Harbaugh is a piece of work

Crazy how vastly different opinions there are on who's to blame.

It is interesting. I see both sides as valid. Both are st fault for a crappy interview. I think both things are true, Cowherd was spastic And Harbaugh was a doosher.
Harbaugh wasn't douchey, just super low-energy. Sounded like he was playing Words With Friends.

Cowherd was his usual self. If Harbaugh wasn't up for it DON'T DO THE INTERVIEW.

Pretty simple.
I don't like harbaugh, but I think cowherd is a complete ******. So this interview was delightful to me.
Ha, no way. I don't care for Harbaugh or Cowher, but this is all on Cowherd.

Seems like there may be a little bad blood between them, too. Cowherd is a typical over-caffeinated espn frontrunner. Harbaugh beat Cowherd at his own game, period. Cowshit was going 100 mph hoping that Harbaugh would trip up and say something stupid that espn could run with for awhile. Jim took his time and eventually Cowherd couldn't take it and decided to cut him loose.

Harbaugh 1 - Cowherd 0

Agreed. Cowherd was trying to put Harbaugh in a box and set the tone of the interview with all the talk about intensity, but Harbaugh wasn't having it. Harbaugh is a control freak. This was all about him controlling the interview rather than being controlled.

Indeed, Harbaugh 1/Cowherd 0.
I don't like harbaugh, but I think cowherd is a complete ******. So this interview was delightful to me.

This is also true. I think Harbaugh "beat" Cowherd at his own game, but Harbaugh looked like his usual jerk self doing it. Delightful interview experience for me also.
I was amused. Think if he interviewed Ferentz or worse Lute Olsen.

You must not remember the summer of 2005 when Ferentz could do no wrong. (I know, it seems like forever ago.) Kirk was on The Herd and did a great job. It was a 20 minute interview and Kirk plugged Iowa nicely, of course talked about growing up in Pennsylvania, Joe Pa being his father in law's buddy, etc. That's how a softball interview works.

I find it hard to believe that some of you guys think Cowherd's questions were hard. They were softballs that a human being with brain one should be able to run with for 5 minutes each. Harbaugh came off as a total dbag.
Played 14 years in The League, went 29-6 in 3 seasons at San Diego, won an Orange Bowl at Stanford and took the 49er's to 3 straight NFC title games and a Super Bowl... but other than those things, I have no idea.

I don't care for Harbaugh but there's no denying that he's a good coach and even a better recruiter. When he was at Stanford the quality of talent took a huge leap forward.

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