Gregg Doyel Blasts Iowa Football

I have a question that I've never really understood. Why do Iowa fans hold Doyle (S&C coach) is such high regard? Iowa players haven't tested well at the NFL combine and obviously have had conditioning issues. I don't understand the fascination with the guy. He seems adequate I guess but nothing special when it comes to results.
second stupidest post ever. What's tested at the combine doesn't necessarily correlate to football.
You guys do realize that it is not normal for 12 athletes to have to go to the hospital following a workout, no matter how intense, right?

I don't think Doyle or anyone needs to be fired, but there should certainly be a university investigation into this matter and I am surprised by how casually most people are taking this.

If any of them had been seriously injured or god forbid killed the university would be getting sued straight to hell and rightly so.

In no rational training regimen is 100 squats at 240lbs called for.
Fufred also thinks Terrelle Pryor is a first round pick so evaluating football talent is not his specialty.

Jake Locker, Ryan Leaf, Mike Vick, Vince Young, the list goes on. Pro scouts are SUCKERS for a big arm and freakish athleticism. Pryor will in all liklihood be a first round pick. Should he be? Doubtful. But that's not the question we're answering here, is it?
I read this jagoff's column. While I agree that what happened here was bad and wrong, this douchetool is way over the top in his vitriol and accusations towards Ferentz.
edr247, what right do you have to know about the medical condition of anyone?

I didn't say I personally have to know about the medical condition about anybody. All I said is that in this scenario, I think the program should looking into the situation, and then based on those findings, clear up what happened. The athletic department and the team are in the public eye. When 12 student-athletes end up in the hospital after a team sponsored event the public is going to want to know what went wrong.

If it was one player who was taken to the hospital for some unknown cause, I would be curious, but I wouldn't expect an inquiry, and then a press release about that player's medical condition. However, this is a dozen players all ending up in the hospital with apparently the same training related condition (read NOT injury). What happened? Is the training staff/coaching staff negligent? Are they pursuing unsafe training techniques? Or was it something as simple as a viral infection that exacerbated the strenuous workout conditions?

With all that has happened on the team as of late, the team, the department and the school have taken a lot of hits. Investigating this and reporting it to the public would go a long way for the school. You don't need to ruin lives or anything, but if it is, in fact just an unfortunate series of circumstances, they should let people know.
Anyone hear this jerk on kxno tonight? Just ripping Iowa and Ferentz to shreds. Nice working getting that interview Perrault/K. Miller. Really enjoyed hearing him say if he was a parent he would never send his child to Iowa, etc., etc. Geez, what channel is Marty on again?
At what point will all this drama stop? I love Iowa Football more than anything. I gaurantee this will have a lasting impact on our football program. Recruiting, possible lawsuits, people like this clown running their mouth on KXNO radio of all places. Come on Iowa! It would be nice if we could put together a three week stretch without negative news.
Anyone hear this jerk on kxno tonight? Just ripping Iowa and Ferentz to shreds. Nice working getting that interview Perrault/K. Miller. Really enjoyed hearing him say if he was a parent he would never send his child to Iowa, etc., etc. Geez, what channel is Marty on again?

I don't understand why anyone would listen to Perrault. Must be morbid curiosity.
I don't understand why anyone would listen to Perrault. Must be morbid curiosity.

I don't mind that people listen to him. I just get sick of them crying about what he says. You pretty much no what to expect with him. If it's going to ruin your day to hear him say it, turn the ******* channel.
Relax people this is not a serious problem, I am in the military and it happens all the time so should we stop exercise in the military or better yet lets stop the war. All they need to do from now on is drink plenty of water and gatorade. In most cases it has no long term effect.
SO CALM DOWN GEEEZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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