Good read for Tebow-Haters


Well-Known Member
Column: Anti-Tebow bias isn't about football ?
All the hate for Tebow is getting really old and it seems like he is for some reason the easiest player to make fun of in the NFL for some reason. The guy doesn't do crazy off the field antics, and is overall a good christian man which guys like Jake Plummer are absolute A**HOLES and his comment about Tebow makes me sick. Tebow is a better person than 99% of the world and all this hate he gets, even when he is winning s terrible. I cannot listen to a sports show on the radio or watch a program with Colin Cowherd with out hearing Tebow hate. I think Tebow is overall a great person but I do not have the man crush quite like Kaldenberg has :rolleyes: ...Tebow is a good guy, and wish I could be half the man he is.
I agree with Plummer. I maybe could like the guy if he'd shut his trap about his faith. And that doesn't just go for him. Great - I'm glad you have faith. That's a good thing. But Tebow seems to like to rub peoples faces in it and thats why he rubs so many the wrong way. Luck is a goody two shoes too and I like him. So is RG3 and Aaron Rodgers and Brady and I like all of them.

Plus Tebow is a Bronco. I hate the Broncos.
I agree with Plummer. I maybe could like the guy if he'd shut his trap about his faith. And that doesn't just go for him. Great - I'm glad you have faith. That's a good thing. But Tebow seems to like to rub peoples faces in it and thats why he rubs so many the wrong way. Luck is a goody two shoes too and I like him. So is RG3 and Aaron Rodgers and Brady and I like all of them.

Plus Tebow is a Bronco. I hate the Broncos.

Tebow isn't even one of the more vocal athletes with his faith. ESPN just shows him like crazy. Kurt Warner was way more vocal about his faith but people rarely complained than
That's bull. Tebow ran his mouth continually at FLA about it. Not so much in the NFL but the bridge was crossed. Maybe he learned something.

Maybe the problem is ESPN. They force feed him to us.
Faith is a very delicate subject because of the reactions it draws out from people. But the Bible tells us we are to share our faith. I don't see anything wrong with what Tebow says or does. He has a platform and he uses it the way God intends us to use our gifts. God doesn't say be careful of who you are sharing your faith with, or what you say in public. Read what Mark 16:15 says or what Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 9:13. There are many other verses in Scripture that talk about sharing the gospel. I'm sure it does get old if you don't like Tebow and ESPN is showing Tebow, Tebow, Tebow. But I guess I just don't see anything wrong with it or don't see him enough to become annoyed.
I wouldn't hate Tebow so much if the MEDIA WASN'T CONSTANTLY TALKING ABOUT HIM AND SHOVING HIM IN MY FACE! Read this article Expert: Tim Tebow Overshadowing Several Of NFL's Other Religious Players | ThePostGame and especially the comments by Troy Polamalu. I don't have a problem with players being religious and talking about it. I have a problem with the media focusing on ONE player. The Acho brothers from UT go to Nigeria each summer on a medical mission, and Sam won the Wuerffel as a senior. Yet you never hear about these guys, just Tebow Tebow Tebow.
Hated hearing about Tebow with Florida {ESPN}. Now, not so much. I'm not religious but enjoy seeing a good guy do good. The media blows it way out of proportion with his religious views. If they would just focus on Tebow the football player...
You don't get attention if you don't win. If Tebow were to lose 75% of his games over the next three years he's not going to get near the attention he gets now. He's winning, he's a second year NFL player and everyone said he couldn't do it, but he's doing it. He's going to get attention as long as he keeps winning.

Tebow is being talked about all over the place. Why? Because he throws his faith in your face. It annoys me too, but it's a free country and he can do what he wants. I enjoy watching Tebow win because so many think a quarterback should be judged by his throwing ability. Tebow is proving a quarterback can add value in many other ways, and he's going to continue to prove it.

Tebow played D1 football at Florida, he won a National Championship and a Heisman. Then he was a first round draft pick. Now he's won 5 games in a row... and people still can't grasp it. Next step for Tebow will be playoffs, then it will be Super Bowl... and people still won't be able to grasp it.

It's amusing.
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You don't get attention if you don't win. If Tebow were to lose 75% of his games over the next three years he's not going to get near the attention he gets now. He's winning, he's a second year NFL player and everyone said he couldn't do it, but he's doing it. He's going to get attention as long as he keeps winning.

Tebow is being talked about all over the place. Why? Because he throws his faith in your face. It annoys me too, but it's a free country and he can do what he wants. I enjoy watching Tebow win because so many think a quarterback should be judged by his throwing ability. Tebow is proving a quarterback can add value in many other ways, and he's going to continue to prove it.

Do you have to change pants every time you type Tebow's name?
I agree with Plummer. I maybe could like the guy if he'd shut his trap about his faith. And that doesn't just go for him. Great - I'm glad you have faith. That's a good thing. But Tebow seems to like to rub peoples faces in it and thats why he rubs so many the wrong way. Luck is a goody two shoes too and I like him. So is RG3 and Aaron Rodgers and Brady and I like all of them.

Plus Tebow is a Bronco. I hate the Broncos.

This was worth quoting in full, as I agree with every word of it.

And you know how over the top it is when Warner is telling you to tone it down (and I like Warner, too).
You don't get attention if you don't win. If Tebow were to lose 75% of his games over the next three years he's not going to get near the attention he gets now. He's winning, he's a second year NFL player and everyone said he couldn't do it, but he's doing it. He's going to get attention as long as he keeps winning.

Tebow is being talked about all over the place. Why? Because he throws his faith in your face. It annoys me too, but it's a free country and he can do what he wants. I enjoy watching Tebow win because so many think a quarterback should be judged by his throwing ability. Tebow is proving a quarterback can add value in many other ways, and he's going to continue to prove it.

Tebow played D1 football at Florida, he won a National Championship and a Heisman. Then he was a first round draft pick. Now he's won 5 games in a row... and people still can't grasp it. Next step for Tebow will be playoffs, then it will be Super Bowl... and people still won't be able to grasp it.

It's amusing.

I like Tebow, but you love him. Kind of a Teblow thing for you, I guess.

You're amusing. Check out my new gallery of inaccurate predictions in my sig, dude!
The more people get all butt hurt by him, the more I like him. If his faith bothers you, thats a you problem.

and lol at the guy who thinks Cowherd hates tebow
All I can say is this; THE GUY BUILDS CHILDRENS HOSPITALS!!!!!!!!

What have any of you douchebags done in your lives that can even come close to equaling that?

If he wants to praise the lord and do good, wow, what a horrible thing.

We should probably tear him down....

Truth is this guy does more good with his life that anyone else who has posted in this thread has done combined.

Jealousy is an ugly thing I guess.
I don't care one way or the other regarding his faith. That's not what annoys me. What annoys me are people like Kaldenberg, who insist that because Tebow is 7-1 against a pathetic slate of teams, he's a good quarterback. He wins, but the Chiefs won a lot last year, too. It doesn't make him a good passer (which is a quarterback's primary function).

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