Gregg Doyel Blasts Iowa Football

It's a total opinion piece and Gregg Doyel's opinion is extreme and reactionary.

The only thing I do agree with him on is that when this all sorts out, someone might be fired. Most likely one of the S & C staff. Hopefully not the head man himself.

If Doyle gets fired for this it would be a huge loss for the program.
whether this clown is right or wrong is not what bothers me the most about this article. what bothers me is that he calls himself a journalist and apperantly does no journalistic work himself. makes no phone calls and doesnt seem to have done any leg work or investigating himself. he regurgitates info from press releases and shoots off his mouth and offers no more credibility than you or me on a message board, and you know what kind of nut jobs can be found here

EDIT: nut job may be a little strong, i take it back
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It's amusing seeing people jumping to conclusions w/out knowing the facts. The quantity admitted is what is concerning. The workouts are not. You all are nuts if you don't believe other schools have tough workouts such as these. If you do believe that, I also have some Iowa oceanfront property I'd like to sell you.

I know it's a message board and this topic makes for some good banter, but good lord, some need to think before posting.
You guys do realize that it is not normal for 12 athletes to have to go to the hospital following a workout, no matter how intense, right?

I don't think Doyle or anyone needs to be fired, but there should certainly be a university investigation into this matter and I am surprised by how casually most people are taking this.

its not normal, but that doesnt mean there isnt a reasonable explanation, which is what doyel is saying.
Maybe the workouts were so intense because this team was out of shape this season and stunk it up on the field? Not saying it was okay that they were so intense but I'm sure the players were worked a little more to let player's know they underperformed.
Even if he is partially right, that column is one of the stupidest, most reactionary pieces of writing I have ever read.
whether this clown is right or wrong is not what bothers me the most about this article. what bothers me is that he calls himself a journalist and apperantly does no journalistic work himself. makes no phone calls and doesnt seem to have done any leg work or investigating himself. he regurgitates info from press releases and shoots off his mouth and offers no more credibility than you or me on a message board, and you know what kind of nut jobs can be found here

EDIT: nut job may be a little strong, i take it back
Doyel is a columnist, not a journalist. He spouts opinion, not facts.
I don't agree with the article either. But, your response is on irony alert.:rolleyes:

Are you saying my response is stupid and reactionary? Nice.

Do me a favor, read his column again and tell me how many facts he knows. That's right, less even than we on this board do. Don't you think that's a little irresponsible on his part? He's calling for people's jobs after basically the equivalent of hearing a 5 minute summary of what happened. I know we don't hold columnists to the same standard as journalists anymore, but he's a paid professional in the field of journalism. There should be higher standards or the standards don't mean anything.

You guys better stop talkin bad about this guy. He spars professional fighters...for fun. He has broke his nose twice. Blood was all over, but he kept going. Dont mess with this guy....for God's sake.
I'm sure we are all waiting on when the Mr. Fulbright and his hard-hitting column The Sports Bank chimes in.
I have a question that I've never really understood. Why do Iowa fans hold Doyle (S&C coach) is such high regard? Iowa players haven't tested well at the NFL combine and obviously have had conditioning issues. I don't understand the fascination with the guy. He seems adequate I guess but nothing special when it comes to results.
I have a question that I've never really understood. Why do Iowa fans hold Doyle (S&C coach) is such high regard? Iowa players haven't tested well at the NFL combine and obviously have had conditioning issues. I don't understand the fascination with the guy. He seems adequate I guess but nothing special when it comes to results.

We didn't have "conditioning issues" until this year. And he's a big reason that we are able to take guys like Robert Gallery, Dallas Clark, etc. and turn them into college stars and NFL players.

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