Ghost Sightings: 6 Observations from the MSU game


1. While moral victories don't show up in the win-loss column, they still stand for something. For a team that has become accoustomed to getting their brains beaten in, putting up an effort like that is worth something. I would guess their legs feel a little fresher late in future games because they know they can compete if they try. Additionally, opposing coaches will be telling their players before the Hawkeyes come to town that they cannot afford to go to sleep on them.

2. The Spartans obviously went to sleep in the 2nd half. You really can't deny that they stopped trying as hard. Even the crowd didn't seem to care as much. However, that makes the fight Iowa put in all that more impressive. Often in sports, there is kind of an unwritten code that when there is a big lead, one side lays off, and the other lays off as well. The Hawks failed to get that message, and good for them. The easy thing would have been to slow down.

3. It is hard to think of what could have been. As crazy as it seems, we could have won that game. As good as Aaron Fuller played, I can't help but think of the layup and two free throws he missed with about 4 minutes left. If he conencts on that, it is a two point game, and we have a legit chance of cashing that one in. However, he missed them, MSU's offense recovered, and we let it slip away.

4. Cully Payne needs to start making better decisions. I understand that he is young and these things take time, but I have not seen any other freshman guards throw multiple passes out of bounds. And regardless of how good you feel about it, a 30 foot three pointer is never a good shot.

5. Jarryd Cole really impressed me tonight. After picking up a dumb third foul about half a second into the 2nd half, I figured he would "Worley" it and ride the pine most of the game. However, Lick kept him on the floor, and he stayed out of foul trouble and continued to produce. Without his defensive presence in the lane, MSU wins this by double digits easily.

6. Responding to games like this is how coaches make their bread. I promise you Izzo will have his team frothing at the mouth when they play their next game at Minnesota. How will Lick get his team to respond at Indiana? Is this game a stepping stone, or just an abboration. As crazy as it may seem, Lick has a golden opportunity to win some converts and gets some butts in the seats. Let's see how he and the team responds in Bloomington.
Read a lot of your stuff Ghost, and gotta say you're a straight-shooter. So when you start talking about moral victories (although it is really W's and L's), makes me feel like it wasn't in my head and the team we saw on the court tonight really did have some fight. Oh, and again I'm very impressed with Eric May. The energy he brings to the floor helps all of them step it up. Love that shot he blocked on that fast break Penn State had on Sat.
Read a lot of your stuff Ghost, and gotta say you're a straight-shooter. So when you start talking about moral victories (although it is really W's and L's), makes me feel like it wasn't in my head and the team we saw on the court tonight really did have some fight. Oh, and again I'm very impressed with Eric May. The energy he brings to the floor helps all of them step it up. Love that shot he blocked on that fast break Penn State had on Sat.

Thanks. I love the Hawks, but my first allegiance is always to the truth. That being said, there are few on this forum more cynical than I am, but I am willing to call this a moral victory. When you are not supposed to stand a chance, there are two ways to react to that. Lick's boys picked the good way.

Just as a playground athlete, I know that when you can compete with a great team, you feel like you can take anybody's best shot. Losing is hard, but knowing that you can win is important.

As for May, I also agree. He seems to be benefitting from Tucker's absence, and he provides things that Tucker can't (or just won't) like defense, defense, shot selection, energy, and defense. While others have been filling Tucker's void in other ways (Fuller is scoring, Payne is logging minutes, and Little Lick is missing 3's), May's ascention is providing something Tucker never could.

I think it will be good in the long run.
"As for May, I also agree. He seems to be benefitting from Tucker's absence, and he provides things that Tucker can't (or just won't) like defense, defense, shot selection, energy, and defense. While others have been filling Tucker's void in other ways (Fuller is scoring, Payne is logging minutes, and Little Lick is missing 3's), May's ascention is providing something Tucker never could."

I also think it's fair to say Eric's ceiling is quite a bit higher than Anthony's. That block he had tonight was sick!
I've been very impressed with who Fuller has played the last couple games. That kid can jump. I've thought for a couple weeks that this team is improving. Take away the the periods where we can't buy a shot and we turn the ball over, this team isn't that bad.
This Ghost guy is borderline bipolar it seems.

Naw. He's just telling the truth. And truth is we saw a better team tonight than we've seen for probably all season so far. Just be nice if they could score early and have that defensive tenacity all game instead of when they get down about 18 points.
"As for May, I also agree. He seems to be benefitting from Tucker's absence, and he provides things that Tucker can't (or just won't) like defense, defense, shot selection, energy, and defense. While others have been filling Tucker's void in other ways (Fuller is scoring, Payne is logging minutes, and Little Lick is missing 3's), May's ascention is providing something Tucker never could."

I also think it's fair to say Eric's ceiling is quite a bit higher than Anthony's. That block he had tonight was sick!

I wish Eric May was 6'7
Best game they have played all year. Could it be ever more evident that the Hawks need another good pg to help Cully out for next year. The incoming freshman will add a lot to this squad but a significant piece is still missing at the pg position.
1. While moral victories don't show up in the win-loss column, they still stand for something. For a team that has become accoustomed to getting their brains beaten in, putting up an effort like that is worth something. I would guess their legs feel a little fresher late in future games because they know they can compete if they try. Additionally, opposing coaches will be telling their players before the Hawkeyes come to town that they cannot afford to go to sleep on them.

2. The Spartans obviously went to sleep in the 2nd half. You really can't deny that they stopped trying as hard. Even the crowd didn't seem to care as much. However, that makes the fight Iowa put in all that more impressive. Often in sports, there is kind of an unwritten code that when there is a big lead, one side lays off, and the other lays off as well. The Hawks failed to get that message, and good for them. The easy thing would have been to slow down.

3. It is hard to think of what could have been. As crazy as it seems, we could have won that game. As good as Aaron Fuller played, I can't help but think of the layup and two free throws he missed with about 4 minutes left. If he conencts on that, it is a two point game, and we have a legit chance of cashing that one in. However, he missed them, MSU's offense recovered, and we let it slip away.

4. Cully Payne needs to start making better decisions. I understand that he is young and these things take time, but I have not seen any other freshman guards throw multiple passes out of bounds. And regardless of how good you feel about it, a 30 foot three pointer is never a good shot.

5. Jarryd Cole really impressed me tonight. After picking up a dumb third foul about half a second into the 2nd half, I figured he would "Worley" it and ride the pine most of the game. However, Lick kept him on the floor, and he stayed out of foul trouble and continued to produce. Without his defensive presence in the lane, MSU wins this by double digits easily.

6. Responding to games like this is how coaches make their bread. I promise you Izzo will have his team frothing at the mouth when they play their next game at Minnesota. How will Lick get his team to respond at Indiana? Is this game a stepping stone, or just an abboration. As crazy as it may seem, Lick has a golden opportunity to win some converts and gets some butts in the seats. Let's see how he and the team responds in Bloomington.

I think this is pretty much spot on. Lick needs to get a lot of credit for keeping these guys motivated when the outlook is so grim.
"While others have been filling Tucker's void in other ways (Fuller is scoring, Payne is logging minutes, and Little Lick is missing 3's)"

Brutal :)
Good post Ghost.

Eric May had two or three blocks tonight that were awesome in the true sense of the word. He has a chance to be a very special college player. He needs to work on his handle and become more consistent on his shot, but he is already a special athlete and an all-out hustler. Of all the guys on this team, he's the quintessential "guy you'd most want to go to war with." If the choice is between him and Tucker, I'd much rather see May get the minutes. If Tucker is allowed back, let him try to pick up Bawinkel's role as a designated (but more discriminating) shooter, since the old Bawinkel is MIA this season.

Damn the Knitting Lady and the Book Worm--thanks to their little mispronunciation game one night last season, every time I think of Bawinkel I can hear them saying "Bow...Bawl...Bawinky...Bullwinkle..."
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Respect (and share) your allegiance, in the same order, Ghost. The "truth" is there if you have a little common sense, some rational thought and some basic reasoning skills to draw a conclusion. It ain't rocket science but you do have to pay attention to the nuances. Nice work on that.

Anyway, your observations are consistent with 3 things I care about this year:

1) Play hard, all game -- in Lick's original words: play like champions.
2) Begin to show some semblence of competitive, cohesive basketball -- in Lick's original words: play like a team where all players understand each teammates' skills / weaknesses and works toward each other's success. In short, play with poise and compliment each other.
3) Everyone who is eligible returns -- in my words: no transfers (for eye rolling excuses).

That's it. I already know there's likely only 1, maybe 2 wins left this year. As you alluded, it goes a long way to see this team continue to develop, more importantly, to continue to show the conscientiousness and compassionate to want to compete and improve. All of this indicates pride and commitment to being a Hawkeye and being coached by Lick. Those are key characteristics to cement this foundation when additional talent and skills arrive next year.
I didn't pay attention to game time and was out and about doing some things that needed to be done. Got home and turned the tube on waiting for the game to start and there was 2:30 left in the game and was surprised at the score. Got to see a exciting but disappointing ending. Hopefully this will carry on to the next road game but the road is tough.
This Ghost guy is borderline bipolar it seems.

Bipolar? No. He just goes on tangents. In fact, Ghosty, can you make us a flow chart of your tangents? That would be sweet.

Bipolar would mean I switch between various periods of mania and then deep depression. I never get depressed.

could catergorize myself like that guy from A Beautiful Mind, where in I am such a genuis, it is difficult to focus my thoughts. That is where the flow charts come in handy. However, I do not have Ed Harris telling me what to do, which is why I don't need to be institutionalized.

Besides my amazing intelligence, my second best feature is my modesty.

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