for the cherry-picked time period in this article?

Look at KF's body of work and comments from various experts that know something about coaching and people should realize that we have the right man as our head FB coach. Do you think the NFL owners and GM's would give him a second look if he was as mediocre as some Hawk fans are claiming?
I've long felt we don't have one. We've never seen it. I'd like Iowa's pit bull sports scribes to sink their teeth into KF about this at tomorrow's presser. If they have any courage to challenge the good captain, that could be an interesting session.


I realize you are being somewhat sarcastic, even if someone indirectly ask the question you won't get the answer you want.
Why do they pick 2005 as their starting point? Is it because from 2002 - 2004 we were something like 10-1 in games decided by 7 points or less and that wouldn't fit the narrative they want to create in the story?!

I guess KF doesn't get credit for those years but deserves the blame for the cherry-picked time period in this article?

Look at KF's body of work and comments from various experts that know something about coaching and people should realize that we have the right man as our head FB coach. Do you think the NFL owners and GM's would give him a second look if he was as mediocre as some Hawk fans are claiming?

regardless of why 2005 was picked and the motives behind it, it doesn't change the fact that we've sucked in this department during this timeframe.

Also, 5 years is a pretty standard amount of time. Short enough to be recently relevant yet long enough to get a good sample size.
Could it be any more obvious that we need a new OC and that Ferentz needs to delegate playcalling to him?

Brutal Truth is slapping you upside the head, Kirk. Pay attention to it.
Why do they pick 2005 as their starting point? Is it because from 2002 - 2004 we were something like 10-1 in games decided by 7 points or less and that wouldn't fit the narrative they want to create in the story?

In another thread on this subject a poster here put the numbers together over the span of Kirk's time at Iowa and they are not good:

Overall, in games decided by 7 pts or less, Ferentz is 25-30. In games decided by 5 pts or less, he is 18-22.

Since 2005, he is 11-18 and 9-16, respectively.

His career record of 25-30 in games of 7 pts or less is ok, but not great.

Since 2005 he is 11-18, which I would say is a poor record.

I wouldn't say we are incapable of running the 2 minute drill on offense

In 2008, we executed it against Illinois and Penn State (that I can remember off the top of my head).

Last year, we had at least the MSU game as a pretty good example.

However this year, we were absolute **** when it came to running the 2 minute offense. In each of our 4 losses, we had the ability to win the game with a final drive, but just couldn't do it.

And then there's the '2 minute defense'....yuck....
The biggest problem with the two minute offense has been the offensive line. I think in each loss, we have had sacks on our final drive. Saturday, Rick has 3 seconds to throw despite a simple 4 man rush.

Retooling the O line this year has gone about as smoothly as I feared.
Yep, both Iowa's two minute offense and defense are bad - didn't Iowa lose to Illinios in 2008?

What's the problem on offense? I'd say it's average receivers who can't make a play when their defense expects a pass - yeah, there was that MSU aberration in 2008. On that play, McNutt used his size which is his greatest strength.

What's the problem on defense? I'd say it's the pass defense - a weak spot in Parker's defense since he came here.

To the thread...
How do we correct this trend of losing more of the close games?
Some wise man once said: (a great defense) wins championships.
Fix the pass defense.
Alabama won last year with a mediocre offense...

Can we convince Kirk to think about making some of these changes?
If there's status quo, the problem will remain.
Is this a drastic enough situation where you could consider a different coach?
How about Mike Hankwitz we can't beat them, same problem with Dan Mc at Ia state he always had our number.

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