Ghost Sightings: 6 Observations from the MSU game

Bipolar would mean I switch between various periods of mania and then deep depression. I never get depressed.

could catergorize myself like that guy from A Beautiful Mind, where in I am such a genuis, it is difficult to focus my thoughts. That is where the flow charts come in handy. However, I do not have Ed Harris telling me what to do, which is why I don't need to be institutionalized.

Besides my amazing intelligence, my second best feature is my modesty.

Less talk, more flow charts.
Ghost Sightings...I like that title

I might have to start doing this after every game. Of course, the down side is going to be I have to sit and watch every game. It seems worth it not to let a good headline get wasted.

Speaking of wasted, Storm, I totally intended to do some flowcharts today, but the weirdest thing happened. I met some friends, and wound up getting wasted in a bowling alley. I didn't plan on it, but being in the middle of a 2 day work week made my Ennui get the better of me.

I decided not to flow chart. My friend talked me out of it. Friends don't let friends drink and derive...


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