Greg Davis Comments at I Club

Well you're an honorable man for saying so. I'm gonna steal a line from some of these people doubting the offensive changes however... "If it happens, I'll believe it when I see it". Honestly you aren't one of the posters who jumps out at me as being overly negative so I probably wouldn't even have noticed it regardless.

The part I don't understand is how terrible some people act like the Hawks are. I know it's a cliche' argument and I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but if the Hawks can figure things out schematically they have the talent to turn a lot of these close losses into wins. There are plenty of teams out there who figure out how to win more games than what their talent level suggests they can, and Iowa has talent. KF has been the leader of teams like that before. Now I understand last year's performance doesn't give people high hopes, but IF they can get on the same page and believe in eachother it isn't that far fetched to believe they have what it takes to surprise the Big 10.

I guess I just don't see the talent at the DE or WR positions. Iowa has basically struck out in recruiting at those positions over the past few years and it shows. Especially WR.
You know, I get everyone says the talent level at Texas during the Mack Brown/Greg Davis era was off the charts...ok, well, I still don't think you can just roll the ball out there and have the talent win a NC...or finish in the top 10 offensively every year. GD knew what he was doing and his teams executed and exploited their strengths. Now, is Iowa anywhere near that level of depth and talent, no they aren't. That being said, are we 111th in the country level of freaking way.

I think there was a bit of a perfect storm last year, injuries, a staff that maybe didn't necessarily buy in (see Soup), and a head coach that maybe put the clamps on going full ******...or committing fully to a new scheme. Throw in a WR corp and QB that could never really put it together, and you get what you saw on the field last year.

Something tells me things are a little different. GD has a new offensive coaching staff that knows what he wants to do, and it appears to me the HC has bought in. Don't get me wrong, we are still going to punish teams, but simply at a much different pace. Rudock and Sokol are accurate...that was evident the other day. If both the receivers and the QB read the same thing...we may have something. With a complete fall practice, I think this thing may look pretty decent by Aug. 31st. I just hope they choose a QB with at least a few weeks to the first he gets a ton of reps with the ones.
You know, I get everyone says the talent level at Texas during the Mack Brown/Greg Davis era was off the charts...ok, well, I still don't think you can just roll the ball out there and have the talent win a NC...or finish in the top 10 offensively every year. GD knew what he was doing and his teams executed and exploited their strengths. Now, is Iowa anywhere near that level of depth and talent, no they aren't. That being said, are we 111th in the country level of freaking way.

I think there was a bit of a perfect storm last year, injuries, a staff that maybe didn't necessarily buy in (see Soup), and a head coach that maybe put the clamps on going full ******...or committing fully to a new scheme. Throw in a WR corp and QB that could never really put it together, and you get what you saw on the field last year.

Something tells me things are a little different. GD has a new offensive coaching staff that knows what he wants to do, and it appears to me the HC has bought in. Don't get me wrong, we are still going to punish teams, but simply at a much different pace. Rudock and Sokol are accurate...that was evident the other day. If both the receivers and the QB read the same thing...we may have something. With a complete fall practice, I think this thing may look pretty decent by Aug. 31st. I just hope they choose a QB with at least a few weeks to the first he gets a ton of reps with the ones.

Its like you just walked in on your parents and now you are trying to tell yourself that they were just wrasslin. Or maybe it was group stretching. Please maybe there was a twister board somewhere.

Okay the Kirk offense looked pretty good with Banks. Looked good with Greene. So yes you need talent for some of these offenses. Thats why they call them playmakers.

So Iowa needs to come with Banks/ Greene type players or get a new coach who will run a different offense.

When you have a dual threat QB you make defenses do so many things. Who cares if you have a great OL if you cant pass the ball. Times have changed if you cant do multiple things then you need to hang it up.
I like to think Iowa's offensive line will be one of the best in the country. Ride those guys. Iowa has good backs and a good Oline. Grind it out in the running game, eat the clock, have a qb manage the offense and move the sticks, keep the defense off the field. I think a hurry up would let the opposing front 7's off the hook against this offensive line a little bit. Once you get that established, play action. It's Ken Okeefe 101, but with this group I think its ideal.

This. Our offensive line was injured and young last year. A good offensive line makes an average running back look great and an average quarterback look all-conference. A bad offensive line makes a great running back look awful and a good quarterback look horrible. It all starts with the front five on offense.
Its like you just walked in on your parents and now you are trying to tell yourself that they were just wrasslin. Or maybe it was group stretching. Please maybe there was a twister board somewhere.

Okay the Kirk offense looked pretty good with Banks. Looked good with Greene. So yes you need talent for some of these offenses. Thats why they call them playmakers.

So Iowa needs to come with Banks/ Greene type players or get a new coach who will run a different offense.

When you have a dual threat QB you make defenses do so many things. Who cares if you have a great OL if you cant pass the ball. Times have changed if you cant do multiple things then you need to hang it up.

A great OL will cure a LOT of ills. You CAN pass the ball with a great OL because your quarterback will have time to find receivers. Even calling our OL average last year was a stretch. When JVB drops back and immediately has to start looking for a scramble route instead of immediately start looking for receivers, you know the passing game isn't working. When our running backs consistently get hit at the line of scrimmage and have to rely on second effort for the 3 yard gains, you know the running game isn't working. And it's all dependent upon the OL.
How many years has Iowa had a good passing game under kirk?

How many years has Iowa had a good OL under Kirk?

At Iowa under Kirk a good OL does not mean a good passing game.
We don't NEED a great passing attack, just an average one to take the pressure off the running game. Our running game will explode with an average passing attack. After watching the spring game on the BTN, I'm very optimistic
I will believe it when I see it...If Iowa could just get first downs that would surly increases the number of plays ran.

Although an apparent typo, I do believe this would be the general attitude of the fans if a last year's offense is repeated. So, perhaps, it wasn't a typo at all.
Greg Davis confirmed tonight at the I Club dinner in Boone that we are likely to see a much different offense this year. He commented that Iowa averaged 28 snaps per half last year. 80 snaps took place in a half at the Spring game (40 for each offense). Bobby Kennedy should be a huge plus for this effort...he knows the Davis system. He said they intend to run more plays to wear down opposing defenses.

The low number of snaps last year had little to do with huddling-up. It was the three and out every third series.
Agree. The whole object of the game (either side of the ball) is to impose your will. The keys to doing that are speed, strength, technique and execution. If you lack a little in one area, you just try and make it up in another. That is all there is to it.

not to nit pick, but the object of the game is to outscore the opponent thus winning the contest.
The part I don't understand is how terrible some people act like the Hawks are. I know it's a cliche' argument and I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but if the Hawks can figure things out schematically they have the talent to turn a lot of these close losses into wins.

After 10 years of KOK running the same friggin' scheme I was getting peeved about hearing how this team just needed time to figure it out. Granted this is the second year of a different and more complicated offensive playbook but I will have low, low tolerance for that line of BS. The players can either put it together this year or we need to face one of two possibilities;

1. For the past 10 + years we've had the dumbest kids in NCAA football playing on the team that can't pick-up concepts or

2. Our coaching staff is inept at teaching schemes and concepts.

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