Hampton torn ACL- out season

Something has to be going on that is leading to this sort of bad luck. Where there's smoke there's fire. I know Doyle is the best there is but maybe they could tweak the training program for our RB's?

Any stat guys out there want to look into the number of acl injuries we've had compared to other teams?

We have been grinding up RB's for 10 years, Greene was /is a freak of a human tank. HE also played with rib/thigh injury's too.

Doyle is a great coach, at the same time I wonder if the sometimes the muscles end up stronger than the ligaments? idk, really no idea, is that possible?
Something has to be going on that is leading to this sort of bad luck. Where there's smoke there's fire. I know Doyle is the best there is but maybe they could tweak the training program for our RB's?

Any stat guys out there want to look into the number of acl injuries we've had compared to other teams?

I was sorta wondering the same thing. I am not a doctor nor a trainer but you would think with the reoccurance of the same injury at the same postion year after year sometimes to multiple guys in a season there would have to be a correlation to the strength and conditioning program. Maybe its dumb luck, but I would think at this point it may be worth looking into tweaking something to increase knee strength or possibly reduce the amount of stress on the knees when these guys are strength training.
We have been grinding up RB's for 10 years, Greene was /is a freak of a human tank. HE also played with rib/thigh injury's too.

Doyle is a great coach, at the same time I wonder if the sometimes the muscles end up stronger than the ligaments? idk, really no idea, is that possible?

Yeah, I find myself wondering why we always seem to have SO many injuries at RB from year to year. In the past 10 years, Fred Russell and Shonn Greene are about the only two that I can think of who didn't seem to have any trouble with injuries.. With everyone else, it's been ACL's all over the place.

Do other teams have as many injury problems at this position as we do?
Feel horrible for Jewel. Tough break,Jewel...all you can do is roll with it and come back again next year,and hope you can get that medical redshirt. Study hard,and you can come out of Iowa with an MBA or other graduate degree with two extra years...maybe have the last laugh in the end.
I am confident and believe Johnson and Coker will play this weekend. Certainly things will play out in practice over the next 2 days and a lot could change with one still redshirting....but at this point I see both getting time.

I couldn't agree more, I think that Coker is too similar to Robinson in running style, Johnson will bring the same element that Wegher brought last year, he has the extra gear and can get the edge after Coker and Robinson have beat up the defense. I think we will see them both on Saturday under one condition, if they can pass block. Ferentz won't put them out there unless they can help protect the quarterback.
Boy I feel bad for the guy. I hope he can suit up again next year.
Arob needs to be in bubble wrap the rest of the way. I don't want to use Coker or any other red-shirt this week. We can get by Ball St with what we have and hopefully Paki Surpi Niku can be back for PSU.
Let's keep in mind... we DO still have our first string RB healthy. It's not like the world is coming to an end. Many teams only run one back anyway. I am excited to see what Coker and DeAndre can do.
If this is true & when it is officially announced, I am triple confirming that Wegher magically decides that he wants to play football again in 5...4...3...2...1
Tough situation for Jewel. The young man worked his tail off to return this season. This is a violent game, and running backs are a target high, low, everywhere. I hope he recovers fully while maintaining focus on his education.

As for the upcoming games, expect lots of blitz packages and wide-eyed young running backs.
Something has to be going on that is leading to this sort of bad luck. Where there's smoke there's fire. I know Doyle is the best there is but maybe they could tweak the training program for our RB's?

Any stat guys out there want to look into the number of acl injuries we've had compared to other teams?

Let's keep in mind... we DO still have our first string RB healthy. It's not like the world is coming to an end. Many teams only run one back anyway. I am excited to see what Coker and DeAndre can do.

I love Ab and he brings alot, lets not kid our selfs here. Sat was a clear deffinition of why Hampton was going to be our #1 back. Blocks, speed burst etc.

Arob=power Hampton=burst+blocks

we need both, and a few PL catches to please...
If this is true & when it is officially announced, I am triple confirming that Wegher magically decides that he wants to play football again in 5...4...3...2...1

God we can only hope. (fingers crossed) I'm sure Coker and Johnson are good kids and players but are a unknown quantity. I wish he would come back we really need him.
Are you freaking kidding me! I feel so bad for the kid. He worked so hard to get back & is done within 3 games & now looking to do all over again. Why is Iowa snake-bitten at this position so much? It gets old.

We were supposed to have quality depth at this position going into 2010 & for some reason it just is never meant to be at RB. I just don't get it. Now we have new guys coming in that are supposed to block & Stanzi's going to get blitzed up his azz. Not good indeed!

Many have given Paki a lot of crap over the yrs, but Iowa is fortunate he put up with it & is still there. They need is veteran play now, especially blocking on pass plays.
Perhaps Doyle should explore augmented training protocols for our running backs.

Such as? Hampton had his foot planted at the exact moment a defenders helmet hit him in the knee. I don't think Doyle can (or would want to) simulate that in the weight room.
LOL, I thought this too.

Such as? Hampton had his foot planted at the exact moment a defenders helmet hit him in the knee. I don't think Doyle can (or would want to) simulate that in the weight room.

At the same time disregard his non contact injury last year?? Some are just asking why are you taking it as an attack?

While Doyle is a stellar S/C coach it's still ok to wonder why so many back's have dropped like flies in the last 10 years.

Here is MHO on this, we NEED our backs to read shirt 1 year. we are "building players", stick a guy in who still has some areas to work on (due to depth issues and he's liable to get hurt). We need to be in a better position at RB, it's pretty clear. It's also clear that we have been pushing rb's the last few years.

My question, and a lot of others is this isn't a 1 year thing.

at this time when other RB's see Iowa they see Iowa+RB=meat grinder, I tend to wonder why.
Talk about a flash back. RB was the strength of this team a few months ago. Now its the biggest ? on the team. Just unreal
Reading the Gazette article that Morehouse linked to, I found this little nugget that I found interesting (with the release of the two deeps yesterday):

"Paki O’Meara, listed as the No. 2 running back this week behind sophomore Adam Robinson, is likely out this week, too, after suffering a concussion at Arizona.True freshman Marcus Coker, who suffered a shoulder/collarbone injury early in fall camp, is the next in line."

So we almost HAVE to play one of the freshmen, right? No Paki, no James White...


Does anyone remember how Coker's fall camp was going before his injury?
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I wonder if the sometimes the muscles end up stronger than the ligaments?

I think this is more of a problem with guys on PEDs, but I could see it being a problem here too, guys do tend to get very muscled under Doyle
I think this is more of a problem with guys on PEDs, but I could see it being a problem here too, guys do tend to get very muscled under Doyle

It happened a lot to guys on PED's, but HGH is what they take to combat that. HGH strengthens their tendons and ligaments so that they can support the increase in muscle. I think we might be onto something here. I mean I remember Russell had HUGE thighs, even though he didn't get hurt. AY was also really thick in the lower body. Jermelle was just a beast, size wise. I'm not sure this is the problem, but the injuries on that front are really piling up.

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