College athletes (well, really just men's FB and BB) are starting to realize that they have power, as displayed by the Missouri B team boycott last year. But of all of things for a team to decide to "take a stand" against, they are going to do so in support of teammates accused of sexual assault? It is possible that these players were falsely accused, but to my understanding, false accusations of sexual assault are very rare (Duke lacrosse case not withstanding). But even IF they are wrongly accused (an enormous IF), they have to realize that within the current culture there is NO WAY The University can back down in this case. Imagine the fallout if The U says, "These FB players were suspended for accusations of sexual assault, but we really want to go to a bowl game, so I guess we will just let it go."
There are only 2 possible outcomes: Minnesota forfeits a bowl appearance (after a really good season by their standards, by the way), or the team has to backpedal on their boycott. In all ways, shapes, and forms, this was a monumentally stupid decision by "the team."
There are only 2 possible outcomes: Minnesota forfeits a bowl appearance (after a really good season by their standards, by the way), or the team has to backpedal on their boycott. In all ways, shapes, and forms, this was a monumentally stupid decision by "the team."